Tuesday, October 17, 2023

retention of power

  We all hear about the bias in the media. It's a real thing, no doubt about that. The reality is there has always been bias in the media depending upon who was paying to get what published. It is on a 3x5 card on the bulletin board and in the national news broadcasts. It exists on every social media platform. What I'm writing at this very moment contains bias, my bias. But all this has been taken to new heights never before seen. In some instances, it has exceeded the boundary of bias and entered the realm of outright lies. Far beyond an opinion, an outright falsehood. It is about driving the narrative. That's a phrase I'm tired of hearing, the narrative. Yeah, what we used to call the story. The story is closer to the truth of the matter as a great deal of this reporting involves story telling. And we openly admire and promote influencers. Is being influenced a good thing? It isn't in the connotation I was raised with. I was warned about those that were a bad influence but encouraged to emulate those that acted in the correct fashion. Of course, I was simply told, be like him. The vocabulary was different, but the meaning was the same. 
  This bias, this influencing, was brought to the front of my thoughts once again with a television advertisement. This advertisement isn't selling a product per se, nothing made by a specific manufacturer. No, this advertisement has the sole purpose of scaring the consumer into not using the product at all! Natural gas! In this advertisement you are warned of the dangers of this gas that emits methane when burned, it's silent and deadly. You will have no warning at all. Toward the end of the commercial a house explodes in a ball of flame! If that doesn't get your attention, you must be a boomer! Well, I am a boomer, and it did get my attention. It's obvious that the push for all electric is being funded in a big way and backed by "government" entities in some fashion. Gas stoves and furnaces are just too dangerous! Instead, we should all switch to clean electric power that the government can control with the flick of a switch. We do not have the infrastructure to support an all-electric system. It doesn't take much thought to realize that. This isn't about saving the planet, greenhouse gasses or any of that story. The real story is about control! 
  This advertisement, public service announcement, or training film, whatever you wish to call it, will certainly frighten children and the millennials. The same tactic is being used to force vaccines upon the population as well. I'm constantly barraged with warnings that I am at risk! I'm over fifty, I have medical conditions and those germs are out there! I should be taking every precaution possible, every shot, every medication and be seeking mental health and wellness at every turn. If I do not, I'm pretty much a goner! And all of that is centered on control as well. No better way to track the population than through medical records. Ever really read those questionnaires you are given at your appointments. Ever really think about why they are asking you those things. Do you own a gun? Have you ever thought about hurting yourself? What are your sexual preferences? All that besides your name, address, financial status, ethnic group and how you identify yourself. Then all that is entered into the data base. A "medical" data base that can be shared between "medical" providers instantly. 
  Orwellian? Well, I certainly think that it is. All is not as it seems. Now I admit to not having read Orwell's novels, not a single one of them, including 1984. I have an understanding of what the term Orwellian means, and if this is what he was writing about, it is accurate. Call me skeptical if you will but I firmly believe all of this is about power and control. It is always about power and control. Those who rule always want to ensure their continued ability to rule. No matter the method they choice to use the objective is the same, the retention of power. The only way to retain power is by restricting others. And that is what this is all about. Control with the flip of a switch.  

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