Friday, February 5, 2021


  It is becoming increasingly obvious to me that we should be very careful about the use of social media. The examples are becoming glaringly obvious. The latest one for me is the announcement that the military will now start reviewing the social media of its' members. The purported reason is to weed out extremists and radicals. Yes, that sounds good on the surface of things doesn't it, wouldn't want any radicals or extremists in uniform. The issue, as with all of this stuff, lies in defining what is what. Sounds to be more like a political purging than anything else. It's a tactic that has been used in the past, by other governments. If you don't agree, you're out! Sexual orientation and indeed now gender identification are not qualifiers however. You can think you are the opposite sex and that is supported. The mental health of the person is not called into question in that instance, but, voice support for whatever the powers that be disagree with and you will be censored, possibly removed. Call me whatever name you like but if you can't accept what gender you are, you have a mental issue. I really don't care how you "feel" biology provides the truth. In short, you are what you are not what you wish or want to be when it comes to that. 
 But coming back to the whole social media thing that is just one example. We have all seen what can happen to celebrities, politicians, and the common man when a social media post is discovered. What was that guy, Wallen I think his name is, some country music singer. He was recorded saying the dreaded "n" word. His contract has been suspended and his career very well may be over. Thing is, he was recorded without his knowledge or consent. He was just coming home after a drunken night out. Does that excuse his behavior? No, it certainly doesn't but my point is you can see how damaging social media can be. It's something I have written about in the past and continue to mention, an expectation of privacy on social media. Personally I have none. That is to say I'm fully aware that anything I post to social media is in the public domain. For that very reason I do not post anything I wouldn't want everyone to know about my beliefs, likes, dislikes, or orientation! I'll say it again, if you post it you better own it. 
 Social media is being weaponized. That is the bottom line here. Far too many people are using social media as a sort of diary. Yes, it is tempting to just post all your thoughts on the various platforms, seemed like Trump couldn't get enough with his tweeting. He would have been better served to remain silent. But the point I'm trying to make is a simple one, do not expose yourself on social media. Look, at my age and in my position I'm not too concerned. My career days are over. I'm not concerned about my popularity or my job. Not being a threat to anyone I am fairly safe from the social media police, for the moment anyway. I have not joined any "groups" that support any radical ideas or associate myself with extremist groups of any type. Of course, I have to be careful, because depending on who is in "power" those designations will change. Your social media posts and activities are being monitored. That is a fact. I'm aware that even mine is being monitored by some computer running an a logarithm for various key words or phrases. Doesn't matter if someone is trying to sell me a toothbrush or attempting to influence my vote, my posts are being scanned. If I were a celebrity of some kind I would have been ostracized long ago, banned altogether for my radical views. There are only two genders. That would get me removed all by itself. But, for now, it's alright if a 67 year old man that nobody knows says that, I'm just prejudiced, bigoted, and probably worse. 
 The bottom line is now we are trying people in the court of public opinion. That is the reality. Fact is, it always has been that way, it is just that we used to keep our opinions to ourselves a great deal more in the past. There were those beliefs that we didn't share freely with everyone. I didn't advertise my sexual preferences, I didn't talk politics with strangers, and I pretty much kept my interests private. But today, for many people you cam scroll down their profile page and learn a great deal. The biggest issue with that however, is believing what is written there. I just laugh at that as I seldom go to anyone's profile page. Apparently others do it on a regular basis. I couldn't tell you how many times I have been told, you worked at Save-A-Lot, as though that should be derisive or hurt my feelings. It is often implied I must uneducated because I went to the University of Life. Yes, I just smile when I hear that from the inclusive, liberal crowd. The ones that say, don't judge! LOl, no they're not being judgmental at all. And now, they have decided those of us that worked at Save-A-Lot are essential workers. Isn't that amazing? Like I say, the court of public opinion.
 I do wonder what it will say about you in the future if you didn't have any social media account? We all know employers routinely check your media. College admission panels do the same. Now the military is going to do that as well. Most people are between 18 and 20 years old when joining the military. Now, the military will start passing judgement on your character based on your high school social media posts? Based on snap-chat or tik-tok or whatever the heck the kids are using. Strange when I joined the stated goals was to help you build character, not judge your past behaviors. Go to jail or go in the military wasn't an uncommon question from a civil authority. The objective was to straighten you out! Really you were taught that the world didn't revolve around you, suck it up buttercup, life is going to get real. But now, we will only "recruit" those loyal to our cause. Sounds familiar from a history lesson I have taken. Go with the popular choice, support that, and turn in those that disagree. Turn in your parents if they don't comply, it's for the common good. It's for others. Heck, it's your civic duty! You must comply with the state. The state will tell you what to think, what to believe and when to do either one. That soldier standing next to you could be a male or female, the state will tell you which! Just makes me think. I remember when I was in the service and I requested a transfer. Well, that request would sure have to be a great deal more specific today! 
 I've heard the term ghosting used. It's a rather modern day thing where you disappear from social media platforms. It's similar to what, back in my day, we would do, only we called it not speaking to one another. I wonder though, in the future what if you are a ghost? What I mean is lack of a social profile. What if you just don't have any social media platforms at all. What will that indicate? A cause for concern? I just don't know. In my day the recruiter asked you if you had a record. He meant, trouble with the law. It was a good thing to not have one. Today that record means something different. A record of whatever you have posted to social media. Be very careful is my advice. Big brother is watching and listening. Remember, information is power. The government is actively involved in gathering information about you. When enough information is gained, control is possible. A little disinformation from that same government can help guide your thoughts as well. Then all that is left is compliance. The manipulation of knowledge is the manipulation of power. Best to not let out all your secrets. 

1 comment:

  1. If you feel that way, might be time to find a new outlet for all of your opinions and words. Just sayin'
