Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A standard

 A bit of controversy in Montgomery county, Maryland. You've probably seen the " Blue Lives Matter " Flag. If you haven't it is simply an American Flag with one stripe being colored blue to represent police officers. The controversy began when a father and son gave one to the Montgomery county police and the commissioner of that department refused to display it. Now, even the Governor of Maryland has weighed in saying the commissioner should apologize and display that flag. The general consensus being, it is an affront to the father and son giving it, and an affront to law and order. It's an insult, offensive and any number of adjectives to not have accepted this token of respect. Well, as so happens more times than I care to admit I find myself on the other side of this controversary. I am offended that you are defacing the American Flag.
 I understand the sentiment and wholeheartedly agree with that. The Police face a daunting job, a job made more difficult every day. I get it, they risk their lives for our safety every single day. Still, let's not forget this flag was created in response to what? Black Lives matter! If there hadn't been a large protest, a general uproar, accusing these Police officers of the indiscriminate killing of black people, this Flag would not have been created. It is basically a counter protest! The protest is saying what? That Police Officers lives matter just as much as anyone. Police Officers are only doing their job! What is their job? To protect and serve is the common response to that question. It is even painted on many of their vehicles. What are they protecting and serving? The people of the United States of America and the people in the communities in which they serve. They take an oath to uphold the laws. 
 Now I know it isn't a law. In our great country we do not have any laws governing the treatment of the nations Standard. Yes, standard is another name for a flag and the name used when it is being carried or displayed in a public place. It is the National Standard! I don't believe we should be altering that standard in any fashion whatsoever. To me that is counterintuitive to proudly displaying that flag, that standard. I am now altering that standard to suit my own agenda! Our agendas should not take precedence over our standard. I have often pointed out I don't like the use of the Flag to sell stuff. I don't like the Flag used as a piece of clothing. I do believe the Flag should be accorded every respect because that Flag represents the lives of those that fought to create and preserve her. The Flag represents the nation, it is our Standard. You could say it is a picture of America. Would you take a picture of your Mother and paint a moustache on it? That's what it is like to paint one of those stripes blue. On that " thin blue line " flag the white stripe just below the field is colored blue. The white stripe is intended to represent purity and innocence. I don't think we should be defacing that. 
 This Flag has been around for a while now. I realize that. It still doesn't make it right. I'm a person that admires tradition. I believe the Flag should always be treated with honor and respect. I fail to see how one can do that while modifying it to make a political statement. The Flag itself is a political statement! Are we changing the statement? Are we changing the Standard? I have the flag that was ceremoniously draped over my fathers coffin, a tribute from this nation. I keep it in a place of honor and respect. One day my son will get my flag. Are not all Flags created created? What I mean is, do we only respect the Flag, our standard, when it fits our agenda? Do we modify that standard whenever we wish? Standards, by definition are, well, standard!   

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