Thursday, May 7, 2020

idle words

 I guess I'm not much good at idle conversation. I always expect a conversation to go somewhere. I don't always like where it goes, that's true, but I do expect it to go somewhere. I grow bored rather quickly with chit-chat. I remember the " chat " rooms from years back when AOL was still a thing. I even enjoyed participating in some of those chats. I was amused by the obvious. People weren't always being truthful in those chats, at least that was my determination. I certainly never took any of that seriously. Of course that was back in the day when I enjoyed a few adult beverages in the evening and would amuse myself with that foolishness. I don't know but I'm guessing Facebook and others put an end to that, although I've heard those chat rooms still exist somewhere. Some of the folks on there had " handles " like we did during the big CB craze. I never had a handle but my brother did, the Red Rooster. LOL. 10-4 good buddy. There was a lot of fabricating of lives going on there as well. But it all quickly degenerated into what we see on social media today.
 A conversation is an informal exchange of ideas, thoughts and experiences. It's a two way street. Sometimes we are going the same way on that street and at others opposite directions. It doesn't mean there has to be a head on collision though. That seems to happen more frequently than it did in the past. Of course a conversation and a discussion are different things. I'm expecting a conversation to lead to discussion, which it often does not in this day and age. That is where the wheels fall off the wagon. It seems many mistake discussion for argument. Or at least it is perceived as an argument when you don't immediately change your position. For me discussion may lead to debate. I love to debate. Debate shouldn't lead to anomonisty but it often does. That's when the name calling begins. It's also the point where I become amused. I don't take it to heart. Oh at the moment I will react, I am human like everyone else and have feelings, but shortly afterwards I will set that aside.
 I frequently employ sarcasm. Yes I'm aware that it is form of mockery. It's just that I can't help but point out the irony in certain situations. I do believe if you are going to talk the talk, you have to walk the walk. You can't call me a bully while you are attempting to bully me. Sorry if that offends you, but I do find it ironic. It's like you telling me I'm doing this for you, because it benefits me. What? I'm open minded, non-judgmental and inclusive but you are not! Ah, isn't that a judgement on your part? Or is there a rule book somewhere that I'm not aware of? When I don't agree with you I'm wrong? Why is that? Well, it's your judgement isn't it? See how that works? When my parents said to me, " this isn't open for discussion " I knew right away debate wasn't possible. In fact any debate will end with, " because I said so. " Well that's the end of that conversation. " A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle. "  ( Khalil Gibran )

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