Sunday, November 5, 2023

normal culture

   I asked "Bing" the new AI thing attached to Microsoft edge a simple question. It came back with an answer assuming I was suicidal. At least that is what it said and provided me with some phone numbers to contact. I was amused by that as the question I had asked was for a simple definition of the word, entertained. Why that algorithm determined I could be suicidal made me chuckle. I promptly responded with, I'm not suicidal. But it did make me think. Why are we pushing mental illness as the cause of almost everything these days. Is mental illness replacing morality and ethics? What I mean is, in the past if you committed a crime, treated others badly or otherwise acted outside the norm, it would be said you lacked morals and ethics. Today it is either a lack of empathy, or mental illness. 
  The whole issue of mental illness has always been a point of contention with me. I really don't place much confidence in these "counseling" treatments. Seems to me the objective of those sessions is just to get the one being counseled to agree with the counselor. Thing is, each counselor may have a different opinion, a different treatment or cure. The more honest of the group admit they can't cure anything at all. They will say the work has to be done by the individual and any return to previous behaviors is a relapse, not a failure of treatment. A convenient way to stay in business, is my thinking on that. You can't admit failure and expect returning customers. 
  Now I have no doubt there are those with mental issues. Yeah, lots of those folks around. The only thing that needs to be determined is what is normal and what isn't. If you don't act normally, you have a mental issue; isn't that right? So, what is normal? Well now that changes all the time depending upon many different factors. Take the whole gay thing as an example. There have always been those that were gay. We all know that. It is estimated that the LGBTQ+ community comprise about 7.1% of the population in the United States. A number that has been increasing every year. But is that normal? I wouldn't say so when 92.9% are not. I'd call it an aberration. Is it mental illness? A resounding number of "professionals" say no. 
  It used to be, not that long ago, that it was indeed considered a mental illness. What changed? People openly admitting to that aberrant behavior. That's the only thing that has changed over time. So, you have to conclude if a behavior is openly displayed and gains general acceptance it is normal. The ancient people with their human sacrifices thought so, that is obvious enough. It was certainly out in the open and generally accepted as just fine. No problem with that. Is that considered a mental illness today. No, we don't call any of that mental illness, we call that culture. It was accepted in the culture. Today men dressing as women, wearing women's clothing openly, indeed holding public political offices, is accepted in our culture. Some saying it is perfectly fine, no issue with that behavior. I still think it is a mental issue.
  I'm just growing concerned with this big push for mental health. It appears to me that it is being used as a crutch and an excuse for ever misdeed. What is more concerning is the programming of our children to believe that they should seek counseling and medications for every emotional trauma they encounter. It's not their responsibility to deal with any of that, it is the responsibility of society to conform to them. That is being taught as, inclusion! Yeah, sounds great doesn't it, no one left behind, everyone is welcome, and everyone gets to do whatever they want. Thing is, there is a problem with that. There is a thing known as reality. None of that exists in the real world. That's why you need the counseling and medications! 
  The whole problem with all this mental health awareness and the removal of stigma for requiring that help is the creation of dependence. We are convincing more and more people every day, they need help. It's not that they have a problem, it's those around them that do. There is nothing wrong with them and even if there is it should be celebrated, not looked down upon as a weakness. In fact, it is their strength! Others have to do this or that, give to access to, or otherwise acknowledge them because they have a mental illness! That's power. You will empathize with them or be ostracized from society in general! It's getting to be that is the "norm."
  Promote traditional values, moral and ethical behaviors and you are labeled! You are a radical. You are a danger to society. Embrace and promote this "woke" agenda of anything goes and you are "progressive" and leading the way to a Utopian society where everyone is treated exactly the same. Yeah, good luck with that. Just what is a "normal culture." The answer is this: whatever is enforced by those in power becomes the norm. The founding fathers knew that and that is why the "power" was based in the people, not in government. We the people decide what is normal! Is what is being promoted today normal? I say no, nothing normal about any of this nonsense. Time to straighten up and fly right as they used to say. 

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