Friday, November 20, 2020

not like this

  We have to allow this to run the course no mater how upsetting it becomes. What I'm talking about is the results of the election, the counting of ballots, and the decision of the judges. It is becoming painfully obvious to me that the majority of the claims being made are being rejected by the courts. I hear there is a lack of evidence. The Democrats naturally insist that is because there was no wrongdoing. I have to point out they did have a different attitude during the hearings for Justice Kavanaugh and the impeachment proceedings for President Trump. With Kavanaugh an accusation made by a person that could neither remember when, or were, the supposed infraction took place was good enough. Witnesses from a high school yearbook was admissible evidence, indeed touted as concrete evidence. As far as the impeachment proceedings the "whistleblower" is still a secret. It's so secret that no one knows who that was, even today! It's as secret as the location of Jimmy Hoffa but that deposition, supposedly taken in the basement was enough to precipitate millions of dollars in investigation and countless man hours. In the end, nothing could be proven. The Democrats have cried foul ever since. The Republicans questioning the election count however are being called ridiculous and sore losers. They should just accept whatever results are put forth, like the whistleblower; unquestioned. 
 I have no doubt this will eventually be presented to the Supreme court. As to whether the court will listen or not, I really can't say. As much as I listen to the news, read things on social media and other news outlets, I am aware that I really don't know everything. All the cards have not been laid upon the table, yet. If there was any manipulation of the results, and I'm quite sure there was, those doing so will have thought about all the ways to cover that up. I'm not underestimating those people, I'm certain they know all that needs to be is a shadow of a doubt. We are, after all, talking about a national election. Nothing to trifle with. It was evident before the ballots were cast that violence would be the answer if the results aren't what was expected from certain factions. One of those factions is already demanding payment for their "participation" in all of that. The silence from those groups today is deafening. 
 Now we have to combine all of that tension, that apprehension with the threat of this virus. It is taking a great surge just before the holidays and before the court hears any arguments. Coincidence? I'm not convinced of that. Listened to the head of the CDC yesterday and got a mixed message. According to him the data says children don't spread the virus and there is no reason schools should be closed. On the other hand if you get families together, well that causes the spread of coronavirus. They have 100 million kits ready to administer the vaccine when it becomes available. First responders and medical people will get that first, you know, to keep them all alive. I can't help but think, who is wearing the most protective gear, has access to all methods of prevention? Who has been trained in all of that the most? It isn't the children that much is certain. Oh, that's right the children don't get covid. There are about 328 million people in America, we have 100 million kits available, eliminate the children and old people, we should enough kits for everyone that needs it. Of course we do need the vaccine which is almost ready but even after having developed a plan, since March, we can't distribute it to everyone until maybe next spring. The General in charge didn't say that though, he said we were ready the next day. Fauci says otherwise, I wonder who is telling the truth? 
 In the end it looks like Biden gets to be President, at least for a little while, until he is replaced by Harris. Harris then gets to nominate a vice-president. The 25th amendment explains how that works. The country will get locked down, despite all their claims to the contrary. This is a conditioning technique. Afterward any "freedom" allowed will be viewed differently. Almost gratefully. As long as the government continues to provide "stimulus" and a "vaccine" to save your life, a good many will just go along with all of this. Will all of this fundamentally change America? Well that depends upon the Congress. If changes to our Constitution are made, fundamental changes regarding our rights the answer has to be yes. The President whoever he or she may be can be replaced, either through another election or other mechanisms provided in that Constitution. What needs to be replaced, in my opinion, is the Congress. Far too many owing far too many others. Congressmen were supposed to be Citizen legislators, not career politicians. We need to go back to that! One term and done. No pay, no perks. That's how it was envisioned, not like this.          

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