Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Being Candid

 It was a question on Facebook. What do you think has changed the most in America? I paraphrased that question a bit but that is what I thought was being asked. I'm going out on a limb there as I realize that today it should be a direct quote, cross-referenced with links provided to verify the validity of the quote. Yes, today you had better be prepared to provide references and substantive evidence. But I will continue on. It is my thinking that what has changed the most is what I would call, emotional fragility. " You could call it acting like a bunch of big babies and that wouldn't be far off the mark. I do question when people are going to just grow up and act like adults! You have to admit you do hear a lot of rhetoric about being empowered, about acceptance, inclusiveness and empathy. You hear so much of that it is making entire generations emotional cripples! That's the way I see it. I know, I know, I'm just an old man without feelings, whatever. But it is time to put on our big boy pants and put an end to this nonsense. Oh poor me, it's not fair. Life ain't fair, never has been, never will be. Get over it.
 There is right and wrong. Yes, I know some today can't quite grasp that concept, they feel triggered. It isn't fair. When we were nothing more than colonies of Great Britain and under her rule there came a point when we said, it isn't fair! Yes that was the big gripe wasn't it? Taxation without representation is tyranny. We were all taught that in school, at least when I was in grade school we were. We, the colonies, decided it just wasn't fair or right. The result was a Declaration. The need existed to declare out intentions. Now most of us know the opening sentences and perhaps a few bits and pieces of that famous document. There is a line in there that I would apply to today just as readily: " To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. " That's where emotional fragility comes into the picture. What were they saying? Candid; truthful, straightforward and frank is what candid means and what their intentions were when listing all the offenses the king had committed against the colonies. Those signers put their lives on the line in doing so. Five of them where captured by the British and imprisoned as traitors. Others that enjoyed great wealth died penniless. But these men felt compelled to tell the truth and sign their names to that truth. They even began with that very statement. " We hold these truths to be self evident. " Candid, it certainly was and it is time we were candid once again.
 I could list all the things I feel are wrong but I'm not going to do that. I am going to ask you to take a candid look at current legislation and proposed legislative measures. Undocumented immigrants, illegal aliens, dreamers, whatever term you wish to apply are being granted the same rights as citizens. Is that fair? But set that aside for a moment. What of this proposal that everyone get money every month during this crisis. Of course no one is saying how long the crisis will  last, or what is the determining factor in its' length. No, instead we hear about stages and phases. The government has already distributed trillions of dollars in tax payers money. Yes, trillions of your money if you are a tax payer. How much was distributed to those that aren't citizens, never paid taxes, were already collecting government assistance ( welfare ) and those that really didn't need it at all? Yes, I know there was a cut-off at 75, 000 dollars adjusted gross income. I even mentioned it about myself, I haven't received any money yet, but being on a fixed income this corvid virus stuff hasn't effected my income at all. I'm certain this true for thousands, if not millions of others. Yet, we are all included and there is talk of giving out more. Additional funds have been provided for those that are collecting unemployment. So much so it has incentivized some workers to want to just stay that way! There are getting more money by not working! 
 Well I guess I wandered off a bit. What I am saying is, it is time for some candid talk! I don't care if your feelings are hurt, if you feel minimized. or any of that. No, time to grow up and make those tough choices that adults have to make. Sometimes those decisions can cost us. The signers of the Declaration were aware of that, acutely aware. It was written in the document itself. " We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our scared honor. " That is what it says. They also pointed out they relied upon the " protection of divine providence " in this endeavor. That's right, they relied upon God, to have their back. For God and Country isn't some catch phrase. Yes it is past time we all had a candid discussion about all of this! First however we must regain our emotional fortitude. That's what is lacking today. That's why I say that is what has changed the most, too many people just giving the answer others want to hear instead of  telling the truth. Wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings or God forbid, trigger them. Funny how it was decided we could practice social distancing at Walmart and the Liquor store, but not at the Church. Guess those going to those places are far more concerned, far more Christian in their approach to others than those going to church. The founding fathers felt it imperative to include the " protection of divine providence " and now we are being told, " just stay home. " Well unless you need something from Walmart or another bottle of booze. 

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