Thursday, February 4, 2021

Trust us

 Now that we have a Democrat back in the white house can involvement in some kind of war or conflict be avoided? Statistically speaking, it's unlikely. Getting us involved in foreign affairs that we really have no business being involved with is kinda their thing. Prior to the civil war there was no Republican party. That came about in support of the abolition of slavery, The Democrats were pretty upset about that proposal, seceding from the union in fact. Yes, they started a war over it that cost the lives of over 650,000 Americans. Then came WW1, Woodrow Wilson got us into that one, over there. WW2, was Roosevelt, followed by Truman. It was Truman and his "doctrine" that ensured we would get involved in every conflict in the world. Yes, Truman takes the credit for that foreign policy. He started NATO. The league of Nations, which the United States had never joined, had been a dismal failure. And now we have Joe. Not that he has any real control over anything, he's a puppet to Pelosi and Schiff, soon to be replaced by Harris. Yes we are witnessing real third world shenanigan's right here in America. And it is being orchestrated by the Democrats. The party that would divide the entire nation into small factions while decrying unity. The reason is a simple one. Control. It is far easier to control a bunch of smaller groups than face a united front. That's war, 101. And, some would say, a war without honor. That's what the British thought when we staged a revolution against their oppression. Of course today that was labeled as sedition and everyone should be immediately punished for that, whether they were involved or not! If you belong to the "group" that is accused of that that is. Namely, a Republican. All Republicans are guilty of sedition! That's the justification for the fraud that was perpetrated upon America.
 War is the economic policy of the Democratic party. There's no denying that being involved in a war creates jobs. It's also a good excuse when the people of the country are suffering from shortages. Well, it's for the war effort, for our "boys" and now the ladies too. Heck, the Democrats don't care if the servicemember even knows what gender they are, that's not important. As long as they have bodies to send into battle to defend their income, their investments, it really makes no difference. And that's the key to the Democrats, foreign money, foreign investments. Can you say Hunter? The United States never joined the League of Nations and that whole deal collapsed. The reason, the United States wasn't funding it! Nato has enjoyed our funding to the tune of billions of dollars. Trump reduced that amount, forcing the other members to pay their fair share, and was met with derision from the Democrats. Now those foreign nations didn't have as much American money to give back to American politicians! That wasn't good. 
 The other economic strategy of the Democratic party is cheap labor. Hey, that was the problem back in 1861 wasn't it? What's all this talk of releasing our cheap labor force? The Republicans intended to stop the practice of paying a one time price for your labor force! Next thing you know those people aren't going to work on the weekends, if you give them a choice! Can't have any of that. Even after the war the Democrats refused land and opportunity to those freedmen. The Democrats came up with a new plan to keep their cheap labor force in place. Sharecroppers! What a fine idea. After the agricultural model began to fail with the introduction of machines to do the more labor intensive jobs, tenements became to crop up around the manufacturing plants. We know them as "affordable" housing, that's the name the Democrats give them anyway. Really it just means cheap shacks for the help to live in, nothing too plush though, just the basics. 
 The final strategy, the one most insidious, is the constant reinforcement of a theme. Those low income populations, no matter their race, can not succeed without help. That is the message being promoted and has been since the slaves were freed in America. The Democrats proclaiming, we are here to help! It wasn't Reagan that said it, it was around a long time before he was, but the old adage is true nonetheless. The scariest words in the English language are, " I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." Ronald Reagan did say, "government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem." This plan has gone by many names but the intent is always the same, subjugation and dependence. It's been called "affirmative action" and what does that mean? Just who benefits from that? First mentioned in 1935, by Senator Wagner, (D) it was supposed to provide security to low income workers. They were talking about a union. You know, were you work, pay a portion of your money to those that don't work, (union bosses) and they in turn control when you work, who you work for, and when you don't work at all. Then they called it the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Democrats balked at that proposal at first, mostly they didn't want blacks to have equal access to places of public accommodations. The whole separate but equal philosophy. And the message was the same. You are not equal to us! But, we are willing to help you out. Just stay in your place and everything will be fine. And that is the policy of the Democrats. 
 Concentrate on foreign policies and affairs. To do anything else is just being selfish. Maintain a cheap labor force, Useful for creating wealth and sending off to fight in foreign wars which is always good for business. And the final piece is convincing that cheap labor force that they need you. It's really great when you get them to fully support you. Just keep making promises while throwing a few crumbs their way. Convince them! Hey if one labor force is starting to wake up and see the game you have n=been playing it's time to change it up. So today the Democrats would throw open the doors to anyone willing to come on in! Don't worry, we are from the government and we are here to help. Heck those folks are used to living in poverty and terrible conditions. Even if we house them in tents, it's better than what hey had. Work hard and long and we'll give you the opportunity to own your very own "barrio." Hey, we gave your black brothers ghettos didn't we? And look, after only 155 years they are movin' on up. Now that's democracy in action. Trust us.            

1 comment:

  1. At this point, I'd say it would be fantastic NOT to have a Republican party. And no matter which party is in office, there has been, and will mostly always be, some sort of war going on. Look at what we are dealing with NOW, in our OWN country, after the Reps. were in office.
