Saturday, November 2, 2019


 Sometimes I feel like sharing an amusing anecdote. I do have to consider it, the subject matter that is, carefully. I have been told that I have a rather large mesh to my filter. That is to say, I tell too much. I have written anecdotes in the past that made others uncomfortable. Well what amuses me isn't always amusing to others. That being said I will relate this little tale from years ago.
 In was in the late eighties, that's the 1980's, I know a while ago and I was living in Slidell, La. The navy had sent me there to work on the Landing Craft Air Cushioned ( LCAC )  program. I was to assist the project manager in whatever function he chose. As it turned out I was assigned to the Bell Halter facility were they were building these boats. There was no base housing in the area, as there was no base. I rented a condominium. I guess that is what you would call it anyway. It was a two story apartment in a row of two story apartments in one building, except there were only two units per building. Well, that's not important, just know it was a two story deal. I was there with my wife and two children.
 I don't remember the exact year that was, but the boys were fairly young, maybe ten or twelve. Having just moved to the area the wife and I decided to check out some of the night life. Hey, we were young once. Now we didn't know anyone and was worried about the kids. The desire to go out was stronger than the need to be " parental. " We convinced each other that the boys would be fine if we left them alone for a short time, just an hour or so. They are old enough to know not to set the house on fire or act irresponsibly. Yes, we believed that would be alright. So giving them stern instructions to not " do anything " and make sure you lock the doors, we left. Oh, and whatever you do don't let anyone in the house! Making sure the door was indeed locked we went out to explore a bit.
 As I recall, and I really don't remember much about that night for some mysterious reason, we did find a place to relax and enjoy some adult beverages. I don't know, perhaps it was the thrill of being some place new, perhaps we were just tired, but the time slipped by us. Before we were aware it was late! We headed home immediately, it was just that immediate was a late that night. Arriving at home we discovered the lights were all out, except for the kitchen light. I unlocked the door only to discover the security chain was in place. Oh man, well I'll check the sliding glass door around back. It's locked. Now as I said we had enjoyed a couple of adult beverages, I'm certain it was only two, I knocked on the door but got no response. I went back around to the front, I knocked some more, still no response. Well, no need to wake the neighbors, wouldn't want them to think I was some kind of drunken rowdy, we were new to the neighborhood after all, I made a decision. I could just climb the tree in the backyard, cross to the small deck up there and enter our bedroom. A brilliant plan. Of course it was quite dark out but that shouldn't be an issue. I began to climb that tree, I was doing pretty good too, when I felt a bite. Something was biting me and what's worse the bites are getting far more numerous! This isn't good! I scramble back down that tree and into a better lighted area. Fire Ants! I was covered with fire ants. I needed to get them off me.
 Well what am I going to do? I certainly can't strip out here in the yard. I need to get in the house. I am knocking on the door and calling the kids. No response. I turn to my wife, who I believe is laughing at me, although she assures me she is not, and say, give me your purse! She hands that to me and I stick my hand inside like it was a boxing glove. I put my fist through the closest window! I'm getting inside and getting to the shower! Oh I gained access alright. I'm sure the neighbors didn't notice a thing. Making my way upstairs to the bathroom I look in to see my boys, sound asleep, safely in their beds.
 Well. I had to go the next day and buy a piece of glass. I quietly replaced it and no one the wiser, I remember having a " tension " headache that day. Maybe it was those frozen daiquiris that brought that on. Louisiana, at least in and around Slidell, was very big on those. In fact you get them 24/7 if you were a mind too. I discovered that there were no laws governing that. I don't remember the wife and I ever going out and leaving the kids at home again.  We became " parents " once again. I think we must have had a good time but all I remember is getting back into the house wasn't as easy as leaving. Most be one of those " parenting " lesson that only experience can teach.  

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