Monday, October 29, 2018


 Charles Caleb Colton said, " there are three modes of bearing the ills of life, by indifference, by philosophy, and by religion. " It is the first that has been on my mind lately. Indifference. It is indifference that is being promoted by the far left. That indifference is best summed up with a single sentiment, mind your own business. By minding your own business you keep all your opinions to yourself. It's like putting a lock on knowledge. It is only by sharing our thoughts that we can reach common ground. Remaining indifferent to behaviors we feel are inconsistent or detrimental to our communities will not bring us together. No, it will only keep us part. Indifference is an individual thing, as is philosophy and religion. The thing is, we can agree on a common philosophy, or religion, but there is no common indifference! And that is the very reason we must not become indifferent to the ills of the world. 
 What is indifference? The dictionary says it is a lack of concern, interest or sympathy. I would say it is setting those things aside. Being indifferent to those things is just remaining silent about them. But that is becoming a problem in today's world. We are assigning meanings to words that don't belong with that word. Yes, to remain indifferent is to not care. That's what most of us mean when we say that. Charles C Colton saw indifference for what it is, a coping mechanism. He called it a mode of bearing ills because I guess that's the way they talked back then. The meaning is clear however, to remain indifferent is to remain uninvolved, just allowing everyone to do their own thing. 
 I place the promotion of that on the far left because that is what they would have others do, turn a blind eye and remain unconcerned and uninterested. There is no discussion of philosophy or religion. The narrative in that regard is silent. Philosophy is the guiding principle that drives a persons actions. Is there one correct philosophy? No you can't say that there is. That is the reason we don't need to discuss philosophical points isn't it? You can't tell me what philosophy I should follow. And when it comes to religion, the same applies. For that reason an individual can dismiss both as irrelevant and place them in the category of indifference. That individual can now insist others just mind their own business. 
 The problem lies in that a community, a society or a nation are not individuals. It is something I have written about in the past and no doubt will continue to discuss. You hear the politicians rant and rave about it all the time, solemn music playing in the background, soft, sincere narration about country and unity. Vote for me. Then there is the great divide, more evident today than ever in our history. The basis for the divide? Race and Religion? No, not really, although they are the most common excuses. Philosophy is the culprit. It is philosophy that drives men to action. Philosophy combined with the quest for wealth. Many will sacrifice philosophy for a dollar. That defines character. Indifference to your philosophy and religion. The justification for such? Just remain indifferent, there is no justification. 
 It is my thinking if we just set aside religion and race for a little while, we could reach common ground. What is the philosophy of our nation? Define that and we have a beginning. It is my belief that philosophy was elegantly written and stated in our founding documents. We can't continue to remain indifferent to those principles. Quit being so upset and offended by the obvious. Quit all this name calling and finger pointing. Accept history for what it was, not for what you wish it could have been. And quit using the injustices of the past as an excuse for injustice today. Do not become indifferent to the present with hopes for the future.  

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