Sunday, October 7, 2018

the peoples opinion

 This morning I am pleased that Brett Kavanaugh received his appointment to the supreme court. The system worked. Before this nomination how many of us had ever heard of him? How many had ever heard of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford? I'm betting the number answering no is an overwhelming number. In the beginning of the judicial hearings there was little open opposition, just the normal procedural things. Then this testimony from Dr. Ford. That's where the wheels started to fall off. Was it a ploy by the Democrats to derail the whole process? That would have to assume a contrivance on their part. I don't believe that was the case. I do believe this accusation was held, close to the vest, and only used when other efforts appeared to be falling short. Political machinations are nothing new, that's everyday stuff from the level of local mayor to the presidency. All the accusations were shown to be unfounded. The evidence just isn't there. It's make no difference whether he is guilty or innocent, the evidence is not there. That is exactly why that lady is blindfolded! Justice is blind to everything but the facts. That is as it should be.
 The thing that bothers me the most is the willingness of so many to condemn someone based solely on an accusation. I've been listening to the whole thing. I sat and listened for hours as Dr. Ford gave her testimony and I sat for hours listening to his. I've listened to Senators present their arguments, for and against. I've listened to the pundits on the evening news. What I haven't heard is any objection to his nomination that isn't based on this unsubstantiated accusation. Where are those objections? The man has been a Judge for thirteen years, serving in a very high profile position. I heard no one dispute or object to any of his previous rulings from the bench. Where is the testimony of any, and I repeat that word, any, wrongdoing on his part? A difference of opinion on procedural law or what the Constitution says is not a disqualifying thing. The truth is that is a positive thing, what we hired the man to do in the first place. And so there are no objections to him other than the obvious political one. The composition of the Supreme court. The hue and cry being, it's a lifetime appointment! Yes it is and was designed to be that way. The premise being, continuity.
 If we change the justices of the supreme court every few years what stabilizing body would we have? The answer is none. The supreme court issues the opinion of the people! Read that again, the opinion of the people. Only Congress, only " we the people " can change the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. If the " people " can just change their opinion every few years I fail to see how any degree of stability could be maintained. And that is what this was all about. The Democrats fearing that the peoples opinion will indeed change. Few people like change. Change is usually a last ditch thing to correct a problem. It's human nature to continue insisting, this will work, long past the point we know it won't. Yeah, people are stubborn like that. To coin an old phrase, the tide is changing. 
 What was the objection to Kavanaugh? His political views is the short answer. He holds conservative views. That's basically it. The problem lies in arguing that point as a reason he shouldn't have been confirmed. There are no constitutional requirements to become a supreme court justice. That's if you are being technical about it. The senate has adopted some " rules " of their own. They must have been a lawyer or Judge for 12 years and in good standing with the bar for five years. Kavanaugh more than met those " requirements " for the job. Notice how they repeatedly presented his appointment as a job interview? They had to, what other criteria could you apply to justify the reason for not hiring him? What is the reason? I just don't like him! Sure he's more than qualified, yes there is nothing in his past to disqualify him, I know that he is respected and liked by many of his colleagues and he is generally considered a great guy. He's a family man, a religious man of good moral character, but I don't like him. Yeah, that's a bit of an issue. No matter how it came about, his moral character was attacked but held up to scrutiny. Like it or not that's how the system is designed to work. The people have spoken. The people issued their opinion, Confirm Kavanaugh. Our representatives did their jobs.   

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