Tuesday, April 23, 2019


 Current events. It was something my teachers in school always impressed upon me. You need to know about current events.A good citizen is informed. You owe that to your country and your town. Read the paper and listen to the evening news. Form your own opinion and make your own choices. That is what I was told. I admit I didn't listen a great deal, but I did listen enough to answer the basic questions if asked. Many times I knew just enough to offer an opinion. If I couldn't decide, I could read the editorial page, I could always go with his opinion. Of course that was when opinion was confined to the editorial pages and, yes a section clearly marked as , opinions! It was a great concept wasn't it? I mean the reader was informed that what you are about to read is in the opinion of the author.
 In my opinion it is a far cry from what we have today. I suppose some people still read the newspaper, mostly in the urban areas I believe, probably only because it is a" cultural " thing. I mean, people in the big cities have always read the paper because they were readily available. For breaking news worthy of such, special editions were released! Took a while to reach the suburbs and even longer the rural areas. I was fortunate that I lived reasonably close to the city and the railroad would bring those papers. I even helped deliver papers for a short time. Met the train early in the morning, sorted those papers, rolled them and delivered them to homes in the area. Many people read the paper back then. I wonder how many people under the age of thirty have even read the Sunday paper, with all the various sections, while sipping their coffee. Does anyone take the silly putty and " copy " the cartoons? Do newspapers even have cartoons anymore? I mean other than political satire.
 Well, some of that has stuck with me. I have been paying attention to current events. That interest has grown more so over the years. I believe that is the case with everyone. When you are young you don't really pay attention to those abstract ideas about society and social justice. Then you become involved in all of that, as it affects you. The rebellious years last longer for some, but most will calm down and concentrate on their families, and providing for the future. Current events and your interest in them wane. Ah but then you retire and have more time to reflect upon things. You begin to compare what was with what is! In my experience what was is almost always better! At least in our memories they are.The little things that were current events not so many years ago, are being called history. That stuff is outdated! You are outdated! It can be a difficult thing!
 For that reason there are days when I consider just shutting it all off. Current events are stressing me out man! Maybe there is something to legalizing pot after all. Just get high and forget about it. Smoke enough of that stuff and you won't remember a thing. That much has been proven to be true anyway. Yes, excessive pot use will leave you a space cadet. Why worry about anything, let the government provide. There's no requirement to make a contribution to society, society should provide for you. It's what government does, right? I sure hear that theory a lot these days. It's the current narrative. It makes no difference if you work, don't work, are a citizen or not, the government should provide for your every need. All that matters is what you " feel " like. Gender doesn't matter, just choose one out of several that exist today. You can identify yourself any way you want and everyone must accept and agree! If they don't, they have phobia of some type. You get bonus points if that happens because you are being triggered. No one is supposed to trigger you, get you upset, chill out man!
 Seriously though there are days when if I had the funds I would retreat to a mountaintop somewhere. I'd build a cozy little cabin, close to a stream for fishing. Plenty of food and firewood, a stack of books and I'd be all set. The wife and I would just live out the rest of our days not knowing a thing about the day other than the sunrise and sunset. Current events would be the changing of the seasons and an occasional visit from those down below. If only. But I was taught to pay attention! Or maybe it is just that I'm nosy! I need to know what's happening. But I do believe I could do the mountain cabin thing, I really do. What do they call it? Off the grid? Currently I'm wondering just how I got on this grid in the first place. There must be some one to blame.

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