Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Common sense

  The American political scene is surely a source of amusement to the rest of the world. I can't see it being viewed in any other way. Like a bunch of children on a playground it appears our representatives are busy simply picking sides. I have certainly lost a great deal of respect for the lot of them. Yesterday another four-count indictment against Trump and more news of Hunter Biden's love child. Both of those actions designed for a single purpose, to distract from the real issue at hand. What is the real issue you ask? It is who is going to become the next president of the United States. There are those folks sacred to death that Trump could win the general election, and those that are sacred to death that Biden could get reelected. Or even worse, someone else! I do not see a single candidate at this point I would feel comfortable voting for. My hope is for a rise in middle America. You can call it the conservative voice or the voice of the people, whatever you like, but I just want to hear some common sense from whomever is in that office.
  My feelings about Biden is no secret to anyone that knows me. He is your typical snake in the grass politician. A look at his record will show you that if you look with an objective eye. Remember he is the one voting to tax your social security, in fact, the deciding vote the last time. Look it up. He has flip flopped on more issues than a fish out of water. I do not believe for one second that he hasn't spoken with his son about business. No, that's just an outright lie. All that being said however whatever love children his son has fathered has nothing to do with politics. That is the stuff of gossip. I'm sure that is what amuses others as well. As for Trump he's a bit extreme for my tastes. I do agree with a good deal of his policies, he was trying to give the people what they wanted even though the motivation for that is a bit misguided. Trump is a narcissist. I don't see how anyone could deny that. With Trump it is all about image. He wants to be seen as the savior of America. The biggest bully on the playground. As I said, it is his motivation I question. It is his character. At least his public character that comes into question so often. Biden is simply a politician without character at all. He just goes with the flow, whatever suits his needs at the time. 
 When I was growing up, I heard a certain phrase used to describe those in a higher position than myself. He puts his pants on one leg at a time just like you. The meaning was obvious enough. Still, that was only used on those that did wield some sort of power over you. A power bestowed upon them by position or education. It was intended to bring that person down to your level. The psychological implication being that person was superior in some fashion. What we have taken to calling respect these days. It isn't the same thing though. It is like being in the military. You are taught to respect the uniform, the position. That is what you are saluting and acknowledging, not the person. You don't have to like them you have to show respect to their position. That is certainly something not being taught to our children today. Today we are concerned with empowering our children, to question and debate, to disrespect the position. I did grow up with a simple explanation; because I said so, that's why. And that explanation was good enough, sufficient to the time, my time. 
 As a result of that there has been a shift in society. Those in power are no longer viewed in that manner. Today they just put their pants on one leg at a time, like all the rest of us. Doctors, lawyers, law enforcement, educators, and priests, all just like you. Those most admired, most respected and revered today are entertainers! Think about that, those are the folks making the largest incomes, having the strongest supporters and advocates. How many award shows and accolades are given to those people every year. They even speak on the political issues and garner more support than the actual politicians. I'm old enough to remember all the protest songs in the sixties. Those songs did inspire change. Some good, some not so good. Jason Aldean sang a song about a "small town" and the values in that town. It created quite a stir for a very simple reason, mad some folks mad. They became angered as the message runs contrary to their way of thinking. It said what many are thinking! Same thing as those anti-war songs of the sixties. The values in that song where the values of the past, still surviving in some areas of the country, and values that need to be relearned in the rest. 
  It all starts with common sense. Give me a candidate with simple common sense any day of the week. That is who I will place my support behind. As my father was fond of pointing out, there are a lot of educated damn fools in this world. You should strive for the ideal with an awareness that the ideal will never exist. There are things you can't simply legislate away. You can create legislation to punish, but never to cure. That's the first lesson in common sense. There are those that will always break the law, go against the rules, feel entitled or somehow exempt. All you can do is punish them. Is the punishment the cure? No, it is not, it is the deterrent. Common sense is the cure. 

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