Monday, May 4, 2020

only time

 Numerous online sources are reporting a marked decrease in crime and arrests. Seems as though when you order people to stay at home, they aren't out committing crimes. That seems logical enough. I haven't heard anything about that on the television news though. You'd think they would at least mention a positive note, but guess not. Of course my guess is things will get back to normal quick enough. We'll go back to robbing, shooting, and killing one another soon enough. But for now, the Police have a little less to deal with. DWI's have dropped significantly, the drunks are staying home. Another positive thing. Another story said how fewer people, especially heart patients, are being admitted to hospitals, being treated at home. Also sounds reasonable enough to me, but not as profitable. I wonder if there is a correlation that could be made there? The article I read didn't mention that more people died or had further complications being treated at home, just that fewer were being admitted. Maybe that'll start a new trend, house calls by a Doctor and treatment at home. Imagine that, just like it used to be in the 1950's. Maybe it'll become another retro fad thing. LOL Well I guess the doctor won't actually come to your house it'll be a virtual visit. Video visit or whatever they call that. I was offered that by my cardiologist and declined. I really can't see where it would have been of any benefit. I mean just what is he going to see? I just told him on the phone, I feel like James Brown, I FEEL GOOD.
 I keep hearing how things will never be normal again. I suppose that is true. I don't believe people are going to actually change their behaviors in any significant fashion following this crisis. We humans have a way of moving on. The only way to keep these " changes " is to keep the pandemic. the narrative alive. Yes, that's an unfortunate truth. If the government were to give the " all clear " tomorrow, in a weeks time you wouldn't see any masks, no social distancing, hand sanitizer forgotten and shelves full of toilet paper! But it won't be the old normal, it'll be a new normal. Just what that will look like I can't say. I can say I am seeing a response being driven by fear. What's the threat? We are all going to die if we don't stay inside, self quarantine and receive a vaccine as soon as possible. It's the only way. In his 1933 inaugural address Roosevelt famously said. There is nothing to fear, but fear itself. " He wasn't the first person to express that sentiment. Fear is a tremendous motivator, just a motivator in the wrong direction. Fear leads to inaction, when decisive action is required. I'm not saying be foolhardy or reckless, but do not allow fear to control your choices. You will inevitably choose to do nothing. Sheltering in place, as it were.
 I can see, in the future the use of masks becoming a common practice. We all know about the N-95 mask today. I'd suggest six weeks ago  not many knew anything about those masks. If I had said, I have an N-95 mask for sale would it have sold? Doubtful. today I could have people in a bidding war to get one! Why is that? Because the news informed us all so, since modifying that requirement to, any old scarf will do. The narrative having changed from you need a medical grade mask to protect you from covid 19.  But, wait a minute, isn't covid 19 a deadly disease? A viral infection that will kill us all? We don't need medical grade protection from a medical grade virus? Then just why do Drs., nurses and all health care professionals wear medical grade masks? Wouldn't a scarf be just as good? And if we all wore masks, all the time, wouldn't that prevent the spread of the common cold, the flu, and all other viral and biological infections related to the respiratory system? Not only that, no one else would catch my cold. But we won't do that because we aren't afraid of the common cold. Sure it can, and does, lead to more serious conditions and people die from that, but there is no vaccine. In the last few years they have developed a pneumonia vaccine for us old people. I have doubts about that, but that's a personal thing. I have doubts about the flu vaccine too, again a personal choice, no thanks.
 Well, I have no doubt we will return to a normal state at some point. This pandemic will be forgotten rather quickly. The economic effect will not. Future responses to any flu's or infectious diseases will be more immediate and severe. Face coverings will enter our fashion sense. It did so during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. As you know, that quickly faded away, remembered by some for a time as an amusing tale to tell the grandchildren, today mostly forgotten. When the politicians, the movers and shakers have extracted all they figure they can from this, the narrative will change once again. A miracle vaccine developed in record time! Everyone report to the vaccination center to receive the vaccine and perhaps get a check for doing so. The promise of 1200 dollars has kept things fairly calm this far, although protests are on the rise. I give this whole deal another month. Something will happen, some event will overshadow this and serve as a distraction. It's only a matter of time and the machinations of man.     

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