Thursday, April 4, 2019


 I heard on the news that two more women have accused Joe Biden of making them uncomfortable. I'm no fan of crazy Joe or Creepy Joe or whatever moniker you wish to apply but I don't think he is some kind of sexual predator. What I do think he is, is a bit of a creepy old man. Perhaps a bit too touchy, feely for today's sensibilities. And I do think all of this is a result of this " me too " stuff that you hear about all the time. Yes, you know the " movement " you are never supposed to question the validity of, just accept whatever accusations are levied immediately and unconditionally.
 What of these accusations against Joe Biden? All I've heard these women allege is that he made them feel uncomfortable. What is that even supposed to mean? I think maybe they are talking about Joe getting inside their bubble. You know we each have a bubble around us. We become uncomfortable when another gets inside our bubble. That idea was expressed well on the show Seinfeld in the episode about the " close talker. " You know how some folks like to get too close, you do feel uncomfortable. It's a psychological thing. Joe apparently is like that, combined with touching. Personally I'm not one much to go around touching people I don't know. Well, whatever the case is I am not defending Joe Biden just looking at things logically.
 It is well known that Vice President Pence will never be alone with a woman other than his wife. Smart man in the political climate of today.In that way you can't be accused of anything inappropriate. Especially now that we are going to start accusing people of making us feel uncomfortable! A political tool? Seems that way to me. No need for evidence of any kind, just make an accusation. Almost worked against Kavanaugh didn't it? Look what he went through on accusations. Gloria Steinham weighed in saying you should just ask before touching anyone or getting too close to them. Okay, I can see that, although I think it is a bit ridiculous. To me that would be assuming that each touch is a possible sexual contact! Well at least that it may be the motivation or intent when I touch you. What happened to just speaking up at the moment? Get your hands off me! That's what I would say if I " felt " uncomfortable about anything. Granted, most of the time I would just step back, put some distance between us, and you would get the idea. The, get your hands off of me, is reserved for the hard headed. Maybe Joe is like that I don't know him personally. I do know if I were campaigning today I certainly wouldn't kiss any babies! Next thing you know I would be labeled a pedophile!
 Well let the campaigning begin. A campaign based on feelings, accusations, intentions and motivations. Truth be told that is the way it always is. Mud slinging taken to a new level in each cycle. Let he who is without " sin " win the election! And we will accuse you of something, anything, that is indefensible. You make me feel uncomfortable! Prove otherwise. The objective now is to elect those individuals that offend us the most! In that way we are demonstrating how progressive and liberal we are. Throw off the shackles of moral and ethical behavior, just do whatever you feel. And if you " feel " it, it's the truth! I feel uncomfortable, me too, me too. 

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