Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Truth and secrets

 As I compose these blogs I keep a pad of paper handy. I will often go to the internet to verify some fact or look something up. I will then scribble that on the pad. As a result I now have several pads full of these notes, thoughts and musings. For some reason I don't throw them away when they become full. I am nearing the end of another pad and began thinking about that. That thought lead me to thinking about my sister. She always kept a journal. She told me about that habit of hers, but she always threw her journal away when the pages were filled. I asked her why and her response was simple enough. Having written the journal she was through with it. It had served its' intended purpose, the journal was written for herself. Of course I view that as a loss. I would certainly love to read her journal, to know what her thoughts were.
 Now, these blogs, are a sort of journal. A public journal one might say and hers was a private one. Are they so different? Yes, there is a fundamental difference I suppose, but I doubt my private journal would differ greatly from this public one, were I to keep one of those. Yes, there are private things I do not discuss in my blog, but if I had a private journal I wouldn't write those things in there either. They are private! You know it is like I always say, if you want to keep a secret, don't tell anyone! Same with private thoughts, if they are private, don't tell anyone. Seems basic enough to me.
 My sister choose to write hers and then discard them. The whole thing centers around one thing, what are your secrets? What are the things you do not want to share with anyone else. I know, they say you should never keep secrets from those you love. I don't agree with that in its' entirety. That statement needs to be quantified. Do not keep things that bother you secret, confide in someone and seek help with that. But, if you have thoughts and feelings that create no issues for you, and you don't want to share them, don't! You are entitled to keep your secrets. Of course the general feeling is, if someone wants to keep a secret it must be something bad. We want to know because we are afraid of what it might be. Our own guilt compels us to want to know! That's human nature. Also why we say, curiosity killed the cat.
 But I was wondering why I don't throw out those pads I kept notes on? I'm done with them. Why is it so difficult for me to part with them? Just seems a bit strange when I think about it. Am I becoming a hoarder? Nah, I'm only holding onto pads of paper. I'm thinking I will just trash them. They hold no value whatsoever. They are, after all, just a collection of random thoughts. Or are they? Could I somehow connect all those thoughts to form a single coherent story? We are the aggregate of our experiences aren't we? And our thoughts come from experience, from what we expect based on those experiences?  When we have no experience to compare with we say, I don't know what to expect. Perhaps those pads contain the footnotes to my story. Is that why the compulsion to save them? Maybe that is why my sister kept her journals, maybe they were her footnotes. I wish she had written the story. Well, whatever the case may be I'll keep writing these random thoughts and memories down and saving the footnotes. But know this, I have secrets. I'm good at keeping secrets but that is supposed to be a secret. Is it a secret now? Only if you believe it to be so, and that is the secret to secrets. Strangely if I write a secret down it is far more believable. That is what journals are all about though, the truth and secrets.   

Monday, April 29, 2019

Traditional Culture

  I recently attended a funeral as most of you know. It's something we find ourselves doing more frequently as we grow older. We will keep doing that until we attend our last one, ours. I'm hoping I have a good excuse not to go, but don't think I get to choose. But anyway, I attended this funeral service and some of the ritual was different. That is not to imply there was anything wrong about it, whatever brings comfort to the grieving can't be wrong, just that it was different. And those differences were minor indeed. At the graveside service everyone was instructed to dress casually. Blue jeans and tee shirts were in abundance. I dressed down a bit, what I would call informal, but certainly not casual. A slight distinction perhaps noticed only by myself. Each of us have a different sense of sensibility in various situations. And in that we find ritual and tradition.
 As a general rule I stand on tradition. It is the way I was raised and ingrained into my person. When the national anthem is played, I stand and look for the flag. Always. I remove my hat in church. When I pray I bow my head and close my eyes. There will be no waving my hands in the air, no shouting out praises, no talking in tongues when I attend services. I wouldn't be comfortable with any of that. I open the door for the ladies whenever the opportunity presents itself. I do say maam and sir. Please and thank you roll off my tongue without thought, a reflex reaction. I offer my hand for a handshake when meeting people. I'm not likely to go through any ritual handshaking or hugging! No, a firm handshake while looking you straight in the eyes is what I was taught, and is my ritual.
 I do think that is what bothers us most as we age, the changing of tradition and ritual. Never before has there been so much of that change in America. I believe in my sixty five plus years I have seen a number of changes. 
 Disrespectful is the term most often cited when these changes are noticed. Take the dress at funerals as an example. That tradition has certainly changed. Suits and ties, black dresses, with a hat and veil are not seen as often as they used to. Church services have certainly changed, indeed the message the church teaches has even changed somewhat. Many preach what I call a more " convenient " faith these days. What is now taught as perfectly fine and acceptable isn't what I was told. I find it difficult to rectify past teachings with the new. Was the Reverend wrong back then? That's the big question regarding all of that isn't it? The Reverend was preaching the word of God, has that word changed? Or is it that we have changed, becoming a bit more, shall we say flexible, in the interpretation of the word? That applies to our everyday traditions and rituals as well. We are certainly living in a less formal time, in my estimation. I say that because formality dictates a certain level of decorum and respect for the feelings of others. I don't see that nearly as much. Sarcasm and wit were the weapons of the past, today it's an all out assault! Just listen to our politicians if you have any doubt about that. And yes it is coming from both sides of the aisle. Offense and defense! The gloves are off and the contest is ungentlemanly. 
 Disrespectful or incivility? I say incivility because people sure aren't acting very civilized. Looking up the definition of civilized I read this; ( 1) civilized: polite and well mannered  (2) at an advanced stage of social and cultural development. And then I wondered if that is the answer, the second definition that is. Cultural development. America is certainly full of different cultures these days. Yes, it has traditionally been known as the great melting pot and for good reason. There was a day the object was to become an American, to become a part of the American culture, adopting American traditions and rituals. That certainly isn't the narrative I hear these days. All I hear about is inclusiveness, without having to include America in that process. Cultural development? Looks more like the dismantling of a culture to me. A culture that has been developing for 243 years. 
 Are we to now abandon that culture altogether? The foundation of that culture is the Constitution of the United States of America. First we outlined the reasons, the declaration of Independence for removing ourselves from the culture of British rule. Then winning our freedom from that oppressive government we formed our own Republic. A Republic that was always inclusive. Yes, yes, it has been modified through those things we call amendments. Changes were required and incorporated into our constitution. Thing is, the culture of our nation has remained pretty much the same. We pray to God for guidance, and rely on our government to " establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain this Constitution. " That is what the preamble says. That is the American culture. One Nation, Under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. All, in this context means, ALL Americans. And all are welcome to become Americans. It's a cultural thing. Understand that and you will understand the situation we are facing today. Will the American culture endure? Aristotle wrote: " All Republics decline into democracies and democracies into despotism. "   Remember that when you hear all this talk of " our democracy " remember we have a Republic, " if we can but keep it " in the words of Ben Franklin. A despot rules with absolute authority! Should we allow our Republic to decline into a democracy, the first step being abolishing the electoral college, we are taking a step closer to fulfilling the prediction of Aristotle. I don't claim to be as smart as he was but I'm smart enough to understand what he said, and history has proven him correct on more than one occasion. Don't let this be another. 

Sunday, April 28, 2019

hedging your bet?

 I hear the Democrats are campaigning to allow prisoners to vote. My first thought is why? They are in prison because they committed a crime. A crime is a behavior we do not allow in our society, hence they are removed from society. They should not get to participate in society until they have paid their debt. Seems clear enough to me. That is why it is called a penal system. The object is to penalize the offenders. The removal of the privilege to vote should be a part of that penalty.
 Now felons lose their right to vote while incarcerated and for a period of time following that. It varies a great deal from state to state. Makes sense to me, you committed a federal crime you should be excluded from participating in federal elections. They do not lose that right forever, they must earn it back. No different really than losing your driving privileges for traffic infractions. When the debt is satisfied, the license is restored. Currently there are about six million felons in the United States. That's about 2.5% of the population. If they were all allowed to vote and all voted for the same party/candidate would it change the results? The short answer is, no. That is partly due to the electoral college. So the question remains, why the push to allow them to vote? 
 Well, here is my theory. It is a feel good thing proposed by the Democrats. It is purely a political move to entice felons to vote for their party. Same reason that party supports all manner of socialist programs and concepts. Give the people what they ask for, even when they don't know they want it! Allow or excuse any behavior as long as it benefits the party. The concern is not with America, the concern is with gaining control. If it takes surrender to gain victory, that is what they will do. What I mean by that is the surrender of moral and ethical standards. Do not punish offenders, convert them!   In this case they are well aware it won't make any significant effect on the election process, at least not by the felons votes, the hope is others will vote Democratic because they are so inclusive. IE: The democrats will not hold you to a standard of conduct. The Democrats will give you whatever you want as long as you vote for them. They will tax everybody and anything to accomplish that goal, well except you, the working man right. Hah, the Democrats are responsible for the workers unions and union workers are doing great right? Yeah, that's also the reason you are paying thirty thousand dollars for a car and five bucks for a box of Cheerios! But keep voting for that. 
 I don't know any felons, not that I'm aware of anyway, and haven't spoken with any. I suspect however it is a very small number of them that are concerned with their voting privilege. I know we are not supposed to generalize, exceptions can be found, but for the most part I just don't believe they care. In presidential elections only about 60% of the eligible voting population casts a ballot, in mid terms that drops to 40%. So we could say given that about 600,000 felons could be expected to vote in a presidential election. That's not many, there are more " dead " people on the voting roles than that! But I won't go into that. A recent Gallop poll shows that 4.5% of the population identify with the  LBGTQ community. Yet, the politicization of that group can't be denied. Yes, it's identity politics. And now the Dems want to be identified with the felons! Could be because a number of them are, or at a minimum should be. Maybe it's forethought, and not empathy after all. Could they vote themselves out of jail? Nothing like hedging your bets is there.
 No this push to give felons their right to vote is nothing more than a feel good thing. It serves no other purpose whatsoever. Fact is the Democrats have no platform to stand upon and are grasping at anything and everything they can to gain a foothold. For two years after having failed to secure a fixed election they have been grasping at straws. And now the economy is at an all time high, unemployment numbers are down and ( grasp ) even the minority groups previously expected to support their agenda are in question. OMG We need more minority groups, how about felons? How about Muslims? The Democrats even invented a third gender in an attempt to expand their base. 
 Well, this too shall pass. I'll keep listening. So far I haven't heard much of substance from the Democrats. It'll be interesting to see how this election shakes out.  

Saturday, April 27, 2019

ever forward

 We made our journey to say goodbye to a wonderful lady and a member of our family. These emotional journeys, combined with actual travel, quickly take a toll on us. I think the hardest thing to see is your granddaughter in tears. You just want to absorb the pain for them. There are few words one can say, all you can do is hold them. Ann and Bill were married for 54 years and it is so hard to see him standing there, looking lost, with so much sorrow in his face. And there are the children, all grown themselves, with their children. So difficult to say goodbye, I know, I had to do that with my own Dad. The wife and I laid a yellow rose atop the casket, I'm told they were her favorites, and whispered a prayer. Rest easy, Ann.
 While we were there with one son dealing with the loss of his mother -in -law, my other son was being sworn in as the Mayor of Greensboro, Md. Definitely a contrast in emotions. Sorrow and joy, the ups and downs, but ever forward in time. That is something we often overlook, the advancing of time. Then, all at once we stop and look behind us to say, where has it gone? Was there something more that should have been said or done? Did I miss anything? These are the thoughts that travel through my mind after someone passes. Opportunity either overlooked, or missed entirely. Each day is a chance, each day we can do something more. How can we know? We can't, but the feeling persists, at least for a while, gradually it will dissipate as we absorb the reality of death.
 I've made it back home safe and sound. I remind myself to not take that for granted. The reminders are alongside the highway if you pay attention to them. I can't say how many crosses I saw on the side of the highway. They are somber reminders of what could be. But, I've survived another journey and am grateful to be home. As I drove into town I couldn't help but think, my son is the Mayor of this town. Yes, I am taking pride in that and maybe even a little credit for it. Hey, what's the point in having children if you can't celebrate their accomplishments? I tell myself that I influenced his course, yeah the wife helped too, but I taught him the value of home. I'm thinking that seed may have been planted during my Navy days. There were months at a time when I was deployed. Months when I wanted to be home, but had a duty. Has that somehow been transferred to Kevin, the Mayor, feeling a responsibility to home? Perhaps it is his duty? Duty isn't always a pleasant thing but a necessary one. The town of Greensboro is in good hands this day, I'm confident of that. Kevin will move the town forward.
 Yes this morning is full of mixed emotions. The proverbial sea is calming once again, the storm subsiding. It is time to move forward. It's all any of us can do, just keep moving forward, ever forward in time. Yesterday is relegated to memory, a place to visit. Today is a place to go, I haven't been there yet. It's a new day, a new start. My son is the Mayor, imagine that? You just never know what the day will bring.  

Thursday, April 25, 2019


 Today I must travel north to attend a funeral. No one told me about this part of growing old. Funerals are becoming all too frequent a thing. This evening I will be saying goodbye to my son's mother in law. Her name is Ann and she was a lovely lady. Living in upstate New York I rarely saw her and only interacted with her a few times. That her daughter loves my son, and she did as well, is enough. I know her husband a bit better, as I interacted with him more. It's a man thing I guess. Families are often spread out these days and we don't get to know each other as well as we would have liked. Each time we got together it was like having company. You know what I mean? Although we have known each other for many years, at least sixteen, we still were like company. Yes, when we visited them or they visited us, we behaved as though we were in polite company.  That isn't to say that is a bad thing, but just that it isn't as intimate a relationship as family should be.
 My heart goes out to my daughter in law. I lost my father back in 1990 and that pain is still fresh. To lose a parent is a difficult thing. It will be doubly so as her Mom lived in the same home with her. See did see her Mom every day. Her Dad is still with her and I hope that brings them both some comfort, relying on each other. There's that and my son has to stay strong for her and set the example for his daughter. My granddaughter has just been hit with a dose of reality that we all wish we could avoid, death. The death of someone we love will leave a lasting impression upon us. I remember all too well the death of my Great Grandfather, the first death to hit me personally. I was given the time and space I needed to deal with that on my own. It's never an easy thing, this growing up, and Shyann must grow now, moving on to another place in time. A place without grandma. I pray that she learns that Grandma never leaves her, and will remain forever. That is the comfort we can find in aging. And yes, there are times it stinks.
 I never discussed religion or faith with her. One normally doesn't do that in polite company. I had shared Thanksgiving dinner with her and prayers of thanks were given. Beyond that I really don't know anything of her belief. She passed, in her sleep, on Easter day. In my thoughts she has risen  She went to join the choir of angels celebrating the risen Christ. That is where I find consolation and purpose in her passing. Everything happens for a reason. It was her time and only God knows why.
 So today the wife and I will travel north to see her laid to rest. We go to show the respect every life deserves. She was a mother and a grandmother. She brought life and joy to many. She will be missed. She will be remembered, as well. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


 I distinctly remember sitting at the head of the harbor on a cool evening thinking about the future. The time was quickly approaching for me to leave for Navy boot camp. High school was already a memory and the future was waiting for me. I couldn't know what was to follow, I couldn't know what I would leave behind, all I could do was speculate about the future. And I had big plans, as most 18 year old boys do, I knew it all, and I was ready. I was going to be on a nuclear powered submarine! That's what my recruiter had told me I could do. I heard, you will. That's the way the human psyche works though, you tend to hear what you want to hear. I had passed all the preliminary exams, I was qualified for Nuclear power school and subs shouldn't be an issue. I sat there dreaming of things to come not taking the time to say goodbye. I wasn't aware that was my true purpose for being there.
 I was to go to Navy boot camp, that happened, but no Nuclear power school and no submarines lay in my future. I didn't know when I walked away from the harbor that night, it would be the last time. A childhood now relegated to the past. Following my basic training I did travel back home only to find it wasn't where I had left it. My folks had sold my childhood home, my bedroom was gone. When you are a child, your bedroom is your home, it was your space. I had no personal space while in basic training and now I had no personal space here! It came as quite a shock. Oh, the folks had just moved a few houses up the road, but that was a one bedroom bungalow. There was no room for me. Eventually they would sell that home as well and move to Florida. The last vestiges now gone, I was to only walk up that dirt road one more time, as a visitor, an observer. I walked up that road seeing what was and hearing voices from the past. The laughter of childhood and the voices of my siblings. Little moments in time.
 All that was forty some years ago, four decades having past. Yet the memory remains crisp and clear. The emotions are still there not being dulled by time. I used to think about going home. It took a long time to accept a simple fact, home isn't there , home is a memory. I have made my own home, in many places since that time. I can visit all those homes any time I like, all I need do is remember. This morning I was remembering sitting there, under a tree, at the head of the harbor. Another time and another place. It has been said, home is where the heart is. I understand that sentiment. My heart lies with those that I love, and have loved, and in that, I have found home. Truth is, I never left at all. Home isn't a place, home is shared hearts, shared hopes and dreams. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


 Current events. It was something my teachers in school always impressed upon me. You need to know about current events.A good citizen is informed. You owe that to your country and your town. Read the paper and listen to the evening news. Form your own opinion and make your own choices. That is what I was told. I admit I didn't listen a great deal, but I did listen enough to answer the basic questions if asked. Many times I knew just enough to offer an opinion. If I couldn't decide, I could read the editorial page, I could always go with his opinion. Of course that was when opinion was confined to the editorial pages and, yes a section clearly marked as , opinions! It was a great concept wasn't it? I mean the reader was informed that what you are about to read is in the opinion of the author.
 In my opinion it is a far cry from what we have today. I suppose some people still read the newspaper, mostly in the urban areas I believe, probably only because it is a" cultural " thing. I mean, people in the big cities have always read the paper because they were readily available. For breaking news worthy of such, special editions were released! Took a while to reach the suburbs and even longer the rural areas. I was fortunate that I lived reasonably close to the city and the railroad would bring those papers. I even helped deliver papers for a short time. Met the train early in the morning, sorted those papers, rolled them and delivered them to homes in the area. Many people read the paper back then. I wonder how many people under the age of thirty have even read the Sunday paper, with all the various sections, while sipping their coffee. Does anyone take the silly putty and " copy " the cartoons? Do newspapers even have cartoons anymore? I mean other than political satire.
 Well, some of that has stuck with me. I have been paying attention to current events. That interest has grown more so over the years. I believe that is the case with everyone. When you are young you don't really pay attention to those abstract ideas about society and social justice. Then you become involved in all of that, as it affects you. The rebellious years last longer for some, but most will calm down and concentrate on their families, and providing for the future. Current events and your interest in them wane. Ah but then you retire and have more time to reflect upon things. You begin to compare what was with what is! In my experience what was is almost always better! At least in our memories they are.The little things that were current events not so many years ago, are being called history. That stuff is outdated! You are outdated! It can be a difficult thing!
 For that reason there are days when I consider just shutting it all off. Current events are stressing me out man! Maybe there is something to legalizing pot after all. Just get high and forget about it. Smoke enough of that stuff and you won't remember a thing. That much has been proven to be true anyway. Yes, excessive pot use will leave you a space cadet. Why worry about anything, let the government provide. There's no requirement to make a contribution to society, society should provide for you. It's what government does, right? I sure hear that theory a lot these days. It's the current narrative. It makes no difference if you work, don't work, are a citizen or not, the government should provide for your every need. All that matters is what you " feel " like. Gender doesn't matter, just choose one out of several that exist today. You can identify yourself any way you want and everyone must accept and agree! If they don't, they have phobia of some type. You get bonus points if that happens because you are being triggered. No one is supposed to trigger you, get you upset, chill out man!
 Seriously though there are days when if I had the funds I would retreat to a mountaintop somewhere. I'd build a cozy little cabin, close to a stream for fishing. Plenty of food and firewood, a stack of books and I'd be all set. The wife and I would just live out the rest of our days not knowing a thing about the day other than the sunrise and sunset. Current events would be the changing of the seasons and an occasional visit from those down below. If only. But I was taught to pay attention! Or maybe it is just that I'm nosy! I need to know what's happening. But I do believe I could do the mountain cabin thing, I really do. What do they call it? Off the grid? Currently I'm wondering just how I got on this grid in the first place. There must be some one to blame.

Monday, April 22, 2019

philosopher or ideologist

 Yesterday I wrote some thoughts about taking care of the day, for the sake of the day. Later I was scrolling through my timeline  and the memories thing on Facebook popped up. I enjoy looking at them and seeing what I was thinking about then. To my surprise four years go, on the same day I had posted a quote from Epicuris regarding the same thing. Now I'm wondering if I was just remembering what he had said, or was that my original thoughts? I can say for certain I didn't consciously plagiarize Epicuris. So the question is was it a subconscious response? If so, four years later! Well what's that say about about me? Thick headed or cautious? Hmm, I wonder. But then this question occurred to me. Are there modern day philosophers? If so, I haven't heard about them. I'll have to google that.
 Just returned from googling that and yes, there are modern day philosophers. I read briefly about the top ten. I confess I've never heard of any of them. I searched for an explanation and found several. One I found particularly interesting. Keeping in mind this explanation was written by a PhD I considered the following. He says we don't know any philosophers because we don't teach philosophy in elementary or high school. In fact, he contends few even take a course in philosophy at college for the simple reason they are unlikely to take a course in a subject they have no knowledge of. Yes, that seems reasonable enough. I admit I know nothing about the structure of philosophy or the methods you should employ in forming your philosophical thoughts. I've always figured philosophy was just thinking about stuff, and drawing a conclusion from that thought. I've never considered that you could be taught philosophy! To me that would be like being taught, faith. You can teach me what the Bible says, or other religious text say, but you can't teach me to believe. At least that is my thought on that. I think philosophy would have to be the same way. You can teach me what others had to say, you can teach me how they arrived at their conclusions, but you can't teach me to philosophize! The later is something I must do on my own.
 Having read a little bit about all of that I think I gained a bit of understanding. Philosophers are easily confused with ideologists. Philosophers are generally regarded as harboring their opinions and presenting them as axioms. Philosophers don't require anyone in believe what they are saying. The important thing to them is that they believe it. At least that seems the case to me. Some of the old Greek philosophers that we still quote to this day died, or killed themselves, for their philosophical beliefs. The thing is they were mistaken for pushing an ideology! There is a very fine line there. An ideologist insists their theories are correct, the philosopher just present the theory. as I said a fine line.
 All philosophers tend to concentrate more in one area than another, same as any artist. A philosopher is sort of an artist of thought. It's also true that philosophers explore many fields in their wandering thoughts. There's religion, politics, science, government and all manner of things to think about. The philosopher explores the fundamental nature of knowledge itself. What is mankind capable of understanding? Or more importantly, what can man explain to the satisfaction of everyone.The answers for me, in my philosophy are little and very little.
 But what of an ideologist? What is the difference there? An ideology forms the basis for economic or political policies. Yes, they are opinions. The difference being the ideologist insists others follow his theories. Ideologists are often activists! And they come in many flavors, socialists, fascists, communists, and  variations thereof.  All governments are based on an ideology of some type. The ideology being an outcropping of the philosophy! For that reason it is often difficult to distinguish one from the other. Our own republic has its' roots in philosophical thought. All men are created equal is a philosophical concept. In ideology however, classes of men may be established, an order established. It can be argued that all men are created equal, but not all men are equal! We need leaders. That forms an ideal, an ideology. And that is what ideology concerns itself with, the ideal. Philosophy is just the idea.
 It's a difficult thing to understand. I'm doing my best to sort it all out. If successful, I'm thinking I will be the first to do so. Is that because I haven't taken formal instruction in philosophy? Do you require advanced degrees to able to philosophize? Personally I don't think you do. I do believe in a lot of instances you will only be recognized, listened too, or otherwise taken seriously, if you possess such. That has to be. If it weren't those holding those degrees would have to question why they got them in the first place, know what I mean? First you must be able to provide the answers to the questions already answered. Those answers must match what others previously thought. That is the proof! But what does it prove? That is a philosophical question. Ideologically speaking the requirement for the degree exists as an ideal. You have been trained in the discipline. And that implies you are a disciple, or what we call a follower in modern terms.Disciples are reserved for the religious or cults! To the philosopher however that means little as no such requirement exists. I can philosophize sans degrees of any type.
 I do find it interesting that philosophers, psychologists, and psychiatrists are often identified by whom they follow in thought. That is done by the other academics in their field. Really it signifies what they believe based on what they studied and subsequently adopted as their own. It's like learning any trade, the methods may differ and the results vary. But, here is my philosophical thought, shouldn't I be striving for my own thoughts? If so, am I learning what all the others had to say, just so I won't say that? Or am I searching for a like mind? Now if it is a philosophy I seek that is easily found by those markers , those credentials. Shall I consult with  Freudian or Heinz Kohut? Do I want a Picasso or a Rembrandt? It depends. Am I picking for myself, or picking what I have been taught to pick? Then, after having made my choice,  I present that as an ideology.
 All of this is very confusing. My thought is a simple one however, a distillation you might say. There is little you can say that hasn't been said before. Finding others that said the same thing as you is nothing more than a confirmation that someone already said that. It does not validate the thought. In other words, just because everyone agrees doesn't make it right. That is my philosophy. My ideological stance is, you have to make a choice. Philosophy is the thought, ideology is the action. Well whatever the case may be I am reminded of something I once saw printed on a tee shirt. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, blind them with bull*hit. I'm thinking a great number of these academics adopt that policy, that ideology. 

Sunday, April 21, 2019

for today

 There are times when we get so involved with what is going on around us we forget to pay attention to ourselves. At other times we just get self involved. I'm thinking I may have become more self involved than I should be. Maybe that is why all the writing and explaining. I'm certainly aware of what is going on around me and I am concerned.Things is, I'm concerned about a time when I most likely won't be here at all. Do we need to worry about the future? My grandmother would say, don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself. I wasn't aware that was a Bible verse until many years later. I wonder if Grandmother knew that? Grandmother Bennett was from Sweden and was raised there. Did they use the King James version of the Bible?
 I expect they did. In that translation/interpretation of the Bible it says, " take therefor no thought for the morrow, the morrow shall take thought for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. " It is advice I unconsciously follow, most of the time. Well at least the not worrying about tomorrow part, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof part, I'm not so certain about. I do seem concerned ( worried ) more about the future than the day. Is that because my days are getting fewer? You do have to be aware of the changing odds as the years past. But that is what " sufficient unto the day the evil thereof ' is all about. There are more than enough problems, temptations, and distractions enough to deal with today to worry about what may happen tomorrow. When Grandma Bennett told me to not worry about tomorrow what she was really saying was, take care of today! First things first. Common sense isn't it?
 For that reason, we should ask ourselves, what can I do for today? Not necessarily what can I do for me, or for someone else, but for the day. All things are built a piece at a time, our lives are no different. One day at a time is a precept spread by Alcoholics Anonymous and other groups. It is basically the same thing as that Bible verse, just paraphrased. AA even says, God, whatever you conceive him to be, is the force that will help you. That's a very brief synopsis but I think a valid one. Sufficient unto the day is not to take that drink, that's what you can do for the day. And that is what we should all be doing for the day, resisting temptation. By doing so we set the example. Tomorrow will become what we allow today! What we allow today becomes accepted tomorrow, and the norm after that.
 We often ask one another, what are you going to do today. What we should be asking is, what are you going to do for the day. Each day does present opportunity, if we recognize it. It may as simple as a kind word or a simple gesture. Doing such may be what you do for the day. Not reacting to an injustice directed at you may also be what you can do for the day. Keeping the peace is a contribution. Sometimes doing nothing at all, is what you can do for the day. The day is much larger than ourselves. Each day is a gift, an indulgence by a loving God. There is a force much greater than man that can snuff out the earth in a moments notice. We are helpless against that force. Perhaps you call it nature, doesn't matter, fact is, it is more powerful than man. I believe it is God, the creator of the universe. What are you going to do for the day? I hope whatever it is it is pleasing to that God. You know, when God decides he is no longer pleased with the day, he will end it!
 On this day especially we should be reminded we were given a second chance. Surely God couldn't have been pleased when his son was crucified. But he didn't end the day, he rolled back the stone, and gave us all another chance. What are you going to do for the day? Are you going to give it another chance? 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

What's it gonna take

 I wonder what it is going to take? I just know it is going to be something terrible and I fear lives will be lost. I have no idea how, where or when, but it is going to take something significant. The entire country is frustrated! Yes, that is what I think we are experiencing right now, total and complete frustration. It isn't just a frustration with one political party or the other, it is a frustration that common ground can't seem to be found. Too many politicians acting like spoiled little children. If I can't get my way, I will just stomp my feet and refuse to do a thing. It is a stalemate.
 I don't want to be over dramatic about this stuff but the last time we were this frustrated a civil war broke out! Does anyone remember that beyond being offended by statues? Yes there were many factors that went into that decision by the south to secede from the union. You can boil it down to basically two things, states rights, and money. Commerce was being affected. The southern states declaring the federal government had no right to control them. I'd suggest we are seeing much the same thing today. Sanctuary cities are the new south inasmuch as they feel they don't have to cooperate with the federal agencies. I'd suggest that is extending to commerce as well, an example is this legalization of marijuana as a revenue stream. Yes,yes, the argument is it is medicinal, it helps so many, and on and on.  Truth is, the states see a prime source of revenue, no different than alcohol and lottery games. People always have money to spend on vice! It's a sure thing. In Colorado alone 927 million dollars has been spent on Pot. The sales went up to 266 million an increase of 19 million from the previous year. I'd say that was affecting commerce. Those states allowing such are calling them " dispensaries " for a very specific reason, sounds medicinal doesn't it. So, that's why I say we have the same mixture as we did back in 1861. And frustration is reaching a new high , no pun intended, every day. Something has to give sooner or later.
  In my eyes America as we knew it is standing on the precipice. We can either step back, or jump off.  There are those that would push us off if we allow that. They are certainly crowding in behind us aren't they? I hear talk of states seceding, there's that word again, and forming their own nation. There is talk of states dividing themselves into different regions. It doesn't appear that unity is the primary goal anymore, now it is more about what I want. The push now is for minority rule! That's why minority groups are pushing the agenda. And I'm not just talking about ethnic groups when I mention the minority. Consider this, 4.5% of the population identify themselves as LGQBT. A minority without a doubt. Yet, look at the impact in our society they are having. There are only 1.1% who identify as Muslims, yet there impact is significant. Indeed both of those groups enjoy much support. Why is that? Because they are minorities! We must be sure they aren't marginalized! That's the narrative isn't it? Yes and who's narrative is it? Those that refuse to accept reality is the short answer. Majority rules. And you are not biased, bigoted, or suffering from some phobia if you understand and accept that fact.
 Well. not much I can do about any of that. I suspect the same thing has been said every generation. Change can be a difficult thing. But I still believe in the American dream. I still believe in the Republic. John Adams was right when he said, " our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is totally inadequate to the governance of any other." And I believe that is exactly what I am witnessing, the moral decay of the Republic. I wonder though, what moral depravity will have to take place before people wake up to reality. Roughly one million two hundred and sixty four thousand Americans have lost their lives in various wars. Six hundred and twenty thousand of them in the civil war alone! When Americans fight Americans, the casualties are doubled. What's it gonna take? 

Friday, April 19, 2019


 Both of my grandchildren now have Facebook accounts. Yes, we are friends. I'm not sure what made them join the " old folks " but here they are. Could it be that they are getting older? Humm, there's a thought. But whatever the reason I'm not concerned about it, my postings won't change. I did hear a complaint from my granddaughter concerning posting old photographs. Grandpa! Well, that's not about to change, I will keep posting and sharing my memories. I will brag about the grand-kids and generally embarrass them, just like in real life. As I said, I'm not concerned because it isn't going to change the things I post, or the things I say.
 I hear about people that create two and three accounts in an attempt to disguise themselves. I wonder what they are hiding from? Are they ashamed of what they are saying? If they were blocked, is it a forced entry? Whatever the case may be, I believe creating multiple accounts can only be for nefarious reasons. Personally my opinion doesn't change depending upon who I'm talking with. I'll admit I may work harder at being diplomatic with strangers than with close friends. The reason for that is a basic one. You have to know the other person just a bit before relaxing the rules. It's the difference between formal discourse and just chewing the fat!
 I've been writing and posting these blogs for eight years now. There aren't many subjects I haven't touched upon. If someone were to read them all I believe they would know me quite well. Writing, whether it is letters, blogs or Facebook postings is exposing a bit of yourself. I do make an effort to be honest in those writings. Yes, there are times I omit things, discretion is an art form that should be practiced. No sense in just blurting out unnecessary information that may cause harm to another. I question those that post things and then are surprised by unwarranted criticism. Shouldn't you be aware? I mean, I can generally tell when something I post may have that effect, upsetting some folks. And yes, sometimes I post those things against my better judgement. Well, I'm impulsive at times. And yes, there are moments when I post something as an amusement. An amusement to myself anyway, if you know what I mean. Generally sarcasm doesn't work well with the written word, especially if the other person is already upset with you. It's why we say someone has a sharp wit, it cuts to the heart of the matter and there is no defense. Yes, it is the one-liners that can do the most damage.
 Now that both of the grand-kids are on Facebook and seeing my posts I did think about things a bit. I was pleased to arrive at the conclusion I didn't need to change a thing. Nope, nothing I post I wouldn't want to share with them. I wonder if others could honestly say the same? Perhaps everyone can, I don't know, but it's my feeling a number of them shouldn't. What I'm wondering about is whether their on line persona is the same as the one sitting at the keyboard. I believe mine is, for the most part. Writing is a more formal thing, and so I do that in a more formal manner. What I mean is, the choice of vocabulary is certainly different. Without the nuances of body language to augment my thoughts, I must rely upon words alone. It can be a challenge at times. I am aware I am on a public platform and try to use appropriate terms. I'm not on a Navy ship anymore, surrounded by men! Yes, our choice of vocabulary is conditional and should be so. There is a time and place for everything.
 It has been said that clothes make the man. I understand that perfectly well and to a degree it is valid. That's because clothes can change our attitude. Clothing can establish an atmosphere, more so in years past I think, but still having an impact today. It is a subtle thing really. In much the same way our choice of words can have the same effect. What audience are you hoping to appeal to? I don't want to sound crass or crude, even though I can most certainty be so, nor do I want to sound like a stuffed shirt! In both cases I would soon be revealed as a fraud. I am hoping to speak to the average man. That is what I am, where I fit into the big picture.I'm not a star, nor an extra. Granted it may be a bit part, but I am participating in life. I'm okay with that.
 You know it is easier to be cordial, thoughtful, and caring online. That's because you have more time to react. In real time you don't have that luxury. Things happen quickly and you have to react quickly. For that reason I think that maybe Facebook and other social media could have a beneficial effect on us all. Being online is like a practice run for reality. Unfortunately many choose to use it as a weapon rather than a tool. One can certainly be brave and bold when you are anonymous! Aggressive language may silence some and alienate others. If your intent is just to dominate the conversation, that's the easiest way to do that.You will attract others of a like mind, the gang mentality. But we should remember gangs are always associated with bad things. Ever hear of a gang of intellectuals? Ah no, they form societies.
 It's a fact of life. Man will take whatever is good and find a way to abuse it. It will be either in overindulgence or weaponizing it in some fashion. Consider the first use of Nuclear energy. It was designed first as a weapon! Yeah, later man decided to harness that power to produce energy. Would that have happened if not for war? It is believed the Chinese invented gun powder. It was an amusement until they figured out you could use to propel an object at your enemy. The gun was born. Social media is no different. Began as a way to communicate with one another as a society, that's why it is social media, it has evolved into something quite different. Maryland just passed a law about cyber-bullying! A tool turned into a weapon. And that's the truth of it. Man has taken words and turned them into weapons. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Being civil

 I was scrolling down my Facebook page, or timeline,  whatever it is they call it, when I began reading this posting about a family practicing baseball. The writer began by commenting how nice she thought that was, a family playing together. Yes, I could see the scene and it pleased me. Then she began telling how the father was speaking to the son, giving him instructions. It seems the instructions were prefaced with an adjective that begins with F. I'm sure you know as well as I do what word was being used, you hear it all the time. It definitely changed the tone of the posting and the scene. What a sad thing, to read about that and know that it is now a common thing. I have written about such before but each time I hear about it I am compelled to speak up. I realize it is like screaming into the wind but I am compelled to try.
 This sort of behavior, generally accepted now as a normal thing, is a reflection of our nation. How so? It is a matter of civics. What is civics? Civics is the study of the rights and duties of citizenship. That is what the dictionary will tell you, well okay, depends on which dictionary you use these day as certain groups seem to have their own, but I don't want to get started on that this morning. It is the lack of civility that angers me. Civility is the polite remarks we make in formal conversation, what I call Polite company. Civility comes from the Latin word civillis. Civillis means citizen. So, in order to be a good citizen you should act in a civilized fashion! And it is citizens that form a nation. What the citizens reflect is what the nation is, or becomes. What are we becoming when we accept this sort of language as normal and natural? What are we saying? And I don't mean we , as in you and I, I mean we as a whole. Like the father speaking that way to his son, what example of civil discourse is he teaching? I don't know that man, nor his son, I know nothing at all but I'm willing to say that choice of words flows off his tongue without a second thought. I'm as equally certain his wife and any other children he has are used to that as well. It's as common as saying good morning.
 There are some that believe this is a good thing. We are being honest and open about things. We are asserting our rights! We stand by the first amendment. Words don't matter, what matters is the reaction you get to those words. If I use strong, coarse and vulgar language it will convey my sincerity. It's a form of verbal aggression! And we need to be aggressive these days. Wouldn't want anyone to think they can walk on us! No sir, I'll throw more profanities at you then you can imagine. I may not be right but I can sure out cuss you! Hey, it's my right. Alright, but what about your duties? Yes, citizens have rights and duties.
 If you wish to enjoy the rights you are entitled to by virtue of citizenship, you have duties to perform. The first thing everyone thinks of is the right to vote. Thing is, that's a duty. It is your duty to be informed and make a decision regarding government. Remember our government is the people. You get what you vote for! Your duty is to vote for what you believe to be in the best interest of the country, not solely what is in the best interest of you! That's citizenship. Conducting yourself in a civil fashion is citizenship. Citizenship fosters unity, and unity peaceful coexistence. It takes effort, it takes awareness, and it takes fortitude. Citizenship is all about the whole, not about the individual. That's what we call it civilization. Amazing isn't it? How obvious a thing it should be but yet is being lost altogether in this " civilized " nation. What is civilized? It's the opposite of barbarity is the short answer but it is so much more. Being polite, courteous, caring, saying please and thank you and speaking to others is a respectful tone are just a few of the qualities we hope for in a civilized world. Civility costs you nothing and is not a sign of weakness.
 Civics! They should be taught from birth. Civics is not just a course in government. Civics is a lifetime experience. Civics creates your environment. Your environment affects your entire life, civics is your world. It is your duty to make that world as civilized as possible. Only then can you enjoy the rights of citizenship.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


 Ever hear of a guy named Epicuris? Well, he was one of those old Greek philosophers. He just sat around thinking about stuff and saying thoughtful things to others. Seems like a great job to me. Do we have any philosophers today? I suppose we do but I haven't heard about any. I think it must be like great composers. We have all heard of Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and that whole gang. They wrote symphonies and great pieces of music. Does anyone write that stuff today? If they do, why haven't I heard about it? Have you ever thought about that? I mean, surely somebody must be writing that stuff, but I've never heard about it. The closest I hear is some conductor directing his orchestra to play the old guys stuff! What's up with that? 
 Well, anyway Epicuris said this, " do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not, remember that what you have now was once among the things you only hoped for. " I've heard that same sentiment before, just not from Epicuris. I doubt the folks I heard it from ever heard of Epicuris. But I do believe it goes with what I say, " there is little you can say that hasn't been said before. " I believe that to be a true statement. The trigger is not in the words you say, but the emotion you convey. We react to feelings more so than knowledge. That's the reason smart people make dumb mistakes. That is also why I say, " emotions are great motivators but seldom good guides. " 
 Those thoughts came to mind as I scrolled down my Facebook page. I read the postings, people complaining about everything, people moaning and groaning. They are spoiling what they have by desiring what they don't have. Then I find myself doing the same, reacting to the postings. My emotions motivating me to respond! It isn't always a good thing, we should temper our emotions with common sense and logic. But then we are programmed to respond with passion. Isn't that the word we use? When you care about something or someone you are passionate! " Passion is an emotional response, a great motivator, but seldom a good guide." " Do not let today's passion destroy yesterday's pleasure." It's saying the same thing as Epicuris, sort of. That's the nuance of language. 
 The purpose of language is to convey our thoughts and feelings. It's why man stated talking in the first place and I believe animals do the same thing. The big difference being, animals sort of mind their own business. They may issue a warning to others in their group about danger, or perhaps other basic messages, but other than that, I think they just mind their own business. Do they enjoy the things they have? I suppose they do, not desiring much beyond the basic needs of any living creature, food, water and shelter. Anything beyond that, is gravy! Isn't that pretty much what Epicuris was saying? Another favorite old guy of mine is Alexander Pope. He wrote this thought, " what reason weaves, by Passion is undone. " I found that quote long after I had formed my own opinion, so it came as a confirmation. Perhaps I learned that lesson from those stoic New Englanders where I was raised.
 It is an amazing thing, this social media. To me it is still a new technology. To my grandchildren, it has always existed. I remember the early days and the atmosphere did seem different. It did seem as though people were far more cordial. Maybe that is just wishful thinking, we do tend to remember things as we wished they were, rather than how they were. Sometimes the two things do get confused, intermixed in our minds. I  do enjoy reading the postings about other peoples little pleasures and joys in life. The sharing of their children's accomplishments, the little victories in life. I like reading the words of support and encouragement offered to those in need of that. I think that is why all the little splinter groups have been formed. Birds of a feather, flock together. Yes, we all would rather listen to like minds. It is a confirmation, a reassurance that we are correct. And we all need that. The frailty of our emotions dictate that. 
 I think the bottom line in all of this would have be, how much do you need? If your needs are being met should you desire more? Well, there is nothing wrong with that as long as you don't let that desire ruin what you already have. That's what Epicuris said and I have to agree with him. But then again maybe the question should be, are you satisfied with what you have? If you are why, why are you searching for more? What's the motivation? Emotion? Emotion is a great motivator, seldom a good guide. Control your emotions and you control your happiness? But what is happiness but a release of emotion. There's a lesson there. I'll have to study on that. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

you had to be there

 You know you are getting older when your best stories are the ones you won't repeat! You don't want your children to know you were ever that foolish and the grandkids wouldn't believe you anyway. Ah, but those stories are still there, tucked away in the corner of your mind somewhere. Sometimes they appear and you are reminded of those days. Occasionally you are tempted to share, but think better of it. Now those stories may be told in the third person, you know, a friend of mine did this or that, as a lesson to others, they can be instructional, something you shouldn't do. You try not to laugh when giving those lessons but it is a struggle. You pass the snicker and grin off as, it's because that person was so silly. You know you have all done that.
 That is the way it is with my generation anyway. We tend to keep our shortcomings to ourselves as much as possible. I'd say that has changed somewhat as today it is a badge of accomplishment if you did something that perhaps you shouldn't have. That applies double if you got caught at it! That way you can claim being the victim. Yes, I did this or that but I only did it because:  it wasn't my fault. I can't be expected to control myself! It was an addiction and an addiction is a disease. I didn't do anything wrong, I bear no responsibility for that, I had a disease. That's the narrative I keep hearing over and over. I hear that on television commercials all the time. You can't win against addiction alone! You can't do it! You can catch a disease on your own, through no fault of your own, your doctor may even prescribe an addiction! Takes professional help to get rid of it though so don't even try on your own, call the addiction hotline today!
 I do think it is only when you get older, when you have grown children and grandchildren that the picture begins to come into focus. The frivolity of youth that you thought so grown up is revealed as foolishness. True, much of that foolishness causes no harm, you do outgrow it, for the most part. It is often the things you enjoyed the most that you no longer wish to tell. Well it is hard to expect your children and grandchildren to take that high road if you keep telling them what fun you had on the low one. There's that, and there are the failures you would just rather not share. Remember I'm speaking for my generation, in general terms. My generation is the baby boomers. We grew up in a time of prosperity. Freedom baby! That was the cry of the baby boomers. Some of us experimented with socialism. Yeah, we called them communes, everybody sharing everything. Far out man. They all failed, some turned into cults with tragic results. We grew our hair long, expanded our minds and complained about the man. Then Disco came along and killed all of that. Probably a good thing too, we were headed for self destruction.
 This morning as I watched a video my wife shared to my timeline I was reminded of stories untold. Those stories are shared by the wife and I. Yes, it is the secret lives of parents. Things done that would seem out of character to those that know you today. What? Mom and Dad did what? I don't believe it. But, yes there are secrets kept and stories untold. Aunts, Uncles and family friends may hint at certain things from the past. I know I heard a few tales of my Dad and his adventures. Never heard those stories from him though, although I have to say he never denied them either. I wonder if that is why we were instructed to never speak ill of the dead. Does that mean don't tell the stories?  Well, at least the stories that may affect your legacy. And yes, we all leave a legacy. The stories we tell today will shape that legacy, we can control that just a bit by virtue of distance and age. It's not lying, it's leaving certain things out. It's not easy though, there are some good stories to tell, but then again, you had to be there to really understand. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Let the people decide

 It was reported on the news that casino gambling reached a new all time high in Maryland. The revenue is just pouring in. It's an economic boom. The same is expected with the legalization of recreational marijuana. A big revenue stream is expected from that as well. Just imagine all the good that money can do!
 This morning, on the same channel, a toll free number was being posted, in case you have a gambling problem! This number is being funded by, you guessed it, the same people that are creating the problem.It's rather an amazing thing really. The state has decided to just legalize gambling, as long as they get a cut. Like so many other states it started with a few scratch off cards. Hey, what harm can it do right, a diversion from everyday life. That was followed by what? Playing the numbers. Yeah, the state calls it pick # or Mega-Millions but what are they? Playing the numbers. That's what the criminals called that, The numbers would come from various sources. You bet on whether your number(s) would come in. When I was little it was rumored the barber would take your bet. I don't think he had a number to call when you had a problem with gambling, I think a few of his friends might visit you for some intensive therapy.
 Now Maryland is talking about legalizing recreational pot. Hey, what harm can it do? People are already drinking alcohol, what difference does it make? The alcohol industry doesn't fund AA or offer a help line. When the state starts selling pot a portion of the profits will go toward rehab centers! That's being proactive! It's fine as long as you have a plan. Strangely if you abuse prescription drugs that's the fault of the prescriber, if you use abuse pot, you know develop a problem with it, that will be your fault! But, the difference will be, a toll free number you can call for help! That'll take care of that.
 I know , I'm just an old guy that doesn't understand anything. I get it, I'm not cool. I understand that people need to use alcohol, do drugs and gamble. Why, it's a right guaranteed by the Constitution, this is a free country! Well, you could say that and it would contain a bit of truth. Remember John Adams did say our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. I would say deciding to legalize those behaviors falls into the category of moral and religious. The people making the laws, ie: you and I through our elected officials, decide on that. What is it really saying when we vote, aye! Are we making a moral and religious choice? Roe V Wade? A moral choice? Does anyone really believe it is moral to kill babies? No, they don'y, but they justify that " choice " by attempting to deny that is exactly what they are doing. Oh, it's a fetus, it isn't a baby. It's only a bunch of tissue. The justification goes on and on. It's to save the Mother! It's alright though, we have planned parenthood! Planned Parenthood doesn't directly fund abortions! That is what you will hear and technically that is accurate. They just refer their clients to the appropriate clinic/doctor. In my eyes, they are 100% complicit.
 My point is simply why legalize those things we know are going to cause a problem? Hey, those things are already a problem! Does anyone believe the problem goes away just because it is legal? Why where those things not allowed in the first place? Was it because no one could make money off of them? No, vice has always provided a revenue stream, even in the hardest times. Exactly what is vice?  Immoral or wicked behavior is the answer. Who decides what is vice? We the people do. Looks like we have changed our mind! We recognized that gambling and using mood altering drugs wasn't a good thing and so labeled them as a vice. Just like infidelity, we knew that wasn't good, or having several wives at once. Of course in today's world all that is being called into question as well. Maybe, it isn't so bad after all. The reason? All this moral and religious stuff is getting in the way. I just want to do whatever I want to do! As long as I ain't hurting you, I should be able to do whatever I want! Thing is, just because you want to do it that doesn't make it right. And the law of the land is supposed to benefit the majority of the population. That's exactly why we formed a republic! Yes, people will break the law to indulge in their vices. Not much can be done about that. But legalizing those vices does not alter the result. That's why we need AA, Gamblers Anonymous, therapists, and various programs to help people with their vices!
 Well, the bottom line is it will generate revenue. So yes, it will be legalized, regulated and taxed. No stopping that! Our constitution can't stop that, just as John Adams pointed out. The only thing that can stop that is a moral and religious people. I question whether those attributes are being encouraged today. Was a day when it was well accepted that a man's handshake was as firm as any contract. And today what do we have, caveat emptor, my friend. And that phrase is thrown like  a spear! Buyer Beware, it is your responsibility to check the quality and suitability of goods you purchase. Except now we are saying, hey if it causes any problems here's a toll free number you can call! That absolves me of any complicity. Just like Pilate washed his hands of the decision to crucify Jesus. Let the people decide. And why did they decide to kill Jesus? It was a matter of PC. Political Correctness, also know as changing the words. The religious leaders calling what Jesus said and the deeds he did by various names. He was a blasphemer, a sinner, he associated with tax collectors and whores. And the people jumped on the band wagon. The people wanted to see the show! And so the people decided. A moral and religious choice? It was legal. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019


 It's Palm Sunday. I am reminded of when I was a young man attending St. Luke's episcopal church. I was a member of the junior choir and latter served on the alter. In those days I was well aware of the changing of the seasons, the church seasons that is, and all the associated holy days. But the years have passed and the times have changed, the past resides where it should, in memory. I no longer attend church services on a regular basis, the truth being, it is a rare occasion these days. For that reason these holy days sneak up on me. I hadn't realized it was Palm Sunday until I got up and turned on social media. I saw a posting and was reminded.
 When I was young the palms would arrive in a big box, today I expect it would be Amazon. I recall going to the church hall on Saturday to help with that. The palms had to taken from the box and split. It's been many years now since I helped with that chore and memory can play tricks on you. I want to say you took each palm frond and split or separated each strand. I do remember placing those palms in wicker baskets that would be used to distribute them at the services the next day. I also remember learning that those palms came from Florida.That was a bit of a surprise, I figured they came from Jerusalem! It was a bit of a disappointment to be honest about it. Why I never associated palms with palm tress I can't say, I knew palm trees grew in Florida my Dad had pictures of them. But, I was assured they were the same kind of palms that were used in Jesus day. I was taught the significance of them, how they had been used for centuries as a symbol of peace and prosperity. Why you could see pictures of palms engraved on Solomon's temple! Well, if the temple still stood you could anyway.
 All of that was well over fifty years now. It's an amazing thing to think about. I expect similar scenes took place just yesterday in church halls across the country. I still have a couple pieces of palm my grandchildren brought me some years back. I remember making those palm fronds into a cross. Seemed like everyone did. They would be saved for a while and at some point just disappeared. I'm not sure of their fate but I do know they were blessed. Yes, on Palm Sunday the palms would be blessed before being distributed. They were to be treated with respect! We justified making them into crosses by saying the cross is blessed , so doing that to the palms must be okay. Makes sense doesn't it? But, the point was, we didn't throw them on the ground or play with them.
 When I was growing up the church seasons were linked to the seasons of the year. Each one had meaning and heralded some big event. As I said I went to the Episcopal church and so there was much ceremony, not as much as those Catholics though. I wasn't sure what the Presbyterians and Baptists were doing. I knew they all celebrated Palm Sunday and Easter, just not sure if they celebrated the same way. I did assume the Easter Bunny was non-denominational, although rarely mentioned in church. Then the late sixties arrived and there was guitar playing in church. Very progressive and cutting edge. A whole new form of worship, right there in the sanctuary! It was the only sanctuary I knew in those days, strangely I never felt all that safe there, guess it was a guilty conscious. Now we have entire cities that claim to be a sanctuary! Not surprisingly I don't think I would feel safe there either. A guilty conscious?  No, not in that situation. But I'm not going to mix politics into all of this. Of course when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem he was viewed not as a prophet so much as a political figure. The majority of his followers thought he was going to rule the Jews. That's why they called him the king of the Jews, they meant an actual king! It isn't what he was telling them but it is what many heard. Same thing happens to us today. People do tend to hear what they want to hear.
 Some years back I wrote a blog about looking for my friends house. I was talking about finding a church. I went looking for St. Luke's in the nineteen sixties and couldn't find it. Time has changed and St. Luke's remains in memory. It will always be so. The majority of my religious experiences did occur there. There was never a moment of revelation, no ground shaking epiphany. What there was was a quiet acceptance, a comfort in the familiar. I felt at home there. I knew all the ceremonies , the proper responses and the rituals. That church was my home and my friend lived there. I have discovered that my friend travels with me everywhere I go, although I was not always aware of that. I thought I might find him in another house. And I have, he is here in my home. Have a blessed Palm Sunday everyone.
 You know I remember hearing that song " he's got the whole world, in his hands, " and thinking, palms! He's got the whole world in the palms of his hands. Are we using the wrong kind of palms? I remember seeing a picture of Jesus, arms outstretched, his hands palms up, maybe that is what I was thinking about. Is that why we call the palm of our hands, palms? An invitation? That is why when meeting people you don't know you show them your empty hand, palm first, see, no weapons. A gesture of friendship. Funny how one word can represent different objects while meaning the same thing. And what of the gesture where you put the palm of your hand against your face? What's that mean? A moment of revelation? Or a moment of disbelief? Something to consider.      

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Uncle Zeb

 There was a story I was told of a man that lived down by three mile harbor. Uncle Zeb he was called, Zebulon Bennett was his name. He is a distant relative of mine although that was unknown back then. It was only with the advent of Ancestry records online and my research that I discovered that. Turns out old Zeb is the uncle of the husband of my 4th great grandmother. So, yes he is kinfolk! He was married and had four children. He really is an uncle!
 Anyway, the story was that he was known for not being, shall we say, the crispest cracker in the box. What we would called challenged today. It was said that he painted his house but only as high as he could reach. When asked about that he would say, I don't have a ladder. The house stayed that way. But what he was quoted as having said in response to teasing is what was remembered of him. The local kids were teasing Uncle Zeb, calling him names and such as kids are apt to do. They must have made some reference to his intellect as well because he responded with, " I've got all the wit the good lord saw fit to give me. " And that was it. That exchange was told as a sort of lesson I would say. It was a simple statement of fact, without shame or excuse. That was the lesson being taught. When I was growing up and did something a bit foolish or perhaps unwise, it might be said, " he used all the wit the good lord saw fit to give him. " It was a chiding yes, but one with a lesson. The lesson went deeper than just a chiding however. If you had acted, with all the wit the good lord saw fit to give you, that would be the end of it. You had acted in a honest fashion, just like Uncle Zeb answered his tormentors honestly. It was a lesson in tolerance.
 No one sat down and tried to explain any of that to me, I was expected to figure it out for myself. But that is the way it used to be. There weren't any big discussions about such things. By today's standards folks were brutally honest, for the most part. Opinions were stated clearly and concisely without any justification for doing so. I grew up with that and learned to deal with reality. Yes, I was smaller than most guys, skinny they said, and not the best athlete, and was reminded of that often enough, but I continued on with all the good lord saw fit to give me. I quickly learned that it is what it is, no matter what you wish it was.
 Now there is always the possibility that you can make it what you want it to be, but that too was your responsibility, no one else's. And that is what I was told; if you don't like it, change it, but until then, it is what it is and you had best learn to accept that. And there are things you just can't change. Some folks aren't going to like you, some folks will be jealous of you, and others will attempt to use you. You can't change that. The best you can do is learn to recognize it. You have limitations! Yes, we all have limitations and you need to learn what they are. I have zero, zip, absolutely no artistic talent whatsoever. I've known that fact for many years and I'm fine with that. I never could hit a well thrown fastball and my singing ability is marginal at best. And the bottom line is, it's all the good lord saw fit to give me. I'm fine. There are plenty of things I can do well and am expert at nothing. That's fine. It's reality. That is the wisdom Uncle Zebulon shared that day. He wasn't bothered by his limitations, he wasn't bothered by what others thought, he was just stating a fact. He did have all the wit the good lord saw fit to give him. I'll leave you with this quote from Alexander Pope, " There is a certain majesty in simplicity which is far above all the quaintness of wit. " 

Friday, April 12, 2019

cutting the cord

 John Adams in an address to the officers of the first brigade, of the third division, Mass militia opened with these words, " While our country remains untainted with the principles and manners which are now producing desolation in so many parts of the world; while she continues sincere, and incapable of insidious and impious policy, we shall have the strongest reason to rejoice in the local destination assigned to us by providence." It is in this address that Adams made this declarative statement, " we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. " 
 Just what was he talking about? John Adams was talking about the conduct of government. But John Adams, and others at that time and place in history, were well aware that government is nothing more than people. We the People are the government. It is the conduct of people that manifest the conduct of government. He says, " we have no government armed with the power capable of contending with human passion " Morality and religion are the powers that can " bridle " the actions of men. For that reason he points out that our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. Adams wasn't talking about any specific religion and morality to him was self evident. In reading these words and considering their meaning I have to question our government today. Are we a moral and religious people? If we are not our constitution is wholly inadequate to our governance! 
 I hear murmurs all the time about changing the constitution. I hear how it is an outdated document, not in touch with today's world. The constitution is the foundation upon which our government operates. It was made only for a moral and religious people. It has worked for 240 years and served our nation well. Indeed America is the standard by which all other nations are judged. I'm not saying we are perfect, far from it, but it has been a moral and religious people that has guided our course. And now that constitution has become uncomfortable for some? Why is that? I'd say because it no longer aligns with their sense of morality or their religious beliefs, indeed I'd suggest the lack of either of those qualities of government. Remember it is people that make the government, not the document itself! Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the cords of our constitution as a whale goes through a net was his prediction. I believe we are seeing a number of those behaviors by our elected officials and the electorate. They are straining at the net and advocating for cutting those cords. 
 John Adams also made this statement, " oaths in this country are as yet universally considered as scared obligations. " I question how true a statement that is today. All of our elected officials are required to take an oath of office. How many consider it a sacred obligation? Indeed there are some that refuse to even take that oath with their hand on the Bible, instead choosing another Ideological book inconsistent with our moral and religious sensibilities. A cord broken? It appears that way to me. I shudder to think of the consequences should the cords of true freedom be cut. I shudder to think what the result of "human passion unbridled by morality and religious conviction " will bring to future generations. Think ISIS. Is real freedom the ability to do as one pleases? Or is freedom the ability to act within a framework of moral and religious belief? Ultimately man is responsible for man. John Adams knew that, as did many others. Perhaps it is a lesson that needs to be taught once again. That is why Adams said, the constitution is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. It is religious belief that should bridle our actions, it is morality that should guide our decisions. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

you never know

 One hundred and twenty nine days ago today my sister passed. It's a strange thing to say isn't it? Someone passed. The implication being that person has made the passage to another life. Yes there is no denying their physical presence has passed us by and we are left only with memories. But, I feel like we are left with a bit more than that, a bit of her spirit resides within me, giving me a spark every now and again. I do speak with her daily, as I do all the others that have passed. I see no reason for not doing so, I just don't do it out loud, that would be a bit weird.
 Spring has arrived, a rebirth of the earth and new life flourishes. I didn't get to spend a great deal of my adult life with my sister, each of us being busy with our lives. I can remember hunting for the elusive Lady Slippers in the woods by our house. We would bring them home to Mom. But I don't know if my sister had any flowers that were her favorites. I have learned since her passing that she did enjoy tulips. Even though we spoke often in her last years there is a lot I don't know about her, things never spoken of. There was no particular reason for that, it is just what life and circumstance dealt us. Yesterday I learned that is was " siblings day " something I hadn't heard about before. A quick check and I learned that the national sibling foundation was established in 1997 and achieved non-profit status in 1999! Funny how it has taken twenty years for me to hear about it. It is still not federally recognized however. Had I known I would certainly have sent my sister a card for national siblings day. I wonder if she was aware? Are there Hallmark cards for that? You do give a Hallmark card if you care enough to give the very best, others get cards from the dollar store! Hers would definitely be a Hallmark card.
 One hundred and twenty nine days ago and at times it seems like an eternity. It's rather like when we were children waiting for the Easter bunny or Santa Claus. Each day was so long, each week passing so slowly. It was anticipation that drove that. I'm still struggling to accept the reality of it. I still expect the phone to ring or a card to arrive. It's close to thirty years since my dad passed and I still expect to hear from him one day. It does seems like they are both just around the corner somewhere. And my oldest brother, he also passed in the month of December, perhaps my sister left in December to join him. Maybe they enjoyed national siblings day. I can see them smiling down on my brother and I.
 Perhaps it was National Sibling day that prodded my thoughts. It did cause me to think that I only have one sibling left. My mother came from a family of ten and she is the last one, at ninety years old, her siblings have all passed. Occasionally she will speak of that, it must be tough to know that you are next! Is that what we struggle with? As much as we like to believe otherwise we all react to things as they effect us. Yes, we talk much of empathy and compassion, but we react to things as they effect us. I feel a little sorry for myself, why did she have to go? Why didn't I go visit my brother more often? Why didn't he visit me? I don't want to go and I don't want to be left alone! These are the struggles of aging I suppose. When we are young we just don't think about any of that, or if we do, we always feel like, I've got time. My sister told me of her diagnosis over a year before it ended her life. That wasn't much time! I hadn't fully accepted that diagnosis when she did succumb to it. Now one hundred twenty nine days later I haven't fully accepted that reality! Do I have time? You just never know do you? 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

telling the story

 We all have those items we have gathered over our lives that hold special significance to us. They come in unexpected ways and sometimes we aren't even aware. But they collect over the years, survivors of life. I have quite a few things like that. Are they artifacts or relics? Well technically an artifact is an object made by human hands. So, yes, I have a few artifacts. Relics, on the other hand are that which remains after loss or decay. So, yes, I have relics as well. I guess you could say my collection of artifacts will become a collection of relics. I mean, they are what will be left after I am gone, something I'm hoping someone considers a loss anyway. And yes, I'll decay as well. So, yes they will become relics.
 A concern of mine is the fate of my artifacts. To others they will just be relics. Do you see the issue? I'm wondering if I were to catalog all my artifacts if I could impart the significance of them. The problem being how to catalog them. Well, the real problem would be what to include in the catalog. How much stuff can I reasonably expect the next generation to save? There are objects and there are artifacts. The difficulty appears to be the defining of each. I have to decide. There are things like an cheap ceramic mug that I purchased when I graduated high school. Other than a faded sticker on the side that says East Hampton High School, and a single memory of buying it, what significance does it have? Means something to me but not all that much. Would I throw it out? No, I have to give credit to my Mother for holding on to it for a good length of time, still it survived. I have a stack of letters of commendation and letters of appreciation garnered over a twenty year naval career. They are stacked in my closet somewhere. Do they interest me? No not really, no big deal. I guess I would not include them in the catalog should I decide to do that.
 The truth is people have to form an attachment to these things for them to be valuable to that person. I suspect that is why monetary value was first devised. I don't really want this, maybe I can trade or sell it for something I do want. I can't expect others to be caretakers of my memories. It is an unsettling thought though. My prized possessions could be scattered to the winds. I will have no control over their fate. It's my stuff! Isn't that the way we all feel? It's my stuff and I should get to decide what happens to it. Did those ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and others get to select what items were included in their tombs? I mean, they may have said they wanted this or that, but after they died, did that happen? I guess it did to some extent, judging by what has been discovered. Still, there may have been other objects that were withheld because, I've always wanted that. 
 I've known a few people that had to downsize for one reason or another. They moved to more comfortable surroundings, places more suited for there present situations. Whether it had to do with finances or health made no difference. The one thing I heard from them all was the lamenting of the loss of their stuff. Even the stuff they hadn't paid any attention to in years. You know the stuff I mean. Things stored away in the attic or basement, in those plastic totes for safekeeping. Old clothes, old papers, and old stuff! Might want that one day. relics to me, artifacts to them. If I catalog my artifacts will they still become relics? Yes they will, they will still become what remains. I guess the real question to be answered is, what relics do you want preserved? You are the only one that can decide that aren't you? No, you don't get to decide that at all. The ones left behind get to make that choice. For that reason I'm thinking I do need to explain just what these objects are before they become relics! Stuff with a story lasts longer. No different with people really. As long as the name is spoken and the stories told they are not really gone.
 Man has built great museums to house artifacts and relics. Those museums exist to tell a story. The story of man. I don't see any reason the same shouldn't apply to a person. We should all set aside some spaces in our homes for those that came before us. In that way keeping their story alive. In this throw away society of today I wonder how much will be saved. Well, the only stuff saved will be what survives. It's a responsibility I will assume. A catalog of my artifacts. I always say if you want something done, and done right, you have to do it yourself! Guess that applies if you want to live forever as well. I'd better get started. My artifacts will be what remains, relics of a life lived, I want the story told. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

upsetting a balance

 Is man upsetting the balance? It seems like a valid question to me. I do wonder about such things. Presently the big complaint about man is that we are destroying the planet. We are changing the climate. A theory being adopted by many people, but one I don't place much stock in. The changing climate is a part of a natural cycle. We have had ice ages in the past, stands to reason we would have warming. But setting that aside the balance I am thinking about is population. Are we over populating the world? Now that is something where man does have an impact. There is no denying that advances in medicine have extended our life spans. The combination of preventative and remedial medicine has increased the population.
 We have all read about the great plagues that swept across Europe killing millions. Was that just a natural method of population control? When the Europeans came to the north american continent we brought disease with us. Those diseases decimated the local population. No one expected that to happen. And we can't discount nature. Famine, floods and storms of all types. All of those things taking life. But now man has medicine and shelter. We have large populations of people with no way to support themselves. We see it on the news all the time. Relief efforts have been organized and operating for many years in African nations and elsewhere. Why is that? Who took care of all that before we were around? Nobody is the answer. I wonder what happened to change that. I mean what did those populations do before aid was sent? I can only assume they died. More likely is they didn't exist as only the strongest survived. 
 Another big debate currently raging in America is the question of vaccinations. Should we require everyone to be vaccinated? Are vaccinations causing harm? I won't deny that they can surely save lives by preventing the spread of disease. The evidence is clear enough. I wonder though, has the rise in vaccinations paralleled the rise in populations? Are we causing overpopulation by that action? In the later part of the nineteen fifties five vaccines were recommended. That number has grown to fourteen today. That's not the total number of injections, just the total number of vaccines. It is recommended that you get several of these, several times. We are filling our bodies with vaccines. The last big " plague " if you want to use that term was aids. Modern sensibilities called it an epidemic. I'm not concerned with what you call it, the point being it was killing thousands of people with no cure. Where did it originate? In non-human primates in Africa is the answer scientists provide. Population control? That this disease appeared to be targeting a specific group of individuals struck me as odd. Turns out it wasn't and anyone can acquire that disease. Man has developed " cures " but the HIV virus will remain in a person for the rest of their lives. Most will survive. 
 Is man capable of upsetting the balance? That is the big question here. Of course you do have to presuppose that the earth was created and is controlled by  a creator being. The identification of this being is not important, only that this being is in total control. Just how far does free will extend? Now God told Noah that there would never be another flood that destroys the world. But, he also said rain may be withheld! That's pretty much the extent of it as far as I know. It sure seems to me that God will allow man a lot of leeway, but there is a limit. The withholding of rain? Is that related to global warming? No, I don't think so. As the earth warms up wouldn't the water start evaporating? That seems right. When it evaporates it rises into the atmosphere. We know that eventually the clouds can no longer hold that moisture and rain is the result. Well, unless that rain is withheld! Something to consider. So just who is in control? And what of diseases? Does man create those, or are they part of the big plan? Are diseases meant to control the population? That doesn't seem right because the one in control could certainly control the population easily enough. Of course it could be argued that man did receive instructions concerning that. Be fruitful and multiply was the command. 
 I don't know, just some meandering thoughts this morning. I do wonder if man is capable of upsetting the balance. If the balance is between good and bad, we can certainly do that! We have done that since the beginning. But do we have the ultimate power, the power to choose between life and death? Can we control that? I believe the truth is, no we don't. Surely we can affect the present and make predictions about the future based on past experience. I can have an immediate impact but in the course of history how much will it matter? Consider the worst of the worst, Hitler and his attempt to destroy an entire population. He killed millions, yet they survive to this day. He failed and good reigned supreme. I believe when the end comes, when God has had enough, the world will end. Will we know it? I don't know, do you know when you are dead? 
 Well, have a great day. The weather has taken a turn for the better and I intend to enjoy it. There ain't much man can do about the weather.       

Monday, April 8, 2019

Just stop it

 I have taken a break from working on the family tree. The reason being I wonder what it is I'm looking for. I have found the majority of the answers I initially searched for. The names and dates have been filled in. I found census records and other documents that provided information. I know some stories and some occupations. Land deeds and legal documents provide proof positive. I've even uncovered old newspaper articles. All fascinating stuff. I haven't reached the proverbial wall just grown tired of the journey. I wonder, to what end?
 I often see meme's and hear stories about the past. I especially hear a lot of them calling for apologies. I should apologize for the past. I can understand that I may owe someone an apology, but I don't owe anyone an apology for what anyone else did. I was born in 1953. I don't think I have to apologize for anything much before 1958. I think when you are five or younger you should just be forgiven for any missteps you may have taken. So, I set aside those first five years. I'll accept the next sixty plus years.
 Now I don't believe I get to take any credit for what others have done before me. I don't get that credit even if they were my parents, siblings, or other blood relatives. Whatever deeds they did, good or bad, are theirs. It is for that reason I feel I don't a need to apologize for that. Why should I be held accountable for their misdeeds? I can acknowledge whatever it is they did, recognize it for what it was in the context of history, but I can't alter it. Saying I'm sorry for what happened a hundred years ago or more strikes me more as a platitude than anything else. It certainly doesn't strike me as sincere. In today's' political climate that apology is what? It's code for I'm sorry for racism! That's what I see it as anyway. Well, because we have determined that everything is racist. We have even begun labeling religions as racist. If I oppose the ideology of Islam I will be labeled a racist. Islam is a religion not a race, but no matter, I'm a racist! Racism has always been the default motivation for mans' injustice to his fellow man. It really is an ingrained thing across all cultures.
 Have you ever wondered why the world developed as it did? Why did the Europeans develop metal working, firearms, build great cities and ships and spread all over the world? Why didn't the sub Saharan Africans do any of that? Why didn't the native Americans do any of that? Why not the Australians? Ever wonder why few people even mention that? The reason is because it could get you quickly labeled as a racist. Any perceived support of what the Europeans, or more properly Eurasians did hundreds or even a thousand years ago will garner that title. Even mentioning it is an uncomfortable thing.
 Why should that be so? It is because the development of tools and the technology of the modern world is associated with intelligence. The implication being that the other races in the world are somehow inferior. That is what is inferred by the majority. And that is just racist! The Eurasians conquered everyone else, imposing their might on everyone else. But why did that happen? Was it a product of intelligence? The answer is no, of course not. There is no empirical evidence to the contrary. There are many other reasons that the history of the world unfolded as it has. Basically it was a matter of location. The Eurasians could travel/migrate East to West across the largest land mass on Earth. It was this intermixing that allowed the development of cultures, gaining outside influences. And something else contributed greatly to the Eurasians, domesticated animals. They had horses to ride and animals to do heavy work for them, like plowing the fields and transporting goods. Remember, there were no horses in the Americas until the Spanish brought them there. The only animals domesticated in the Americas were Llamas. The reason is a simple one, there were no other animals suitable for domestication.
 In Europe large cities developed because they were no longer hunter/gatherers. The people could form permanent settlements. With that came government. It was no longer just a band or tribe, it was an entire nation. The people weren't all involved in staying alive anymore, there were those concerned with government and there were those concerned with science and technology. They could do that because they didn't have to hunt/gather all the time. It didn't have a thing to do with intelligence, had everything to do with resources.
 In what we call the new world, migration was confined to north and south. The climate changed as you traveled up and down. This meant following the seasons to sustain yourselves. Remember this all had to be done , by hand. There were no pack animals to ease the burden. It did no good to build a city because as the season changed you had to move with it. The native peoples had no reason to build sailing ships. As far as they were concerned that land mass was all there was. It was certainly enough to satisfy their needs. In Europe that wasn't the case. Commerce required the movement of goods. Boats worked well and were developed for that purpose. The Native peoples had their canoes to transport themselves and the limited goods they traded, but no where near the commerce going on in Europe.
 Well once again I have wandered off in trying to explain my thoughts. I started with the apology thing, then the racist thing. It all leads me to where I am today. I don't feel a need to apologize for world history. World history is also not a racist thing! The Europeans conquest of the world was not based in racism! Although one certainly gets that impression in today's world! That conquest occurred as a result of technology. The Europeans had the animals, most significantly horses, and metal tools and weapons which enabled them to defeat thousands of native peoples. It's true disease killed about 90% of the native populations. The Europeans weren't aware of that though, they didn't bring disease with them as a weapon. The Eurasians dominated for those reasons. It wasn't because of intelligence or racially motivated. Greed was the main motivation.
 Racism is the excuse man has always used to explain world history. Of course the Eurasians wrote the history books and didn't hold that opinion that's why we have been taught differently. That's why, in fact, we are not supposed to even mention that stuff. We can analyze all the factors in human development. We can speculate and form theories as to why this or that took place. What we still can't say, with authority, is why history played out the way it did. We really don't know do we? Stop apologizing what what we can't even explain. Stop apologizing for the actions of others. Stop apologizing for a perception. Europeans as a whole did not set out to eradicate or subjugate other races. It wasn't a racist thing! Hitler was a racist and wanted to erase the Jews and the Poles. That was not the intent of the Europeans! All Eurasians are not racists! Stop apologizing for that. Want to stop racism? Quit using it as an excuse for the past. Yes racism exists, there is no denying that, but it exists solely because it is what is being taught. It is not human nature. No one is inherently racist! Quit teaching it, just stop it.