Friday, April 19, 2019


 Both of my grandchildren now have Facebook accounts. Yes, we are friends. I'm not sure what made them join the " old folks " but here they are. Could it be that they are getting older? Humm, there's a thought. But whatever the reason I'm not concerned about it, my postings won't change. I did hear a complaint from my granddaughter concerning posting old photographs. Grandpa! Well, that's not about to change, I will keep posting and sharing my memories. I will brag about the grand-kids and generally embarrass them, just like in real life. As I said, I'm not concerned because it isn't going to change the things I post, or the things I say.
 I hear about people that create two and three accounts in an attempt to disguise themselves. I wonder what they are hiding from? Are they ashamed of what they are saying? If they were blocked, is it a forced entry? Whatever the case may be, I believe creating multiple accounts can only be for nefarious reasons. Personally my opinion doesn't change depending upon who I'm talking with. I'll admit I may work harder at being diplomatic with strangers than with close friends. The reason for that is a basic one. You have to know the other person just a bit before relaxing the rules. It's the difference between formal discourse and just chewing the fat!
 I've been writing and posting these blogs for eight years now. There aren't many subjects I haven't touched upon. If someone were to read them all I believe they would know me quite well. Writing, whether it is letters, blogs or Facebook postings is exposing a bit of yourself. I do make an effort to be honest in those writings. Yes, there are times I omit things, discretion is an art form that should be practiced. No sense in just blurting out unnecessary information that may cause harm to another. I question those that post things and then are surprised by unwarranted criticism. Shouldn't you be aware? I mean, I can generally tell when something I post may have that effect, upsetting some folks. And yes, sometimes I post those things against my better judgement. Well, I'm impulsive at times. And yes, there are moments when I post something as an amusement. An amusement to myself anyway, if you know what I mean. Generally sarcasm doesn't work well with the written word, especially if the other person is already upset with you. It's why we say someone has a sharp wit, it cuts to the heart of the matter and there is no defense. Yes, it is the one-liners that can do the most damage.
 Now that both of the grand-kids are on Facebook and seeing my posts I did think about things a bit. I was pleased to arrive at the conclusion I didn't need to change a thing. Nope, nothing I post I wouldn't want to share with them. I wonder if others could honestly say the same? Perhaps everyone can, I don't know, but it's my feeling a number of them shouldn't. What I'm wondering about is whether their on line persona is the same as the one sitting at the keyboard. I believe mine is, for the most part. Writing is a more formal thing, and so I do that in a more formal manner. What I mean is, the choice of vocabulary is certainly different. Without the nuances of body language to augment my thoughts, I must rely upon words alone. It can be a challenge at times. I am aware I am on a public platform and try to use appropriate terms. I'm not on a Navy ship anymore, surrounded by men! Yes, our choice of vocabulary is conditional and should be so. There is a time and place for everything.
 It has been said that clothes make the man. I understand that perfectly well and to a degree it is valid. That's because clothes can change our attitude. Clothing can establish an atmosphere, more so in years past I think, but still having an impact today. It is a subtle thing really. In much the same way our choice of words can have the same effect. What audience are you hoping to appeal to? I don't want to sound crass or crude, even though I can most certainty be so, nor do I want to sound like a stuffed shirt! In both cases I would soon be revealed as a fraud. I am hoping to speak to the average man. That is what I am, where I fit into the big picture.I'm not a star, nor an extra. Granted it may be a bit part, but I am participating in life. I'm okay with that.
 You know it is easier to be cordial, thoughtful, and caring online. That's because you have more time to react. In real time you don't have that luxury. Things happen quickly and you have to react quickly. For that reason I think that maybe Facebook and other social media could have a beneficial effect on us all. Being online is like a practice run for reality. Unfortunately many choose to use it as a weapon rather than a tool. One can certainly be brave and bold when you are anonymous! Aggressive language may silence some and alienate others. If your intent is just to dominate the conversation, that's the easiest way to do that.You will attract others of a like mind, the gang mentality. But we should remember gangs are always associated with bad things. Ever hear of a gang of intellectuals? Ah no, they form societies.
 It's a fact of life. Man will take whatever is good and find a way to abuse it. It will be either in overindulgence or weaponizing it in some fashion. Consider the first use of Nuclear energy. It was designed first as a weapon! Yeah, later man decided to harness that power to produce energy. Would that have happened if not for war? It is believed the Chinese invented gun powder. It was an amusement until they figured out you could use to propel an object at your enemy. The gun was born. Social media is no different. Began as a way to communicate with one another as a society, that's why it is social media, it has evolved into something quite different. Maryland just passed a law about cyber-bullying! A tool turned into a weapon. And that's the truth of it. Man has taken words and turned them into weapons. 

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