Tuesday, May 17, 2022


 Today I am going to the commencement ceremony for my grandson. He will graduate from Stevenson University with a degree in law studies. He plans on going to law school and has been accepted at the University of Maryland. He completed his degree program at Stevenson in just three years having taken some courses while still in high school. On the Deans list every year, we couldn't be prouder of his accomplishments. At the present time his interest is in corporate law. I have no doubt that he will be successful no matter which direction he eventually goes. 
 It's an exciting time for all of us. I can't help but remember taking him to pre-school and watching him as he learned to count, learned his letters and began to read. Always inquisitive and always absorbing whatever information came his way. Of an independent spirit he was never easily influenced by the crowd. He has an "old" soul as I like to say. His thoughts and insights are beyond his years. Self confident and assured he takes on every challenge before him. He became an accredited referee for soccer, a job he continues to perform whenever the opportunity presents itself. He is "licensed" and receives payment. That qualifies as a professional in my book. He is suited to the task as he isn't easily intimidated by anyone, even when he was younger he would simply stand his ground in the face of "parental" outrage. 
 Yes, he is strong in that regard. When he is reffing, he is right! That's his mindset and you aren't about to change it without evidence. I'm certain that tenacity will serve him well in the field of law. He knows the rules and I'm certain he will know the law. When he feels he is right that's it. I have no idea where that came from, that stubborn streak, but others hint at the source.
 So today we will go celebrate another milestone passed. So much to look forward too. I'm enjoying the journey right along with him. Our reward is watching the following generations grow and prosper. Not all of us get that reward and I'm grateful that I am among those blessed in that fashion. At the end of the day, after the dust has settled, I can sit back and relax. All is well. Tomorrow is never promised, tomorrow is hope. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12) I am blessed to watch the branches grow. 

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