Saturday, February 20, 2021


  Did you know the word ruminate comes from an animal? A ruminant animal is one that chews a cud, like a cow. That's why we say we are ruminating. Learn something new every day, although I expect many farm children would have known that. I find myself ruminating a great deal these days. If you listen to the news, read social media postings and just listen in general, you can't help it. A lot of what people are saying these days leaves me scratching my head and yes, ruminating. Ruminating does help in keeping your mouth shut. Doesn't stop my fingers for moving across this keyboard much and I do get myself in trouble in that way. Well, no matter. All of this is a form of release. It's like a safety valve. I always feel better afterwards.
 Yesterday I was thinking about this. The Maryland state legislature is debating giving stimulus checks to illegal aliens. I'm wondering what the debate is about. Seems clear to me, taxpayers monies shouldn't be given to non-taxpayers. The issue is centered around those people not having a social security number. No social security number, no check for you. Yeah that sounds right , so what is the problem? Well these undocumented folks could still have a "taxpayer identification number" and that should qualify them. Well because undocumented people can qualify for the earned income tax credit even though they don't pay tax because they are undocumented! Now that takes some ruminating to try to get a handle on that. 
 To add to that you have to think about this as well. Now I'm retired. I get a pension from the Navy, a small pension from the State and Social Security. I have paid taxes on every bit of that beginning in about 1968 or so. I raised my children that are now all adults with children of their own. My grandchildren are now paying taxes on their incomes. The thing is my income exceeds the amount a couple, married filing jointly, can "earn" to qualify for the earned income credit. As a result we will not receive any of our tax money back, that money may be given to an undocumented person! Yes, my tax contribution may end of being given to someone that entered my country illegally, a sort of reward! 
 So I'm thinking about all of that. I'm thinking there are those that wish to get the credit for good deeds at the expense of someone else. That seems to be the whole Democratic agenda. It is a socialist agenda, the plan being to always spend someone else's money. In this case, my tax money. Let's not forget that the government has no money of its' own, it is all our money. The government has no right to donate my money to charity! In my ruminations I have decided that receiving anything for free, anything you didn't earn or are otherwise entitled to, is charity. The government is not a charitable organization! A great number of these proposals from the left are just that, charities. That's the reason for all the searching of the past for some sort of justification. That's the reason for the party of "what if?" 
 That's what I hear from the left all the time. What if this hadn't happened, what if this had happened. What if we just rewrite the past? What if, what if. The bottom line, the one the left isn't thinking about is this: what if everyone is equally as poor? That's what the end result of a socialist agenda always is. The government workers have the money and the rest of the country just gets whatever charity the government sees fit to extend. The government will decide what you get! Universal health care? Yup, everyone gets the same, the same being whatever is considered "good enough" by the government. If that procedure or medication is too expensive you are denied. Claim denied! Hey, but everyone gets the same so that's great. Makes no difference if you work and contribute or not, makes no difference at all, everyone gets the same. Well there are exceptions, those in government that can afford whatever they like because they have your money to spend! Don't believe that? Take a good look at Cuba. Take a good look at Venezuela. 
 Yes I'm thinking that is the problem with the left. They aren't ruminating. It's obvious they aren't thinking anything through to a logical conclusion. They are like idealistic children. Life is all rainbows and unicorns. Everyone gets to do whatever they like, whenever they  like, and it's all free. I get to tell you to give your money to whatever charity I want you too. I'll even shame you if you don't! It's like the whole abortion thing. Yes it sure takes care of the immediate problem doesn't it? What is the end result? A baby is killed but they don't see that part at all, no, it's just la,la,la, the problem is no more. Same thing is going to happen to America unless they wake up and smell the coffee! And I not talking about Starbucks! President Biden has already announced to the world that the days of America first are over! Now there's a statement to ruminate over. Just what does that mean? You are now second class citizens to the world, at best! Hey, you're not first, that's what the President said. I'm wondering just who is the President putting first? Now there's something to think about.  

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