Tuesday, October 10, 2023


   Funny how things change. If I order a coffee today, I need to be very specific. First, I have to say whether it should be hot or cold. Wasn't that long ago when cold coffee was just thrown out, who drinks cold coffee? I also have to give a list of additives that I want in that coffee. It is becoming more difficult to order a simple cup of hot coffee, it seems to confuse the servers these days. Yes, I want it hot and black. No sugar, no cream, no foam, none of that. I've even had a server say, I'll check and see if we have that. I miss those days when you could simply say. A cup of coffee. It was understood exactly what you wanted, anything else was extra. I never once asked for a cold coffee back in the day. 
  It is getting to be that way with a number of things. Remember when potato chips where just potato chips made with real potatoes? No ridges, no flavors just potato chips in a bag and your fingers got greasy eating them. I wouldn't swear to it, but I think Bar-B-Chips were the first deviation from that. Then came fake potato chips made from a powder and packed in a can. It was a revolution, no more broken chips, no more greasy fingers. Chemical additives were abundant however, but it was cool. Variety is the spice of life. At the rate we're going that variety will kill us all. Too many spices aren't a good thing. The majority of it is salt. You can get unsalted chips but who wants that? Still the good old grease laden chips were the best and nowhere to be found today. 
  Things change and not always for the better. Sometimes it is hard to accept those changes. How many times have you heard but we always did it that way? I've heard that a good number of times as I moved from job to job. During my naval career I changed commands every three to four years. Even in the military when you get somewhere new you will hear that, but that isn't how we do it here. We have always done it this way. Then after the navy I worked at a few different companies. Each of those places had their own way of doing things. They've always done it that way. I don't care how you've done it in the past, this is how we do it. 
  Lots of things changing. Today if you tell me you are married, I don't know if it is to a man or woman unless I ask. Not long ago I could make an assumption about that based on empirical evidence. Certainly not true today. If you are wearing a dress and high heels, I might think you are a woman, might also be mistaken. I have to ask about your identity. Soon we are all going to have to wear name tags replete with preferred pronouns. We are going to have to make our "identity" known to avoid confusion. Just who is married to whom? 
  Another big change coming is the use of electricity for everything. There is already a push on to get those gas stoves and heaters out of our homes. I've seen this commercial on television that I can only describe as ominous. The hidden danger of methane gases! If you have a gas stove or heater you could be exposed to this, and it will kill you! The advertisement is really a bit scary if you are easily influenced like a great number of people are today. That's another change I'm seeing. The narrative today is don't believe anything without scientific proof, and even then, only by government scientists. Do not stand firm in your beliefs, follow the leader! 
 The big change will happen when man has progressed past that archaic stuff, we call fire! All that stuff does is emit carbon gases into the atmosphere and will kill us all, destroy the entire planet. Fire, open flames and carbon emissions. What are we thinking. We need to change all that. Well as for me I still want to char broil my meat over an open fire burning oak and a touch of hickory. I want a cup of hot black coffee. I want to fry my eggs in bacon grease and sop up the yoke with buttered bread. And for sure my wife is a woman! And today it is best to check for yourself, be certain about that. Don't make any assumptions about any of that. Seems like half of Canada is on fire and I'm seeing commercials about my gas stove. It's a strange world isn't it. 

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