Thursday, October 12, 2023


  I haven't written anything about the war going on in Israel. I really can't fathom the horror of it all. I have no understanding of why any group would do such a thing. I will not attempt to place blame anywhere other than where it belongs, with those that committed the act. The how and why of it can be discussed forever and most likely will be. I can't pretend to have any understanding of that at all. I hear the cries of those that are caught up in this. There are those that are simply living in a time and place not of their choosing but it is their home. I hear the pleas for support. That support should be for humanity in general, not limited to the Jewish people. This attack and retaliation must be based solely on that, just simple human dignity! But that is also the nature of war, inhumanity. 
  The question is how to defeat those that believe they are right. All terrorists have that belief, that motivation. That belief is so strong they will disregard all humane treatment of their fellow man. It has always been so. Historically in wars attempts have been made to limit the carnage to the participants. The innocents should be spared. In every instance that has violated or indeed ignored altogether. When the sole objective is to destroy the enemy, the enemy is everyone that isn't helping you. That provides the justification for those criminal activities. The loser is always the criminal, and the winner is the righteous one. Whose God helped the most? And that is what this hinges upon. This Hamas is what? A militant religious group bent on overthrowing government rule. Muslim fundamentalists is a term often applied to them. Their objective is rule over the Jews and the Christians. That is the big difference between the Muslims and the Christians and Jews. That belief, that domination is a part of their religious belief. How do you defeat belief?
  Israel was attacked and has every right, indeed an obligation, to respond to that attack. The rest of the world should join in to immediately to stop this slaughter. Religious beliefs have no place in this discussion at all. It isn't a religious dispute; it is a dispute concerning all humanity. Hamas must be brought before the court of all humanity and face judgement. Palestine itself should do everything possible to eliminate and expel this terror group from their land. There should be no safe harbor, no place on this earth that Hamas should be allowed to exist! I realize it isn't that simple, I wish that it were. I support humanity. The world needs to respond to this. Only a global response will be effective in crippling this group. You will not eliminate them, that just isn't going to happen. But we can cripple them, limit their ability to do harm, harass and hound them in every corner they try to run and hide. We must be unrelenting in this effort. There is no way this group should ever be able to purchase arms, munitions, missiles or any means of waging war! Anyone that enables that is just as guilty as the terrorists themselves. 
  My prayers go out to everyone affected by this. My prayers aren't asking my God to defeat another God. My prayers are for my God to provide relief and comfort to those being affected even if they don't believe in my God. My God doesn't care about that. My God is concerned with all humanity. That's my belief, all are the children of God. My God created the earth and on one occasion destroyed it. According to the text that will happen once again when God decides enough is enough. When man's inhumanity to man is judged to be intolerable, that will happen. It isn't going to matter one-bit what religion you practiced or didn't practice. This is about humanity.     

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