Thursday, May 21, 2020

who is to profit?

 It has been reported that universal testing is becoming available. The push is on. Everyone should be tested for Covid 19 whether they have symptoms or not! The media has been doing their best to make everyone paranoid. Many are sufficiently scared to submit to testing or anything else just by the government saying so. Control is being achieved. The Mayor of Baltimore has announced all summer gatherings of 250 people or more are canceled. The larger churches have gatherings exceeding that number, are they to remain closed? The Mayor didn't mention that. Events include fourth of July celebrations, Art Scape, Hon fest, and others that generates millions of dollars. The message is; we mustn't gather in groups anymore for the good of public health! Well, at least until everyone is tested. And how are we to know when that happens? We won't, but the plan is to get sufficient numbers of people to get a " vaccination. " Yes, this is turning into a campaign for a, as yet to be developed, vaccine.  Can we trust the results of a mandated testing program when positive results are to the benefit of those insisting upon the testing? In my way of thinking it would be like taking your car to a mechanic. I don't care if it just rolled off the assembly line yesterday, he's going to tell you, you need something. Hey before you even buy that new car the salesman are trying to sell you undercoating or some protection plan! Yeah, you tested positive for Covid 19.. That doesn't mean you will actually get sick from it but you need to be vaccinated. It's not for you, it's for others! A useful tool if you are selling a product, even if you make that product " free. " The test was negative, but you should get a vaccination to prevent you from getting this deadly disease. Hey it has a mortality rate of nearly 2%. It has been estimated that 88,000 people die of alcoholism every year but we kept the liquor stores open! The reason? It was to prevent alcoholics from suffering withdrawal and possibly dying! No cry for testing, no cry for a vaccine, no cry for a cure at all. No, just keep the doors open. 
 Now I understand the need for precautions. What I don't understand is this push for control. The government has closed the doors to the churches, closed the door to business, the economy is in a downward spiral. Yes the government is giving out stimulus money, adding to unemployment checks, handing out loans to small businesses. The reality is even the government will run out of money. Then what? You need only look as far back the great depression. Soup lines, homelessness. poverty and government help! The civilian conservation corps was established to put hundreds to work. Yes, they were government projects, construction projects accomplished using the cheapest labor possible. But it was a great thing, right? Was it really. Yes social security was established, a social program. A program that has since been expanded to include just about anyone at all. And today I'm being told until you are tested and vaccinated nothing will reopen, nothing will return as you once knew it. You will submit to the new order. A vaccine is the only answer! 
 As with all things you only need to answer one question. Who is to profit? You figure that out and you will quickly understand the situation. Yes, there is a lot of money and power at stake here. Make no mistake about that. I have said it from day one, and I haven't changed my opinion one bit. There is a great deal more to this than we are being told. This is a global thing, not just the United States. International finances are at stake. Think oil, think Asian manufacturing, think globally! Who is to profit? The whole global warming gambit failed to achieve the results some had hoped. The whole terrorist things failed to accomplish global instability. But a pandemic? Now, here's an opportunity if we can only leverage it correctly. I don't believe it is a big conspiracy, that this was planned. I do believe it is being used as an opportunity by those that control the purse strings! If history is to be believed that is the case. The Black death changed the European economy, the Spanish Flu in 1918 altered the economy in the United States. Fear is a great motivator, religions use fear to motivate, governments use fear, heck your own parents used fear to motivate you. The invisible enemy that will kill us all, unless we are tested and vaccinated that is.  

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