Thursday, May 19, 2022

Being aware

 There is a saying that no news is good news. I wish that one day I'll get up, turn on the television and hear, no news today. Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing. It's not ever going to happen though as humanity feeds on trauma. It seems we actively seek that. Listening to the morning newscast it is one story after another. Very seldom do you hear about anything positive, except in those special segments with cute names. 
 The New York Times newspaper has a famous banner saying. " All the news that's fit to print." I'd say that isn't the case today. It should read, " All the news that makes profit." The radical stories and ideas they print today would be considered "blue" journalism by the founder of that paper. To say that paper supports the left is a vast understatement. I admit I was never a devoted reader of the Times, always a little hoity-toity for my tastes, too cosmopolitan for a country boy. But I did respect what they wrote and would use it as a source on occasion. The only occasion today would be if I was using an outhouse. 
 I'm told this is mental health awareness month. That's the news. People are nuts! Ah, yeah, I've known that for some time now. Now there is a bill in Congress to create a domestic terrorism task force. Its goal is to target white supremacists and prevent mass shootings. Sounds like a plan, doesn't it? One more way the government gets to monitor what you say, how you say it, when you say it and all the methods you use to say it. Couple that with the Office of Disinformation and you have the makings of a real socialist state! But, that's the news I'm hearing right now. And you are encouraged to report your neighbors, your friends, strangers, anyone at all, to the authorities, you can remain anonymous. You only have to tell your name if you want the reward.
 We are so busy "including" everyone and removing "barriers" that we are losing sight of the objective. The purpose of government is to protect the people from chaos and establish regulations for the peaceful co-existence of the people. In order to do that exclusions and barriers need to be established! You can't just simply allow anything and everything and say you have order! You have to establish the guidelines and work within those guidelines. This "inclusion" and "barrier" elimination is what is causing the chaos we are all living in! When we allow the minority to rule the majority what more can you expect. When the governments reaction to every crisis is either malaise or panic, that's a problem.
 I could just turn off the news, turn off the computer and bury my head in the sand but I'm not going to do that. I want to know what's going on around me. Not that I have any belief, or hope, that I can change a thing. I'm just a very tiny cog in the universe. I'm fine with that having accepted reality a long time ago. There are those that have, those that have not, and then there is everyone else. I'm everyone else. It does get tiring though. There is an old song about "we sure could use a little good news today" that sums it up fairly well. I'd settled for, no news today. I want to stay aware, just not hear any bad news today, for one day. It's a nice thought.   

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