Monday, October 2, 2023

as usual

  Senate bill one went into effect yesterday here in the state of Maryland. What this bill does is limit where legal gun owners with a carry permit can wear and carry their weapons. Yes, it is sort of like having a drivers license but you can only drive on certain roads. You can not carry your weapon within one hundred feet of certain buildings. Schools, libraries, government buildings, stadiums and places that sell video lottery games. You know, the places you are most likely to be going. At the last minute a federal judge did block one portion of that bill that prevented you from carrying in any place that sold alcohol. A separate piece of legislation raised the age for gun ownership from 18 to 21. 
  The rate of gun violence in Baltimore is over three hundred homicides a year, for the last seven years in a row. Leadership is now declaring progress is being made because fewer shootings are resulting in death. That's right, it's progress when more people are getting shot but fewer are dying from those shots. In response the legislature enacted senate bill one to limit legal gun owners from carrying guns. How many of those shootings were committed by a person with a legally owned gun? Strangely that data is very difficult to obtain. You would have to spend a good bit of time to research that, almost as if that information were being suppressed. Well, it's just prejudicial and possibly racist to point out that it is the illegal gun users in certain neighborhoods that are fueling the violence. We really shouldn't be isolating that, targeting it, or creating any preconceived ideas about any of that. So, we will pass laws to limit the legal guns owners because they will obey the law. No sense passing laws to limit the criminals, they won't obey the law anyway. 
  The way to make it safer for everyone is to disarm the lawful gun owners. The same logic would work by restricting what roads drivers could use. If you can't drive on that road, you can't have an accident on that road. Speed limit signs are only for those that comply with the law. I wonder why we even spend tax payers money on them, speeders gonna speed. This banning of where you can carry your weapon will certainly make it safer for the criminals. School shooters should feel a bit safer too, no guns allowed on that property. No taking a gun into any government building, like the post office for instance. But you can still carry it in your home, in your yard and some places beyond that. Of course, you have to be 21 now. 
  The thing is there is no new gun legislation targeting illegal gun owners or users. There has been much talk about all of that, but the argument is, they have rights. No problem restricting the rights of the legal gun owners, but a big problem with holding the criminals accountable. For four years former governor Larry Hogan presented a bill to the legislature targeting illegal gun use and possession. That bill never made it out of committee. The present governor, Wes Moore quickly signed this senate bill one legislation. A democrat acting swiftly to inhibit the legal rights of the citizens. That passes through like the proverbial excrement through a goose! And yes, there are plenty of guns protecting Governor Moore in that government building and everywhere else he goes, no restrictions on that. The thugs in the hood are still busy shooting each other and anyone else that interferes with their criminal activities. They continue to purchase their firearms in record numbers unchecked. No laws about any of that. The police take the guns away when they discover them, and the criminals are set free to purchase a replacement. Business as usual. Occasionally the city has a gun buy back drive. You know, you can take a gun, any gun to the police station and get paid for that gun, no questions asked. Works out great when you really want to upgrade your weapon. 
  As usual the only ones being penalized are those that obey the law. Using my tax money to embolden the criminals. What else would you call that. Might as well post signs. no gun zone to avoid any confusion. Can't have the criminals getting shot at, can we? That would be a danger to public safety. Just do as you are told, and no one will get hurt. 

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