Sunday, November 10, 2019

Quality time

 I have never been one of those people that desired a lot of material things. That is to say, I have never pursued such. To do that would require the pursuit of wealth and I've certainly never focused on that. I have always been too preoccupied with todays wants to worry about tomorrows needs. To some that is just foolishness and I have been called a fool. I'm not concerned with that as I realize we are all foolish in our own ways. Life is a risk. It is the thrill of the unexpected, we can't know what the day will bring. Having things doesn't make me happy, I've discovered remembering things and enjoying them all over again, makes me happy. That's why I have my favorite things. Each time I use it, eat it or wear it , I am reliving a memory. Only the quality things endure the test of time. Unknowingly I have been unwilling to spend time and effort to collect wealth, wealth that may help in the future,  having been more concerned with the day. 
 I have tried doing what needs to be done, taking the necessary action. I haven't always been right in those actions, sometimes taking a short cut. I guess my teachers were right all along. I was often extolled for not " applying " myself. What they meant was I should put more effort into the task. I just exerted the amount of effort I felt necessary to accomplish the task at hand. Driven? No, I'm here to share the ride. Occasionally I'll take the wheel. I wouldn't want to be driven, then I would be going where someone else wants me to go, at least that's the way I see it. I'll choose my own destination thank you, and you are welcome to come along. 
  In the last few years I began hearing quality time. It became a catch phrase of sorts. And what is the purpose of quality time? I'd say it was to build memories. Time is priceless as it is a limited commodity. Like a car without a gas gauge I could run out of gas at any time. I could worry about it, but it won't take me any farther. Memories however, memories never run out. That's quality time!         Build for quality, because quality endures. Fact is, it will outlast me. It is something I think I've always known, even when I didn't know it. Perhaps it was learned from listening to the old folks when I was a child. With the passing of their friends or family it may have been said, they were of the finest kind. That was a local colloquialism and one that touched me in some deeper way. This wasn't said about everyone, only a select few. It's a difficult thing to explain but those of the " finest " kind weren't always the most popular people but shared common qualities. They were quality people. I still remember those people. Exactly what those qualities were I didn't know, but I knew it wasn't wealth. No, those people had something more, more than just stuff. There memories endure. Indeed, I think of them often. 
 Perhaps it is as simple as a life well lived. Perhaps quality was the by-product and not the intent.  They were of the finest kind, something to aspire to. It wasn't something I could buy, it isn't something I could inherit, it's something I have to build. The key is in choosing the materials wisely. You have to work with what is at hand not what may be in the future. Do it today and remember it tomorrow. You know you shouldn't have to " live with your memories " they should be old friends, welcomed and enjoyed. The ones made of quality material last, the others, well, the others are unwelcomed guests. It's difficult to get them to leave and they always come back. Time doesn't end it's an endless loop. When it comes back around I hope it's of good quality. And that depends on what I do today.       

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