Friday, October 11, 2024

no law

  There is an ongoing discussion about censorship and free speech. There are those insisting that some social media outlets be banned in the United States due to security concerns. That is the argument for what is basically censorship. The dialogue centers around defining exactly what is a ban and what is limiting access. For me they really are different actions altogether. It's like the books some are claiming are being banned in some schools. I view that as restricting access based on age and it isn't a ban as those publications are readily available elsewhere. The parents concerned with that can certainly provide their children with those books if they deem it prudent to do so. If we were to apply reason to this you would have to say that adult literature should also be included in the library, in the periodicals section. Hustler, Playboy or whatever would have to share equal billing with Scouts Life magazine. 
  A great deal centers around misinformation, lies or distortions of the truth however you wish to define that. My issue with that is who gets to decide, who gets to define truth? The first amendment to the constitution made it plain that the government was not to fill that role. We the people have a right to say what we believe. No where does it specifically say it has to be the truth. We do have punitive measures for endangering others with your speech, such as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Which, by the way, is not illegal in and of itself. You could be charged with disorderly conduct but there is no law specific to yelling fire. Are we now to define presenting ideas or opinions as endangering others? Is influence a dangerous thing? Many propose just that. That is the reasoning behind their wish to censor free speech.
  I hear a lot about foreign powers using social media platforms to gain information about American interests and secrets. TikTok tops the list. Those communist Chinamen are after us! No of that prevents us from doing business with them however, profits take priority over national security. They want a United States government approved "owner" of Tic Tok or it may be banned. Now, I don't use Tic Tok and all I know is there are a lot of silly videos on there. I read where the fear is that the Chinese government may force Tik Tok to share information from our smartphones or manipulate videos in favor of the communist party. I don't see an issue there, we have AI doing the same thing every day. No need for the Chinese to manipulate videos we are doing that on our own just fine. It just strikes me odd that the same agency saying we should censor/ban Tic Tok is also the same agency allowing avowed communists to run for office. So is the issue the communists, or just that the government doesn't like what they are saying? 
  I'm no tech wizard but how would you ban Tic Tok anyway? I read where the application wouldn't be allowed. Well, all I know is where there is a will there is a way. I'm certain some 12 year old would know how to get that regardless. It's all a bit of a mystery to me how this works. I'm just opposed to banning free speech, even when it is a communist speaking. 


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