Monday, May 23, 2022

what's the thinking here?

 I was thinking about quotes and adages yesterday. Quotes are simply what someone else said, the validity of the statement is subjective. An adage on the other hand is a general truth. Quotes become adages through acceptance. Is truth subjective to time? That's where the conversation takes a turn. Is yesterday's truth still the truth today? Everyone will say, that depends. There are no absolutes. Yet science is centered around finding the absolutes in the universe. The goal being a grand unified theory to explain everything. In short, to know the truth. The absolute truth.
 I did receive a few comments on my blog posting about quotes, adages, and related topics. One friend said she had learned that she "should just keep her mouth shut" when she disagrees with what others are saying. I recognize sarcasm when I read it, and she was being sarcastic. I countered with; silence is consent. Later I was talking to my wife about all of that she says, you always disagree. She too was just being sarcastic, as I'm certain she admires my insight, quick wit and intellect. So I pointed out to her that just agreeing with others isn't having a conversation. For that reason I offer an alternative thereby sparking a conversation, a discourse , an exchange of ideas. Not my fault when others think I'm fighting with them. It's their own insecurity that makes them feel that way. 
 Marcus Aurelis, Roman Emperor and philosopher said, "The soul become dyed with the color of its' thoughts" I believe that to be an absolute truth. We do become whatever we think about, as long as we think about it long enough. I was thinking that may also apply to a nation. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are the thoughts of the nation. They are the "soul" of the nation. Few changes have been made to those documents. Our Declaration of Independence, the mission statement for the founding of a nation has never been changed! The Constitution, with the addition of the Bill of Rights was ratified two hundred and thirty one years ago. Since that time seventeen revisions have been made. Interesting to note is the first ten amendments were added to protect and delineate the rights of the people! The following 17 concern the rights of the government. It would seem that is where the thoughts of the nation have turned. 
 Are we becoming what are thoughts are? That is to say, the nation? There are those that would repeal the Constitution in its' entirety! What thoughts are we having as a nation? One glaring thought being, the right to life, the right to be born at all. Is that dependent solely upon the wishes of the mother? Is that the thought? Life or death is the mother's decision! Quite the contrast from the thought that every man has a right to life and that life should not be taken without due process of law. Whereas it is true, nowhere in the Constitution does it say you have a right to life. But it's my thought the thinking was, no need to state the obvious. Just because it isn't written down, doesn't mean that right doesn't exist. Indeed, the tenth amendment addresses just that. "The power not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." Are rights and powers the same thing? What's your thoughts? The tenth amendment is clear enough. If it isn't written in the Constitution or Bill of Rights or prohibited to it by the states, the states OR THE PEOPLE, retain that power. The power is doing what is right! Our thoughts determine what is right and wrong. Our beliefs determine that! A nation that allows the indiscriminate termination of life based on a "choice"? What color would the soul of that nation be?  

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