Friday, November 15, 2019

round two

 Today is round two of the impeachment hearings. Yes, I'll be listening. I'm not sure what to expect after having watched the first day. All I heard that day was a bunch of hearsay testimony. The fact that both of those witnesses actually witnessed nothing at all, and are diplomats, wasn't lost on me. I'll see who the Democrats present today. Yesterday Nancy Pelosi began accusing  the president of bribery I can only assume someone on her staff was reading the constitution and found that listed as a high crime or misdemeanor. Yeah it says that in there, just not under the impeachment section. I know, I have a copy of the constitution on my desk and refer to it often. An amazing document written by some amazing individuals. It is also the most studied document in history! For over two hundred years the lawyers have been saying, it means this, while the layman have been saying, no, it says this, adopting a more literal translation. And here we are today arguing the President said this, ( the transcript ) but the Democrats insists he meant that. Specifically they are insisting they can read his mind and his intentions. They know what he meant! He doesn't know what he meant, only they do. His perceived intention is the high crime or misdemeanor, the basis for impeachment.
  Well at least it was until one of Nancy's staff decided to use bribery instead, that's mentioned in the same sentence as the President. So now we can argue whether quid pro quo and bribery are the same thing. Personally I fail to see any significant difference. You can say it in Latin or say in todays parlance, means the same thing. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Is asking for a favor bribery? You could say it was if you say your favor requires a favor.  Is it bribery even when the person doesn't know they are being bribed? Remember the testimony was the President of Ukraine didn't know that aid was being withheld. And the bottom line is, the aid was provided and no favors where given. So what was the bribe? I'll give you something you don't know you are not getting, in exchange for investigating corruption in your country? Read the transcript, where does Trump mention aid? Where does he say, you do this and I'll do that? 
 I'll listen again today and probably have the same reaction, not getting that time back. I'm retired I have time to listen and feel some obligation to do so. I will, after all, be voting in the next election cycle. I admit I haven't been paying a lot of attention to the stream of Democratic candidates, I'll wait until the field thins out some. I heard another joined in yesterday. He says he is different from all the others, yeah, we'll see. The DNC will take care of that the same way they took care of Bernie. Hillary got the nomination and Bernie got a new house. Oh, and he gets to run again, make some more money off it and then " drop " out. It's what Bernie does because Bernie doesn't really want to work, he just wants money. 
 I did here it is going to be some Ukrainian diplomat that testifies today. I understand she was the former ambassador to Ukraine. I also understand she was replaced by Trump. Is it possible that this woman has an axe to grind? I don't know but apparently the Democrats must, they are after all mind readers. Look all I'm saying is , call me to testify against the man that fired me and see what testimony I offer. I'm not going to tell you he was the best! In law I believe that is what is called a hostile witness. Of course I realize these hearings aren't legal proceedings that's why we can use hearsay, hostile witnesses and speculation as a basis for all of this. It also helps when the chairman gets to decide who testifies, who doesn't testify, who can ask questions, who can't ask questions and just dismiss anyone he likes. Oh and no one knows who this " whistleblower " is. Only one person knows is the mantra. Yeah right, only one person knows. We have to protect his safety. Hey no one is asking him to testify against the Clintons! Now that would be extremely dangerous but of course the " whistleblower " could commit suicide at any moment. I won't be a bit surprised if that happens at some point. Very difficult to cross-examine a dead person. I mean, they can vote for the Democrats, just not give direct testimony. Ah well, we'll see. 

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