Friday, October 27, 2023

together again

  Yesterday I received a surprise in the mail. My niece sent me some photographs. Her Mom recently passed and she is involved in the process of going through her things and settling on their disposition. It is something I hope to never have to do personally. That has to be one of the most difficult tasks you could be faced with in life. I've had siblings, one of my sons and numerous friends that have faced just that. I have so far been spared. As much as I was excited to receive those photographs that was my first thought after opening the envelope. I felt an almost overwhelming sense of sadness, it was a finality. That was expressed in the attached note, although I'm certain that wasn't the intent. The note said, "I was going through some stuff at Mom's house." It is a simple declarative statement that expresses far more than can be written. 
  Now these pictures were of myself with my siblings. The number of photographs I have with all of us kids together are very few. They number less than five. The only ones I did have were when we were young children, old black and white images taken by proud parents. As we grew up and moved away, we scattered to the four corners of the country. There just weren't any times we all got together. Our family lives weren't like those Hallmark movies you see at this time of the year. No one was flying in for the holidays and staying at each other's mansions. No, we were and still are just regular folks. But in June of 1990 we did all come together. That is when the pictures were taken. We were together to attend the graveside service of our father. It was 1990 and no one was celebrating life back then, it was a solemn occasion. We gathered at my brother's home and that is where the picture was taken. 
 Those pictures remained there for thirty-three years. In what I can only view as a bit of irony I got them yesterday. To anyone that reads my posts regularly you may remember yesterday I wrote about a picture. I had selected a picture that brought back memories of a time long ago, a time with my brothers, family and friends. Then, later in the day these photographs find me. Destined? That was a question I pondered yesterday as well. It would seem these pictures were destined to become mine. I can only thank Mona for saving them all these years. And as with most things the story goes much deeper, but that story is not for this medium. Perhaps I will include that in a personal memoir should I decide to write that. For today, for now, all I can do is express my happiness for having received them and my deepest sorrow for the reason why. That picture was also the last time all four of us were together. A lot can happen in thirty-three years. Well, a lot has happened. 


                                          Left to right: Harold, Ben, Millie, Dan   

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