Friday, October 12, 2018

drowned out

 Anyone that knows me knows I love to talk. But now I find myself growing tired of the conversation. When we begin to dismiss a presumption of innocence and decide that people are guilty based solely on an accusation, there isn't much left to say. You can't really debate that attitude. When we base our arguments on aberrations and proclaim those aberrations as the norm, there is no refuting it. Acknowledging that something exists does not make it normal! Yet, that is the very argument I hear over and over again. Indeed one can be vilified for even suggesting otherwise. My evidence for this? Suggest that something happened to a black person because it was actually their fault and not because of prejudice. Go ahead, try it. Suggest that a woman may be lying about sexual assault, yeah, try that one time. Try to suggest that rich people are actually paying their fair share. Ha, good luck with any of that. White privilege is written in stone! Every white person in America is privileged and prejudiced. That's the word on the street anyway! Well unless you are one of the " cool " people then you're not. If you agree with the current agenda of equality means " special considerations " for race, creed or sexual orientation. Equal is only equal when you are given the upper hand, when you can play the Trump card. And I'm not talking about Donald Trump. I can tell you this much, for even suggesting this I will be labeled a racist and a string of other equally unsavory names.
 We need to start our conversations without assumptions. That is the biggest issue I can see. It isn't everyone and everything, it is someone and somethings! That is how the conversation should start. We have become so sensitized to other peoples assumptions that we are afraid to speak honestly about anything. Politically correct is what they are calling it. Sensitive is another adjective for that. Well I can tell you this much, if you want people to pay attention and react to things, they need to feel it! Yes, it takes a prod every now and again to get some attention. You will hurt their feelings but they will pay attention. Sometimes its' gonna hurt to get healed. I'm not talking about physical violence here, I'm talking about an honest conversation. And that is something talked about all the time but seldom heard. Too many drowning that out with repeating the popular response. Another reason it is called the bandwagon!

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