Friday, August 25, 2023

What next

  It's a mixture of anger and jubilation. A former president has been arrested and his mug shot circulated like it's a baseball card. Are the wheels of justice simply turning or are we witnessing an obstruction of justice. In short, is this action justified? Was there any criminal activity? Well, that is going to be decided in a court of law. Will that decision be reached by a jury of his peers? That is going to be a very difficult thing to satisfy any way you want to look at it. I can guarantee you it will not reach a jury until well after the election. Millions of dollars are going to be made by all the attorney's involved. The truth is, they are the only ones that will profit from any of this. One can only imagine the number of books, memoirs and made for tv movies and docudramas can come from all of this. An entertaining chapter in the history books for certain. I hope reincarnation is true and get to come back in fifty years or so to see how history will view this. Will the Republic have survived? That is a portion of what is going on trial in this case, make no mistake about that. Do "we the people" have a right to question government? It's becoming increasingly apparent there are those that believe we do not. There is only compliance! 
  Does that sound harsh, a little extreme perhaps? You can face criminal charges for using the wrong pronoun. Now that sounds a bit extreme to me. A child in kindergarten points their finger and is removed from the classroom because he made a "gun" sign. The parents are notified, and counseling sessions recommended. Health care workers lost their jobs for failure to comply with a vaccine mandate! That sounds a bit extreme to me. A politically motivated arrest has taken place on a national level, reported, documented, and in some circles celebrated, now that's extreme. That these charges are political is beyond doubt, there is no question about that, none whatsoever. It's a shot across the bow, comply or you will be taken down. The criminal justice system has been weaponized and is being used against political opponents. Look at our major cities controlled by the Democrats as evidence of that. Crime is rampant, justice is almost non-existent, the criminals are running the show! All of that is happening because those in power want to stay in power. The best way to gain the vote is to simply allow and enable your voting block to act as they please. Like the most popular parent, just give them whatever they want, don't hold them accountable for anything, and tell them how much you love them. Yeah, they will keep you in office. 
  I could go down a list of offenses committed by past political figures. I haven't forgotten about Hillary and her crime spree. Nothing was done, not one charge filed. What about Hunter? The list is quite long. But this latest charge is the fourth time since March that charges have been made against Trump. And why? The answer is obvious to anyone paying attention. He is currently leading in the polls to replace Joe Biden in the next election. Last time around it took a "pandemic" to get him out of office, along with some creative ballot counting. There were irregularities associated with all of that. Massive data dumps in the middle of the night, windows covered in paper to prevent people looking in, lost and misplaced memory cards from voting machines. The direct recording electronic voting machines is far from secure! I don't care how many experts say otherwise. Kids are stealing KIAS off the streets and I'm certain there are those that could capture and alter that data without anyone knowing the difference. No, it isn't secure at all. Remember when a teenager hacked the computers at the pentagon. Yeah, real secure.
But questioning any of that is now a crime? 
 Setting aside the whole argument about whether a crime has been committed or not, that is yet to be determined by competent authority, what remains is this sense of anger and celebration. It defines the current state of the country. We have those that are simply angry and those that are celebrating. Just like any mob you may have seen. Emotions are in control not common sense. It is as I have said many times, emotions are great motivators, but seldom good guides. That's the purpose of advertisements, to arouse your emotions, get you to buy. It's the same in politics. I need to raise your emotional response. The media has been working overtime to portray Trump and his cronies as the evil crowd out to take away your free stuff. The media is being controlled by the left, it always has been and that isn't going to change anytime soon. Social media threw a new wrinkle into all that. The left is struggling to keep control of those platforms as well. But the thing is this, just keep stirring the pot and pointing fingers. People are hesitant to change their minds, to make the tough decisions. Easier to just go with the flow and join the celebration. I've heard this phrase at least twenty times this morning Trump "surrendered" to authorities. Surrendered, arrested and booked! If that doesn't raise emotions nothing will. The newscasters as now as excited as the meteorologist before a snow storm! In my opinion this whole deal will just fade away after the election takes place. The importance lies not in obtaining justice but in stirring the pot. Are you upset? Personally, I'm not mad or glad. It's just politics as usual. I'm not buying at this time. I'll just wait and see what happens next. A pandemic, a natural disaster, a recession or a cold war! You can bet it will be a big distraction no matter what it is. 

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