Tuesday, August 29, 2023

that's fair

  As I was browsing my FB timeline and reading the comments posted there, I saw one that mentioned being fair. My first thought, reaction to that was; the concept of what is fair assumes a certain degree of entitlement. The founding fathers called those inalienable rights, specifically life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is only fair that everyone should enjoy those. The question however remains, are you entitled to them? If so, that is only by the virtue of your birth. Today we are questioning that by saying being born isn't a right, guarantee, or entitlement. The child has zero input on that decision. Is that fair? Is there a right to life? Well, that is the big question, isn't it? I'll set that discussion aside for this morning.
  I was thinking about being fair. What is fair? How can we define that? Is that the purpose of the law? To ensure everyone is treated fairly. If that were the case, I'd have to say we certainly have missed the mark on that one. Everyone is not being charged equally nor receiving equal punishment for wrongdoing. All of that is being decided by entitlement. Is that fair? Fairness assumes a degree of entitlement. It is only the granting of those entitlements that gets called into question by those that have not been granted that entitlement. That's when we say, it isn't fair. Equal opportunity doesn't guarantee equal results. Is that fair? Doesn't seem like it is, if everything is equal shouldn't the results be equal as well? Aren't you entitled to that. 
  Being fair can mean everyone gets the same. It can also mean you get what you deserve. And isn't it only fair someone should get the things they need. We use those definitions according to circumstance. When someone gets more than you it isn't fair. The person receiving that sees it as what they deserve, while another person complains because they really need that. It isn't fair that you have more than enough. It all depends upon your circumstance at the moment. The opposite of unfair is just. What is just? Just is when you get what you deserve. Also called justice. If it is unjust, you didn't deserve that.      But who gets to decide on what you deserve? Is it the one with the most, or the one with the least? Who says what is enough? Enough defines the need, doesn't it? You don't need more than that, it's enough. Then we're back to, everyone gets the same is what is fair. And some of us just aren't happy with enough, we want more! We need more! It's the pursuit of happiness that we are guaranteed with those inalienable rights. It's only fair. That stems from the belief that liberty is also an inalienable right. Liberty means the individual is responsible for his or her own life, not upon government or any social programs sponsored by the state. And that is what is fair. The ability to assume responsibility for your choices, that is what fairness means. If life seems unfair to you, that is because of the choices you have made. You decide on what you want, what you need and what you feel you deserve. No one has to agree with you. That's a whole other thing entirely.  

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