Sunday, October 21, 2018


 I haven't done a lot of research or reading about this so called migrant caravan heading for our southern border. I do find it a bit coincidental that its' timing matches the mid-term elections. I understand this had to had been begun a while ago. Is this a coordinated effort from some nefarious sources? That I find difficult to believe, at least in its' initial phase. Has support been given along the way? Sure looks that way to me. From the little I have read a great number of these migrants come from Honduras. I admit geography isn't my strongest subject but Honduras is south of Mexico. Mexico did nothing when they hit the southern border of their nation. Mexico has allowed that caravan to move across their country, unmolested and unconcerned? Well, at least they were unconcerned until Trump said he will close our border. If that is done , then those migrants will have to stay in Mexico or turn around and return from whence they came. Strange, Mexico isn't offering reassurance to these migrants, offering food, shelter, free medical care, or much of anything. I guess the country of Mexico is just a bunch of racists! I saw a small piece on the evening news where the Mexican police were even clashing with these " poor helpless migrants " using tear gas, batons and physical force to stop them! Oh, the humanity.
 If I sound less than convinced of the innocent nature of a migrant caravan it's because I am. You expect me to believe that these folks, numbering in the thousands, just banded together to walk hundreds of miles, across foreign nations, to escape their own government. Why aren't those folks, numbering in the thousands, just overthrowing their own government? The media would have me believe this caravan is just women and children with a few old men straggling along. Okay, where are the men? Where are the thousands of fighting age men and women? Are they all just cowards? Are they all just running in fear? And why are they running to America?  Could it be because they have all been told that America is where all the free stuff is? Could that possibly be the case? Could it be that they have been told the time is right for an invasion? Could it be that they have been convinced that if they crash the border, en masse, it would be like a smash and grab at the Walmart? Everyone gets something for nothing and no accountability for anything? No, its' just that thousands of people all decided to head for America at the same time.
 Now as far all these folks in America supporting this tactic, saying we must give humanitarian aid, I ask, why not any other country? Why isn't Mexico doing something? Why isn't any European nation doing anything? ( because it ain't their continent is my guess ) the United Nations has remained silent. No other government in the entire world has done a thing about these supposed criminal acts by the government of Honduras or others? No intervention on the behalf of human rights? Yeah, but the UN demands the United States stop using fossil fuels because that is a pressing issue requiring immediate intervention. Meanwhile thousands of women, dragging new borns' and infants thousands of miles across the desert isn't an issue. They are escaping oppression, rape and all manner of atrocities but that's not a problem? Well, what can you do the government of Honduras is run by a bunch of thugs. You can't beat thugs. But we can legalize pot in the United States, that will reduce their cash flow, that'll teach them a lesson. Well, unless they just start selling Cocaine, oh wait, they already do. Whatever, we can't beat a bunch of thugs. We'll just have to let them all in our country, where we can keep a closer eye on them. We can make them all dependent upon the government ( our government ) and then we can control them for another 150 years or so. Wait a minute, wait a minute; that plans sounds familiar. Well those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. What a bunch of blockheads! Good Grief Charlie Brown, how can so many people in this country be this stupid?    

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