Monday, August 7, 2023


  Watched a segment on the news this morning about Anheuser-Busch. It seems they really are taking quite a hit. The product is being boycotted. A great deal of revenue has been lost and according to the expert, it isn't coming back. That particular product or the money I mean. In the story they reported on a few other businesses that suffered from the same thing, Target was one of those with their promoting of what they called a "Pride collection", clothing for children in the LGBTQ community. Yeah, that hurt business in a significant way. Naturally all of that was being blamed on right wing extremists battling the woke crowd. Well, alright I suppose you could put it that way. It isn't the way I see it, however.
 Now I'm no businessman I'll be the first to admit to that. I've never owned or operated a business other than having a yard sale. I haven't been to college and studied economics. I also have no experience in advertising. Well, that's not entirely true I did write a few advertisements for my high school newspaper. And I once wrote a sale poster for a bulletin board. You could say I was advertising. But my point is just that I don't consider myself any sort of authority or expert on advertising and sales. I do however feel confident in offering some advice to those whose job that is. At the very least this is what I would do. My recommendation: sell your product, not a social agenda. 
 I do have life experience to draw upon. Whenever I was attempting to get someone to buy something I was selling my objective was to sell that product, even when that product was me. What I'm saying is I wasn't telling the ladies they needed to go on a diet. I left the selling of Jenny Craig to the professionals, it wasn't going to help my sales, if you get my meaning. These giant corporations with their multi-million-dollar advertising campaigns need to get back to the basics. I'm not in the market for your personal beliefs! You see it's like this, you are not the only company selling a product, any product, I have many choices where I can buy whatever it is I want. You need to convince me your product is the best choice. You are not going to do that by telling me what I need to support socially. 
 It's not really that hard, you need to know your clients. Hey Bud, who drinks beer? Is it the LGBTQ people slamming down the suds! I don't think so, although I admit I haven't done any market research on that. Call me whatever you like but I think you would be better off selling that crowd loafers and sweaters they can tie around their waists. Maybe some wine, although it wouldn't be Mad Dog or Thunderbird. See my point there? And Target how many children are asking mommy and daddy for gender affirming clothing? Are you trying to get the kids to buy those clothes, yeah, they have to have mommy pay for them, or are you trying to get mommy and daddy to use their children in some social experiment. Placing the burden of that choice on their backs. 
 Go woke, go broke is a popular catch phrase these days that sums all of that up. Bottom line is simple enough, you aren't selling Rosary beads to a Baptist! Know who you intend to sell your product to. You can't sell baseball cleats to a basketball player. When you target your product to less than 5% of the population you can expect your sales to be very low! In fact, you can expect that 95% of the people won't buy it at all. But what do I know. If only I had a degree in advertising and a six-figure salary. I could make any company go broke. I'm going to sell surf boards in Arizona. Should be a great success. 

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