Sunday, October 1, 2023



  1. behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety:
    "you exhibit remarkable modesty and decorum"
  2.  It's what our parents meant when they said, behave yourself. It is also something that seems to have been left behind somewhere in the twentieth century. The latest example of that was Fetterman and the dress code controversary. That has been reversed, however. In a rare moment of lucidity and common sense that decision was changed. Bravo I say, just a small step, a baby step you might say but a step in the right direction. Some view that as a brave new beginning. That's the thing about new beginnings, they are usually just something that is coming back. There is very little new in the world of that I am certain. It's like I always say, there is little that can be said that hasn't been said before. The medieval knights took decorum to the highest levels with their code of chivalry. Portions of that code are still practiced today.
  3.  Decorum is being confused with constraint. They really aren't the same thing. Decorum defines where and when certain actions are appropriate and when they are not. The difference between our public and private actions. There is nothing inherently wrong with the actions we may enjoy in private, but those same actions may not be appropriate in a public setting. It's kinda the reason we put a door on the bathroom. Yeah, everyone has to do that but not in front of others. It isn't enlightened or progressive to insist on a public display. No, all that is, is a lack of decorum. Just excuse yourself politely and go do your business. That holds true with a lot of other actions as well. 
  4.  It isn't only our actions but our words. In listening to the politicians of today all sense of decorum and propriety has been thrown to the wind. The frequent use of "cursing" has become a common thing, not shocking at all. In the past that sort of language was reserved only used to express the deepest anger and signal to others just how upset you were. It was a verbal assault perpetrated for the shock value! Somewhat expected from the lower classes, the uneducated, brutish masses, but not from polite society. But today those folks hope to be viewed as the "educated" brutish class, you know, one of you people. The politicians of today are striving to be the leader of the gang. Sleeves rolled up and curses spewing forth they assault their opponents with lies, half-truths and accusations. They even have tee shirts, ball caps and celebrity endorsements. A far cry from the pencils and potholders candidates used to hand out with those bumper stickers. 
  5.  Decorum for me is the outward display of the morality of the society. It is what is generally accepted as the normal and expected behavior. When I first heard the phrase "coming out" I viewed that as a public admission. That's really what it is. It's the public admission that you engage in whatever activity that you realize isn't the normal, expected behavior in society. You do so in an act of defiance, like a child does with their parents. It's an attempt at forced acceptance of the behavior. It is based on the same principle as a comedian in a nightclub. They rely on shocking the audience with vulgarity and inappropriate stories. It will elicit nervous laughter as the audience "comes out" to show others how mature and accepting they really are. Then you have to maintain that illusion after leaving the club. You have to say, there's nothing wrong with that. No different than following the crowd on the playground when you were a child. And the thing about all of that is that it lacks substance.
  6.  Our politicians today lack substance. What real message are they sending other than I'm the lesser of two evils? That is why you should vote for me, because the other guy is terrible. They offer no solutions to the problems. They are always telling us what they are going to do, but never ask us, what do you want me to do? You are campaigning to be my representative; don't you think you should ask me what I want? All this parading around, waving flags and insistence on pronouns also has no substance. Just what is the point? Your community comprises about 13% of the population. You shouldn't be upset or surprised that the other 87% holds a different view. Exercise some sense of decorum and you won't be subject to public criticism. The ones that need to know, will know. That's how that works. 
  7.  Yes, I'm old, just an old angry man. I hear that often enough on social media from the young progressives. They aren't wrong, so it isn't a big issue with me. I said the same thing about my parents and grandparents. I've said the same thing about others that tried to tell me what I should or shouldn't be doing. I did enjoy the attention I sometimes got from breaking social conventions, acting out as it was called. But I did learn over time the temporary bit of "fame" I derived from that wasn't worth it in the long haul. The advice became, be cool. Being cool meant something different back then. Being cool meant displaying the proper decorum so as not to draw attention to yourself. In that way you could do privately what you didn't do in public. Others may have suspicions about you, but you didn't provide the proof. Yes, I'm old and I'm angry. So many that just don't know how to behave themselves. 
  8. I'd say that applies to our actions as well. Just behave yourselves.

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