Saturday, April 20, 2019

What's it gonna take

 I wonder what it is going to take? I just know it is going to be something terrible and I fear lives will be lost. I have no idea how, where or when, but it is going to take something significant. The entire country is frustrated! Yes, that is what I think we are experiencing right now, total and complete frustration. It isn't just a frustration with one political party or the other, it is a frustration that common ground can't seem to be found. Too many politicians acting like spoiled little children. If I can't get my way, I will just stomp my feet and refuse to do a thing. It is a stalemate.
 I don't want to be over dramatic about this stuff but the last time we were this frustrated a civil war broke out! Does anyone remember that beyond being offended by statues? Yes there were many factors that went into that decision by the south to secede from the union. You can boil it down to basically two things, states rights, and money. Commerce was being affected. The southern states declaring the federal government had no right to control them. I'd suggest we are seeing much the same thing today. Sanctuary cities are the new south inasmuch as they feel they don't have to cooperate with the federal agencies. I'd suggest that is extending to commerce as well, an example is this legalization of marijuana as a revenue stream. Yes,yes, the argument is it is medicinal, it helps so many, and on and on.  Truth is, the states see a prime source of revenue, no different than alcohol and lottery games. People always have money to spend on vice! It's a sure thing. In Colorado alone 927 million dollars has been spent on Pot. The sales went up to 266 million an increase of 19 million from the previous year. I'd say that was affecting commerce. Those states allowing such are calling them " dispensaries " for a very specific reason, sounds medicinal doesn't it. So, that's why I say we have the same mixture as we did back in 1861. And frustration is reaching a new high , no pun intended, every day. Something has to give sooner or later.
  In my eyes America as we knew it is standing on the precipice. We can either step back, or jump off.  There are those that would push us off if we allow that. They are certainly crowding in behind us aren't they? I hear talk of states seceding, there's that word again, and forming their own nation. There is talk of states dividing themselves into different regions. It doesn't appear that unity is the primary goal anymore, now it is more about what I want. The push now is for minority rule! That's why minority groups are pushing the agenda. And I'm not just talking about ethnic groups when I mention the minority. Consider this, 4.5% of the population identify themselves as LGQBT. A minority without a doubt. Yet, look at the impact in our society they are having. There are only 1.1% who identify as Muslims, yet there impact is significant. Indeed both of those groups enjoy much support. Why is that? Because they are minorities! We must be sure they aren't marginalized! That's the narrative isn't it? Yes and who's narrative is it? Those that refuse to accept reality is the short answer. Majority rules. And you are not biased, bigoted, or suffering from some phobia if you understand and accept that fact.
 Well. not much I can do about any of that. I suspect the same thing has been said every generation. Change can be a difficult thing. But I still believe in the American dream. I still believe in the Republic. John Adams was right when he said, " our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is totally inadequate to the governance of any other." And I believe that is exactly what I am witnessing, the moral decay of the Republic. I wonder though, what moral depravity will have to take place before people wake up to reality. Roughly one million two hundred and sixty four thousand Americans have lost their lives in various wars. Six hundred and twenty thousand of them in the civil war alone! When Americans fight Americans, the casualties are doubled. What's it gonna take? 

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