Sunday, May 15, 2022

bloodlines and lifelines

 For no particular reason my thoughts wandered to my great grandmother Catherine. Now I never knew her, never heard anyone else even speak of her, but I discovered her in my family tree research. Sure, I knew I had to have a great grandmother, but it isn't something most of us give any thought to. I was excited to learn her name and about her family. I was even fortunate enough to discover a stranger that was also related to her and provided me with a picture of her. I dutifully entered all that information into my genealogy program. A few more blocks filled in. That information has been there for a few years now. And then, as I said for no particular reason, she came to mind. 
 Catherine was married in 1895 to my great grandfather (obviously) Christian Reichart. They had two children together.  Great Aunt Mildred (minnie) my sister's namesake, and Elwood my grandfather. Catherine passed away in 1914. The same year that WW1 began. Great Aunt Minnie was sixteen years old and her brother fourteen. I know that Great Aunt Minnie went to live with her grandfather, Peter Gaffga. Where her brother went is a bit of a mystery, as he doesn't appear in the census records until 1930. But I do know he became a very close friend of a man named Austin Bennett. My father's namesake. I have a picture of that man as well and he was called Uncle Ben. 
 Grandfather Reichart, son of Catherine married Clara Lester in 1921. They had two children together. Elwood Christian Reichart, named I assume for my great grandfather Christian and my dad, Austin Bennett Reichart. Yes, I wound up as Jr., although dad often told me that wasn't his idea. He never told me what his choice would have been though. But grandmother Clara would pass a few days after my father's birth. For reasons I can only surmise Clara 's mom, my great grandmother Lucy would raise those children. Grandfather Elwood would remarry in 1924. He would pass away in 1932, when my dad was just eight years old. He was seldom spoken of when I was growing up. 
 Great Aunt Minnie would never have children of her own. The reason for that is unknown to me as such things were not discussed. But she did marry well, as the saying goes, first to man named Goldberg, who, by all accounts was a wealthy businessman. How she came to know him I can't say, but I think she was his secretary. The marriage didn't last as great aunt Minnie left him for the captain of the yacht he owned. Uncle Mark is who I knew him to be. He was an artist, a carpenter and a ship's captain. 
 I don't know maybe all that came to mind because of recent events. My granddaughter is going to her boyfriend's prom and my grandson graduates from Stevenson University on Tuesday. Family blood lines and lifelines. Many of those lines have become disconnected and confused. The intricoes of life exerting their influence. By all accounts great grandmother's family were quite well to do folks. They owned a shipyard and several businesses. After Catherines passing however Great Grandfather Christian seems to have little to do with her family. I know little of him beyond he passed away from stomach cancer at the Alms house in Yapank, New York. 
 My sister passed away of the same thing just about four years ago, it'll be four this December. Grandfather Elwood passed away from a ruptured appendix on a trip to Florida. I knew Great Grandfather Lester well but he never talked about such things. Of course I was just a young kid then and in those days such things were rarely discussed. I was just three when Great Grandmother Lucy passed so I don't remember her. Now all my grandparents are long since gone, my parents gone too. I don't want them to be lost or forgotten. Maybe Catherine is speaking to me, saying, write it down. Could be. 
 I related this story before but will include it here as well. After getting a picture of Great Grandmother Catherine I went to the store to find a frame. As I was sorting through them I spotted this frame that says you can record a message that will play whenever someone touches the button. It had a sticker on it saying, try me. I, of course, had to try it. I pushed the button and a rather ethereal voice says, very plainly, hello Ben. Now knowing I was looking for a frame for Catherine it freaked me out! How in the world? I put it back on the shelf and told my wife and her sister about it. We continued shopping for a bit. Joan, that's my wife's sister insisted I should buy that frame, she says it was an omen. I did and it still hangs on my wall, with Catherine in there, and still says, Hello Ben whenever I push that button. It has been at least six years and the battery still works! Eternal? I don't know but Catherine speaks to me. A blood line or a lifeline?     

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