Thursday, August 31, 2023

at what age

  Age limits? That is becoming quite the topic of conversation for this election cycle. Are Trump and Biden just too old for the job? The real question is mental fitness. Now with Trump his mental fitness isn't a matter of concern regarding his cognitive abilities, rather that his ego is a hinderance to good governance. With Joe Biden it is his cognitive facilities that are lacking. Thing about all of that is that neither one of those states are age dependent. That is to say, both can happen to you at almost any age. Age is being called into question a lot these days. What is too young? There are those saying we should provide gender affirming care to five year old children! They aren't too young. The age to purchase alcohol, drive a car, join the service, and give consent varies from state to state and time to time. You are supposed to be eighteen to have a Facebook account. 
 So, are we saying we should impose an age limit on holding public office? That would certainly be age discrimination, wouldn't it? I know that has been talked about regarding your license to drive a car. As long as I can still see and get behind the wheel, I'm able to keep that license. All discrimination is bad isn't it. That's what I hear all the time. When I exercise good judgement or common sense I am accused of discriminating, and that's a very bad thing. That happens when others disagree with my opinion. My response is always the same, what is the standard. It is only with a standard that things can be compared and evaluated. What is the standard for mental fitness for each category of mental health? What I'm asking is who gets to decide upon the answers? Who decides upon that? 
  Personally, I don't believe Biden is up to the task. Let's just say his mental acuity isn't quite as sharp as it should be. Is it disease? I'd say it was more old age than disease unless you are going to call old age a disease. I won't be surprised one bit if the powers that be decide that it is. They have decided that addiction is a disease, and I don't agree with that. You started it, you can stop it. That's my feeling about that. The fact is Biden is just getting old, forgetful and lacking in focus and concentration. It happens. Should that disqualify him for running for office. I mean no one is forced to vote for him right. The choice of president is up to the people. The same goes for Trump. But the forgone conclusion is that one of them would win the election if they are on the ballot. So, what does that say about the electorate? Think about that for a few minutes.
  The requirements for running for public office are vastly different across the country. Age, education and experience are all different. Are all requirements discriminatory in some fashion? Depending upon your feelings they could be just that. I'm eighteen, old enough to join the service but I can't run for office. I didn't graduate high school so I can't hold office. I don't live inside the town limits so I can't vote in the elections although I own a business in that town. I'm paying taxes but have no say! Are we now going to say once you reach this age you are permanently disqualified? In that way the choice is removed from the electorate. You can't win if you're not in the race. 
  I believe we should have term limits. That was established with the presidency because it was determined that one person holding that much power for too long was a very bad thing. FDR died during his fourth term in office. No one wanted a repeat of that, especially the Republicans, and so term limits were set. The twenty second amendment was ratified in 1951. Some argued that two terms were a tradition established by Washington and Jefferson. Opponents argued no such tradition had ever been established. Age was never a factor in that decision. As I said I believe term limits need to be established for every public office. Yes, every public office as that is only fair. But establishing an age limit is another matter altogether. To be fair you have to ask yourself a question and be completely honest with the answer. If you are too old to run for office at what age are you too old to vote? It requires the same mental acuity to do either one, doesn't it? 

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