Friday, October 4, 2024


 I was amused yesterday by someone leaving a comment on my Facebook posting. This individual, who I have no clue about and I'm certain that person doesn't know me, attacked me for being honest. Yes, I was informed that I had no business having an opinion on a subject I hadn't fully studied. I'm not certain but I believe it was in reference to some remarks I had made about the vice-presidential debate. I did state in all honesty, that I hadn't watched that debate, and that I had only heard a few clips. Thing is, to my way of thinking , that was enough to form an opinion, although this person said it was a flood of opinions. My only response to that was, if you think that was a flood of opinions you obviously don't know me. I'm well aware that I hold many opinions and share them freely. I'm under no delusions about any of that. I did add that after reading her first and only comment directed at me I had formed an opinion about her. I didn't share that opinion however, it was implied. Whatever she infers from that isn't my problem. 
  I'm always a bit amused by those feeling that an opinion is a fact. They are usually the ones demanding a citation to support your opinion. Well the truth is I can find a citation to support just about any opinion one might have. That is especially true with all the subjective topics discussed on social media platforms. Consider something like mental health, all the experts don't agree on that stuff, depends upon your favorite expert. Are you a Freudian or a Jungian? They do seem to lead the pack but there are others as well. It's the reason the "manual" is rewritten and revised every so often. What was once cited as a disorder is now normal behavior. But a few disorders have been added to balance the books so to speak.
  I am especially amused by the self-help books, programs or whatever. Do it yourself mental health. If you are following the advice and instructions in those books or programs you are not doing it yourself, you are following the instructions. The reality is only you can do that stuff in the first place. Therapists do what? Talk to you, tell you things that you then hopefully accept as the truth. Hey they are being paid hundreds of dollars they must know what they are talking about. Truth is, they are telling you the same thing your best friend or your mother might tell you. It's just that if you are paying for it you feel like it is somehow more valuable. That, and you feel like you can tell all your secrets to someone else. All the prescriptions that you receive aren't going to "cure" anything, just mask the symptoms. 
  Judgments and opinions. I make them all the time. I have been told thousands of times I shouldn't judge. But I don't want to be accused of lacking good judgement, so I keep on practicing that skill. Judge not lest ye too be judged. Fact is, we all face judgement every day. As to whether we face judgement after our death is left to individual belief. Judgement isn't always bad, yes there is a good judgment, what we call a positive outcome. As to opinions, I have an opinion on that as well. In my opinion I have an obligation to share my opinion. That is simply because it may prove useful to someone else. By offering my opinion I am offering my help. Whether or not you accept it, find it useful or not, I can't control. All I can do is try. In my opinion the thing that offends us the most is the truth. When someone points out a truth that you already knew to be the truth but rejected, it is offensive. It is the old "I told you so" that really offends. And I have said it before and will tell the truth once again, I find great satisfaction in saying just that, told you so.      


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