Monday, October 28, 2024


  Are we now to say that anytime any action/choice/decision or law that we don't agree with constitutes a mental health issue? That is what I'm hearing anyway. Kamala Harris proposes that transgender surgery should be provided at taxpayers expense for those in prison. She did go on to say it is a decision that should be made by a Doctor. This surgical procedure may be a medical medical necessity and it should be provided. Just how does a doctor determine that? If I've been alive and well for thirty years or more as a man why would it become a medical necessity that I have surgery to make me appear to be a female? No surgeon can change your dna! Surgery doesn't change reality, not in this situation anyway. After the procedure you are still a biological male.
  Can you "cure" mental health issues with surgical procedures? The only one I've ever heard of was a lobotomy and I wouldn't say that was a cure, although their behavior was certainly modified afterwards. You know back in the old days the days of common sense and reason, mental conditions were treated by a mental health expert. Yes, transgenderism was a mental health issue, I contend it remains so. That's not to say you can't function in society, that you should be ostracized, minimized, rejected  or mistreated in any way, just that it isn't a medical condition. It's a mental condition. It is contrary to the normal and expected behavior. In adults in America today about .5% identify as transgender. So, yes not the normal thing, as uncomfortable as that fact may make you feel. That entire community is less than 5% of the population. All I'm saying is this, if you feel uncomfortable with who you are, seek a mental health expert, not a surgeon. It's like the old saying you can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig. 
  We live in America where you are free to be you. That doesn't mean that everyone will embrace your choices. Prejudice exists and will always exist. There is nothing you can do about that. All you can do is punish those that violate the law. There is nothing illegal about stating your opinions, beliefs or suggestions. Good thing too, as I would be in prison by now. 
 In America you are free to get any surgery you want as long as you are willing to pay for it and it is a legal procedure. There are procedures that are illegal for a simple reason, it's nuts. The raging debate centers on abortion, a medical procedure. This debate is to settle whether it is a medical necessity when that procedure is desired solely for a mental condition. No one is advocating for any ban on that procedure as a medical necessity.  
 I do not believe I am under any obligation to pay your for wants. The government isn't a charitable organization, nor should it be. It is a "governing" agency. To govern is to limit. As a citizen of this country, as one of "we the people" I'm limiting the expenditure of my tax money to necessary things that benefit the whole. Even then, I have a vote on that as well. This idea that a mental condition should be treated medically is foolishness. If we are going to say that a mental condition should be treated medically that is exactly what was addressed in that movie One Flew over the Cuckoos nest. His criminal behavior was treated with a medical procedure. 
  Was he cured? If I rob a bank because I want money is that a mental condition? Why is that any different from wanting a sex change? I can't help either action can I? That's the thinking. In a court of law you must present "clear and convincing evidence" that you were mentally ill at the time of the offense. That evidence may be a record of therapy sessions and a diagnosis from a "mental" health expert. You don't need a medical doctor in that situation, an Md's testimony isn't relevant. The reason being, it is a mental condition. That's how that works.
  Is all criminal activity just a mental issue that should be solved by a medical procedure. Is that the case? Empty the prisons and institutionalize everyone that commits a crime. I remember when there were state and federal institutions performing that very function. They did begin relying heavily on medical procedures, mostly heavy drugs and the occasional lobotomy. In the 1960's the state of California, what a surprise, began closing those mental health facilities, opting for treating them at home as a more civilized method. Other states followed and about fifty years ago all those hospitals were closed. 
 The deinstitutionalizing of the mentally ill was complete. I have to add I've seen a lot of crazy stuff in the last fifty years! Could it be that it is related to that? Maybe normalizing, empowering and encouraging those behaviors isn't such such a great idea after all. Progress is great, moving ever forward. Thing is, sometimes you take the wrong step, start going in the wrong direction. And sometimes it is like Forest Gump famously said, "it happens" when he took that next step. And, "that's all I have to say about that. " 


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