Wednesday, May 27, 2020

calm down

 It's easy to get caught up in all the hype. It seems to me that is the job of the press these days. No longer a forum to present unbiased, researched information. it's all headlines and bullet statements. At the moment I'm hearing about murder hornets! Better shelter in place. In between all the gloom and doom about covid 19 , nursing home deaths, puppies being abused, corrupt politicians and the children, its for the children, there is little else being talked about. Everyone is a hero and should receive special care and compensation, the front line workers waging a war to help you survive! Yes, it's all a gloomy situation, why it's a PANDEMIC! A word pulled from the dictionary and brought to the forefront. For a short while all we heard was N-95. You needed to wear a N-95 mask. and now any old piece of cloth will do! As long as you wear it when you are told to, that is. I suspect that will continue until you are properly vaccinated.  It's the only way we can be sure that you don't have covid-19, isn't that what is being stressed? The vaccine will not be to protect you, it will be necessary to protect others. Well, because you could be a carrier. But they aren't calling it that these days, you are being called a depositor! Notice the subtle change in wording? If you are a carrier that implies you have the virus, but a depositor, now a depositor just goes around leaving that virus everywhere! You have to be contained! A vaccine will do that, for others, not for you. after all you are already immune right, you are just spreading it around. 
 I'm not saying this virus, which by the way has a recovery rate north of 98%, isn't a serious thing. I'm not saying we shouldn't take precautions and measures to slow the spread. But I am saying don't get caught up in all the hype. There is considerable money to be made from all of this. make no mistake about that. Just a few months ago all we heard about was big pharma. Big pharma was to blame for health insurance costs, big pharma was killing the population, big pharma was an evil giant! They lobby congress buying whatever permits required, buying approval. And now what is the mantra? Big Pharma is going to save us. They are working at a fever pitch to develop a vaccine, in record time, bypassing protocols, testing, and trials to race to save us! And many of you are encouraging all of that. Yes, the promise is the vaccine will be free! Big Pharma to the rescue, they will provide this miraculous vaccine at no cost! No, they will be paid, by someone , somewhere, somehow and that is a fact. It may be China that provides the formulation! We aren't worried about any of that however, just get the vaccine! I'm going to make a prediction. The vaccine will become available following the election regardless of the outcome of that election. I'll go as far to say it'll be before Christmas, before the holiday shopping season begins in earnest. Commerce will resume. What we all need to do right now is, calm down! Don't believe all the hype. 

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