Saturday, November 25, 2023


  It's my thinking we are creating the mental health crisis in America by our own actions. It is being fueled by this whole, it's about me, attitude being fostered all the time. All this taking care of me first stuff. When we begin to instill that sense in a person that they are the center of things it really disturbs them to find out they are not. Being independent doesn't mean being in charge! What it means is accepting the circumstances of your existence and then affecting changes to those circumstances you don't like. It isn't expecting everyone else to change to suit you! Yet that is what is being taught today and called inclusiveness. Yeah, when you include others into your world based on them agreeing with you, they are included. Thing is that drives a wedge between you and those that don't agree with your narrative. 
  There are two reactions that to scenario. The first one is anger. Anger towards the person or group that disagrees with your thinking. The second one allowing that anger to affect your mental health. Yeah, you start acting a little nuts! Oh, it happens to all of us, no one is exempt from that. In the past we were simply told to calm down, take a deep breath and get over it. It was pointed out that we were acting a little nuts. No need in crying over spilled milk. Today people are crying about what happened a couple hundred years ago. Let it go, it's history and there is no changing that. All you can change is the future and even that is debatable. It depends upon your view of destiny and/or fate. As Doris Day sang, Que Sera, Sera. 
  All I hear is a constant barrage of seek help, call the hotline, there is always someone willing to listen. Yeah, when they are getting paid to listen that is, even when it is called volunteering. And that is a portion of what is creating an entire generation of emotional cripples. A generation becoming dependent upon medications and conversations. A generation so busy trying to cure themselves, so busy attempting to achieve mental nirvana that it is driving them nuts. Life is hard, some people won't like you, you will be judged, criticized, and in general not embraced by society in general. You will not be held up as a shining example of humanity. No, you will be just whoever you are, and whoever you make yourself to be. If becoming yourself relies upon the approval of others, it is going to be a tough road. 
  The world isn't about you. It doesn't revolve around you. The world doesn't care if you are having fun. When you start to expect any of that from the world you have stepped upon a slippery path. You will fall! You need to get over that. You are not helpless to change whatever it is you wish to change. In fact, in this country you have far more freedom to effect change than possibly any other place in the world.     The United States is the melting pot. The deal is you have to be willing to melt into the society. The United States must remain an alloy, a combination of materials that form a new and better material. There was a time in America when that is what was happening. Today, not so much, as even those born here attempt to claim some other base material. That's what all the hyphenating is all about. Native American, African America, Italian American and on and on. Now we are even starting to proclaim our religious affiliation in conjunction with nationality. I heard on television about those calling themselves Muslim Americans. We don't do that here! Until just a few years back I never heard anyone identifying themselves as Christian Americans or Jewish Americans or any other religion anything. No, we were all Americans. Today we are all in conflict with each other.
  It is that conflict that is driving all this mental health awareness. People are angry and acting a little nuts. No other way to explain some of the public displays and attitudes I'm seeing right now. Men identifying as women and people supporting all of that as normal behavior? Abortion is simply a choice to be made by the mother, she decides life and death. So, women are Gods now! Can the father of that child demand she gets an abortion? I don't think so, the father will just be legally required to financially support that child for the next eighteen years, but the woman can just say, terminate. That's a legitimate choice? Sounds like you are saying it is all about the mother. All the other lives involved don't matter. And yes, there are at least two other lives involved in that choice. Of course, the man is just supposed to accept that choice, no problem, no mental anguish for him. That's a little nuts. It's as nuts as believing guns assault people and that by eliminating guns all the violence will stop. It's as nuts as believing criminals will obey the law. 
  You know what is even crazier? Expecting fifty or more various groups with different religious beliefs, different moral and ethical values and different traditions to co-exist in a society without conflict. Yes, it is a crazy idea. The founding fathers thought it may be possible however under certain conditions and circumstances. First there could no state sponsored religion. The laws of the land where never to be based on that. No religious test shall ever be applied to hold public office. The people were to rule. Now that was a crazy thought at the time. Prior to that there were only Kings, Czars, Emperors, Chiefs or whatever. There was always a ruling class. But the people ruling, incredible. Each vote was to carry equal weight. That's what the electoral college is all about. The only thing that can't be legislated however is morality. Ethics can be established, agreed upon and codified. Morality however is always an individual thing, a choice. 
  So how is morality established in a society. It is established by common belief. The purpose of religious texts is to define morality. Interestingly all the major religions of the world share common beliefs. The only difference being in the manner in which those beliefs are reenforced. What is the price of sin? That's what it comes down to. Remove sin from the equation and everything goes. Then it just becomes a free for all. Anger takes over. With anger comes rage. Rage leads to insanity! We all do some pretty stupid stuff when we get mad. We begin to embrace everything in an attempt to "make it alright." Far easier to simply ignore or excuse than to correct. The more people you get to join in, the easier it becomes. Soon few are saying, that's nuts. Soon the few saying that are being called nuts. They become "religious" nuts. Well because religion defines morality and we have now decided that religious belief dictates I accept everything without question, that's love. I can do whatever I like as long as I love it. Doesn't matter. 
  Here's the big question. In America today what is the common belief? Discover that and you will know what the morality of the nation truly is. Does it fit with your beliefs? I believe we all have an equal chance, an equal opportunity. We don't all enjoy equal circumstances. I believe in favoring the common good when making common decisions. I believe you cannot legislate morality or charity. I believe parents are responsible for the actions of their children. I believe it takes a village to raise a child. I believe saying no is just as important as saying yes. I believe in getting over it. I believe when you begin by believing you need help, you will need help. That's what I believe. 

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