Thursday, April 18, 2019

Being civil

 I was scrolling down my Facebook page, or timeline,  whatever it is they call it, when I began reading this posting about a family practicing baseball. The writer began by commenting how nice she thought that was, a family playing together. Yes, I could see the scene and it pleased me. Then she began telling how the father was speaking to the son, giving him instructions. It seems the instructions were prefaced with an adjective that begins with F. I'm sure you know as well as I do what word was being used, you hear it all the time. It definitely changed the tone of the posting and the scene. What a sad thing, to read about that and know that it is now a common thing. I have written about such before but each time I hear about it I am compelled to speak up. I realize it is like screaming into the wind but I am compelled to try.
 This sort of behavior, generally accepted now as a normal thing, is a reflection of our nation. How so? It is a matter of civics. What is civics? Civics is the study of the rights and duties of citizenship. That is what the dictionary will tell you, well okay, depends on which dictionary you use these day as certain groups seem to have their own, but I don't want to get started on that this morning. It is the lack of civility that angers me. Civility is the polite remarks we make in formal conversation, what I call Polite company. Civility comes from the Latin word civillis. Civillis means citizen. So, in order to be a good citizen you should act in a civilized fashion! And it is citizens that form a nation. What the citizens reflect is what the nation is, or becomes. What are we becoming when we accept this sort of language as normal and natural? What are we saying? And I don't mean we , as in you and I, I mean we as a whole. Like the father speaking that way to his son, what example of civil discourse is he teaching? I don't know that man, nor his son, I know nothing at all but I'm willing to say that choice of words flows off his tongue without a second thought. I'm as equally certain his wife and any other children he has are used to that as well. It's as common as saying good morning.
 There are some that believe this is a good thing. We are being honest and open about things. We are asserting our rights! We stand by the first amendment. Words don't matter, what matters is the reaction you get to those words. If I use strong, coarse and vulgar language it will convey my sincerity. It's a form of verbal aggression! And we need to be aggressive these days. Wouldn't want anyone to think they can walk on us! No sir, I'll throw more profanities at you then you can imagine. I may not be right but I can sure out cuss you! Hey, it's my right. Alright, but what about your duties? Yes, citizens have rights and duties.
 If you wish to enjoy the rights you are entitled to by virtue of citizenship, you have duties to perform. The first thing everyone thinks of is the right to vote. Thing is, that's a duty. It is your duty to be informed and make a decision regarding government. Remember our government is the people. You get what you vote for! Your duty is to vote for what you believe to be in the best interest of the country, not solely what is in the best interest of you! That's citizenship. Conducting yourself in a civil fashion is citizenship. Citizenship fosters unity, and unity peaceful coexistence. It takes effort, it takes awareness, and it takes fortitude. Citizenship is all about the whole, not about the individual. That's what we call it civilization. Amazing isn't it? How obvious a thing it should be but yet is being lost altogether in this " civilized " nation. What is civilized? It's the opposite of barbarity is the short answer but it is so much more. Being polite, courteous, caring, saying please and thank you and speaking to others is a respectful tone are just a few of the qualities we hope for in a civilized world. Civility costs you nothing and is not a sign of weakness.
 Civics! They should be taught from birth. Civics is not just a course in government. Civics is a lifetime experience. Civics creates your environment. Your environment affects your entire life, civics is your world. It is your duty to make that world as civilized as possible. Only then can you enjoy the rights of citizenship.  

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