Monday, November 6, 2023

the way it is

  Let us all remember that in every war ever waged, at any time, in any place, there were always those not involved in the fight. They have been and will continue to be the casualties of war despite their innocence. It is unfortunate and unavoidable. There can be no "pause" in a war for humanitarian reasons. There simply isn't anything humanitarian about war! What those protesting, with violence I might add, is like demanding a prize fight be "paused" while the opponent gets a rest, some medical attention and perhaps new training. That's not how that works! That is the best way I can think of to prolong the fight causing more innocent lives to be lost. If anyone thinks Hamas will simply let their hostages and human shields leave the battlefield those people are either grossly naive or just plain crazy! That is integral to their defense! It's their only hope unless Hezbollah and others join in, which remains a grave possibility. I pray that they do not, as the consequences would surely draw us into the conflict more directly. And we would be obligated to do so. We, the free world must support Israel. Hamas has a mission statement declaring they will destroy Israel. That is their stated purpose, their goal, and it must be stopped. 
  Has Israel attacked Palestine? No, because there is no Palestinian state. Look at the map, draw a circle around Palestine. You can't! There is no such place as Palestine. Israel has responded to an attack from a group calling themselves Hamas. It's an acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement whose goal is to establish a Palestinian state in what is now Israel and the Gaza strip. Understand what that means, the destruction of Israel as a state. Those protesting, supporting the Palestinians are in reality advocating for just that as they decry the need for humanitarian aid. No aid for Israel though, just a pause while Hamas strengthens its' position. The innocent people caught in the middle are not the ones fighting! Duh, that's why they are innocent. Are you protesting because you want them to be allowed to leave the Gaza strip? If so, you need to be protesting the Palestinians, they are the ones holding the innocent folks within their border. The Israeli's aren't preventing anyone from leaving. I'm certain they are being careful about just who they allow inside their country, something we should be doing with much greater vigor in my opinion, but they aren't kidnapping, beheading or burning babies alive! That would be the Palestinians or is it Hamas. Can't have it both ways protestors, they are one or the other. 
  I suspect the same people protesting in our streets are the same people that believe in all this gender stuff too. The same people hollering about the climate changing and pronouns! The same bunch that promotes socialism as a solution. People that know very little about what the actual problems are but support all kinds of nonsense. Yes, it is the "woke" crowd. Just adopt whatever the opposite attitude of conservative America embraces and declare yourself enlightened. Well, after all you have a degree, you can't pay for that says you're smart. I say, you got pretty much what you paid for, which isn't much. You're not smart enough to figure out you had to pay that money back. 
  Well woke people let me ask you this: if I bomb your house, abduct your wife and children, behead a few of your brothers or neighbors, burn a few babies, and then go hide in the local hospital are you going to call for a cease fire? Are you going to stand outside and wait for me to let everyone go before you apprehend me? You know, to be sure no one else gets hurt by accident. Is that going to be your response? Yeah, it probably would as you insist the "authorities" do everything possible to take me into custody and then provide me with services like mental health counseling. I'm certain you would be empathic to my cause. 
  Well, after all my ancestors lived on your property five hundred years ago so it is rightfully mine. I have every right to bomb you! That's what you are protesting for, right? That's what Hamas is doing and you are supporting that. Calling them Palestinians doesn't change what they are. They are the Islamic Resistance Movement whose mission statement, supported by their Holy Koran, is to destroy Israel. Israel is the Jewish people! Who are the Palestinians? The answer to that isn't as simple. What do all Palestinians have in common? They have lived in the general geographic area for thousands of years never having established a Palestinian state. They just want to claim the entire area! As I pointed out yesterday, that's like the Native American peoples declaring they own North America because they have been here for thousands of years. It's a claim that doesn't hold any validity. 
  The bottom line in all of this is quite basic. The land belongs to those strong enough to hold onto it. That has always been the case and will remain that way. The manner of deciding ownership may change but in the end the manner of obtaining it will not. That's just the reality of this world. The Bible says the meek shall inherit the earth. That doesn't mean those that are weak. It's a paradoxical statement. Strength comes from God, in the Bible it is the Christian God, in other religious texts it would be a different God but God, nonetheless. That's what fuels wars! That is strength. The land belongs to those strong enough to hold onto it. And that is just the way it is! 

1 comment:

  1. Point blank like I like it! I appreciate your writing style and guts. Now the Audibon Society is hell bent on renaming birds as to not offend! If you haven’t read, you must. These people are freaking crazy! I fear the next few months. Do you see another 9/11?
