Sunday, August 20, 2023

a better life

  It is said that what every parent wants for their children is a better life. They want the things for their children they never had, something just a bit more, something better. But it is a bit of a paradox because as we age, we begin to get an understanding of things, a new perspective. We realize that some of the things we didn't have were withheld from us. It wasn't that we couldn't have had those things, but rather it was determined that we shouldn't have those things. That was the knowledge our parents possessed. Sure, we often felt deprived, sometimes resentful of them as they assured us, we would be happier without those things. There are dangers associated with certain actions that on the surface seem harmless enough. But most parents know that the most important thing is order and discipline. When either of those two are missing chaos ensues. There is nothing better about any of that. And the proof is staring us all in the face. Is this better than what we had as children growing up? I fail to see how anyone could believe that. It has become a dangerous world we live in here in America. Certainly, far more dangerous than when I was growing up. And what is the reason for that? It is the lack of order and discipline! It's as simple as that.
  There has always been vice in this world, always been criminals, always been those that simply don't comply. Nothing new about any of that. What is new is tolerating all that, making excuses for it, and some quasi attempts at rehabilitating offenders. We are allowing the proverbial fox to guard the hen house. It isn't making anything better for our children at all! The removal of accountability and responsibility is not an improvement. Standards are required. That is the foundation. True when building a structure and true when building a person. Standards in conduct, standards in punishment. The standard is established by the majority. It has to be that way. Yeah, if you are in the minority that isn't so great, but it is what is required. I wasn't so great in algebra, often got the wrong answer, but no one was changing the answer to suit me. The answer is the answer. No excuses, no exceptions or exemptions. It has to be that way. Same in a society. This is acceptable, this is not. 
  It's true with each passing generation. Today it is the boomers. We are being looked upon as the cause of the problems faced by the current generation. That's because the current generation feels like they know it all. I remember feeling that way as a young parent myself. Hey, I'm grown up now. I'll do things my way. Over time, and with experience I began to understand the lessons I was taught by my parents. The lessons I had rejected as outdated, old fashioned, and just plain stupid. It became apparent that order and discipline was indeed a necessity. And sometimes, because I said so, is reason enough! There is no sense in attempting to explain a complex issue to a child. That's because, they're kids. I didn't like being treated like a child and resented that. Then at some point it dawned on me. I'm being treated like a child because I'm acting like a child. Now I've reached a certain maturity. At least my age says that I should have although I'm certain there are many that would disagree with that. Over the last fifty years or so I have tried most everything that I was told I shouldn't do. Over the last fifty years I have also learned why I shouldn't do that. But sharing that knowledge now makes me old fashioned and outdated. The kids know how to make everything better. 
  I don't feel any responsibility for it, but I do feel a bit of regret. I'm not leaving my children or grandchildren a better world. It isn't just that I would like them all to live the life I did, riding my bicycle around town, playing outdoors getting scrapped knees, doing all the things I did. Each generation has to make their own memories. I wonder what the kids of today will have to remember. Will it be playing video games and tic-tok? Will it be learning to shelter in place at schools to protect yourself from mass shooters. Will it be seeing drag queens in the library? Or little Johnny turns out to be little Jane? Will it be presidents being impeached, corrupt politicians and the narrative that the police are all racists. Will it be that all white people are racists and owe the black skinned people of the world everything. And what heroes do they have today? Will they look back on all of this with fond memories? I can't see that happening. The best I can hope for is they look back at all of this as the past. That and as a time they would never want to return to and would never want their children to experience. I hope they all get a better life! 

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