Wednesday, October 25, 2023

too much fun

  Meta is being sued for addictive practices. That is the headline on this morning's news. A group is suing Meta, formerly Facebook, because their children are addicted to using the platform. The accusation is that they provide entertainment that is too addictive, it's just too much fun. Their platform is constructed in such a way as to entice younger adults to continue using it. Well now imagine that. A business that wants to continue selling its' product, even when the consumer creates that product. And then the public wants to sue that company because they are continuing to use it. 
 You have to be thirteen years old to have an account. That is an international requirement. You are required to provide your birthdate to create that account. So, everyone on Meta is a teenager. Now this group of Attorneys general from various states are saying, among other things, these accounts are leading to teen suicide. These teenage children get on there and get their heads filled with all sorts of ideas. They see the same things over and over again. Then, there are others on that platform that disagree with their opinion, dislike their taste in music, or otherwise say mean things. Sounds exactly like the playground when I was a kid, only you would get your butt kicked if you ran your mouth in that way. Guess that saved me from being addicted to the playground. Got a reality check real quick back in those days.
  It needs to be understood the same group of liberals filing a lawsuit against Meta and Instagram for addictive practices are the ones saying a child in kindergarten gets to choose what gender they want to be. Reading books to them about little Johnny love's little Jimmy and they can grow up to be drag queens isn't harmful, no harmful influences there. The same people that attempt to sue McDonalds because their kids got fat getting big Macs. It is the responsibility of the parents to either limit or modify the amount of time their children use social media or eat at McDonalds. It certainly isn't the fault of Meta or McDonalds. 
 They are a business! The objective of a business is to sell the product, whatever that product happens to be. There is no physical addiction associated with any of that, it is a mental addiction. No different than a person that gets addicted to gambling. You can't sue the casino or the state lotteries for any of that. Are their advertisements causing an addiction? What about all the pharmaceutical companies with their constant barrage of advertisements. Aren't they contributing to paranoia and fear in the general public. What about the federal government itself with their mandates for a vaccine. The message being broadcast is, if I don't get that I will die and kill others in the process. But there is no problem with any of that. None of that is addictive. None of that is designed to influence anyone, no, it is just public service announcements. 
  You know when I was kid and dad thought I was watching too much television, becoming addicted to that, you know what he did. He turned it off, told me to go outside, go read a book or find something else to do. And that is what parents need to do today. It isn't up to the company selling the product to limit access to that product. No, that is the function of the parents. Maybe they should get off of their accounts and start paying attention to what the kids are doing on there. Meta, Instagram or any other social media platform are not responsible for who uses them and how often they do that. As long as they are complying with the existing laws concerning content that is the extent of their responsibility. Jack Daniels isn't at fault if you drink too much. Whoever manufactured Pokémon should be sued using this logic. So many people addicted to that. People sold their homes to buy the rare card or figure whatever it was. They were addicted! It was just too much fun!     

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