Saturday, May 30, 2020


 Making the morning coffee falls to whoever gets up first. It's usually my wife. Still it's not unheard of that I do it. The pot is usually empty, washed out, and ready to go. We use a percolator because I believe perked coffee is the best. Now it's something the wife does religiously, wash out the pot. I mean wash it out with soap and water. Yes, she does her best to remove the seasoning. In contrast I will simply rinse it out. Hey it gets disinfected with that boiling hot coffee so there is no worries as far as I'm concerned. She does the same thing to my coffee mug. I have been using the same mug for a number of years now, the grandkids gave it to me and it declares that they love me! I love them too. I also love my coffee mug to be seasoned, so it's a constant struggle. I have my coffee mug that I used on my last ship. It doesn't hold quite as much due to buildup up seasoning. Any Navy man would understand exactly what I'm talking about. You never, ever, wash a man's mug out with soap and water! Rinse at best and most of the time not even that. The coffee will kill any known germ, virus or bacteria! Probably why I don't have covid 19! Even that can't stand up to a well seasoned coffee mug. And that brings me to my next thought. Are we cleaning ourselves to death?
 We've all heard that before, jokingly. Well every joke is funny because it holds a bit of truth. We can relate to that. I do believe that we are creating unnecessary problems for ourselves in that regard. You can't build up an immunity to something you are never exposed to. You don't have to be an immunologist to understand that. The world is a dirty place, better get used to it. Really it's not much different than adjusting to whatever climate you are in. What's too hot and what's too cold? All depends upon who you ask. I think we have to season our bodies as well as our coffee mugs. In that way we are protected. I agree it was a great thing to discover those germs and to prevent putting then into our bodies. I'm thinking of surgical procedures, things like that. Yes, keep dirt out of open wounds and Drs. please wash your hands. The science proves the necessity for that. But I'm talking about everyday things, everyday activities. Yes it is a good practice to wear a face mask to avoid spreading germs when you are aware that you have those germs, or are going to be sticking your face into open wounds. Yup, that's a great idea, a necessary one in fact. But what about the use of hand sanitizer on a regular basis, as a matter of course? Is that a good thing? Some research is showing that it isn't.
 Germophobic, is that a word? It some cases it is called a disorder. Seems to me we are teaching that behavior these days. I see little children reaching for the hand sanitizer, hearing their concerns about, is it safe? Yes, I've heard small children say that, amazing isn't it? Wasn't anything I thought about, that's for sure. I picked wild berries and ate them, apples, peaches the same. Shined my apple on the seat of my pants before taking that first bite. Little kids, really little kids, put everything in their mouths. Why do they do that? Just checking it out is all, a natural thing to do. I want to know what it looks like, feels like and tastes like. I quickly learn what doesn't taste good. Still can't explain why I ate that white paste glue in kindergarten, but I sure did. Didn't hurt me. Eating those crab apples though, that's a different story.
 Now consider life in general. There are good days and bad days. We met good people, bad people and everything in between. Every interaction we have with others is like a spice, it seasons our lives. We soon learn to avoid the bitter and go for the sweet. Then we learn that too much sweet isn't a good thing either, a little bitter is necessary to add some zest. Yes and that's why we say adding zest to our live,. it is a seasoning. I'd say I was well seasoned. Too late to clean me up. Fact is, I'm best with just a quick rinse, having absorbed the flavors of life. I may not be the flavors you like though. Just don't kill me over it.   

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