Thursday, April 25, 2019


 Today I must travel north to attend a funeral. No one told me about this part of growing old. Funerals are becoming all too frequent a thing. This evening I will be saying goodbye to my son's mother in law. Her name is Ann and she was a lovely lady. Living in upstate New York I rarely saw her and only interacted with her a few times. That her daughter loves my son, and she did as well, is enough. I know her husband a bit better, as I interacted with him more. It's a man thing I guess. Families are often spread out these days and we don't get to know each other as well as we would have liked. Each time we got together it was like having company. You know what I mean? Although we have known each other for many years, at least sixteen, we still were like company. Yes, when we visited them or they visited us, we behaved as though we were in polite company.  That isn't to say that is a bad thing, but just that it isn't as intimate a relationship as family should be.
 My heart goes out to my daughter in law. I lost my father back in 1990 and that pain is still fresh. To lose a parent is a difficult thing. It will be doubly so as her Mom lived in the same home with her. See did see her Mom every day. Her Dad is still with her and I hope that brings them both some comfort, relying on each other. There's that and my son has to stay strong for her and set the example for his daughter. My granddaughter has just been hit with a dose of reality that we all wish we could avoid, death. The death of someone we love will leave a lasting impression upon us. I remember all too well the death of my Great Grandfather, the first death to hit me personally. I was given the time and space I needed to deal with that on my own. It's never an easy thing, this growing up, and Shyann must grow now, moving on to another place in time. A place without grandma. I pray that she learns that Grandma never leaves her, and will remain forever. That is the comfort we can find in aging. And yes, there are times it stinks.
 I never discussed religion or faith with her. One normally doesn't do that in polite company. I had shared Thanksgiving dinner with her and prayers of thanks were given. Beyond that I really don't know anything of her belief. She passed, in her sleep, on Easter day. In my thoughts she has risen  She went to join the choir of angels celebrating the risen Christ. That is where I find consolation and purpose in her passing. Everything happens for a reason. It was her time and only God knows why.
 So today the wife and I will travel north to see her laid to rest. We go to show the respect every life deserves. She was a mother and a grandmother. She brought life and joy to many. She will be missed. She will be remembered, as well. 

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