Friday, February 12, 2021

the next distraction

  Now that the Democrats have staged their little show in the Senate I can't help but wonder what will the next distraction be? The outcome of this trial isn't in doubt, an acquittal is forthcoming. The only hope of the Democrats is that they have tainted the Trump brand enough to make Republicans shy away. On the surface the narrative is one of loyalty. The Democrats trying their level best to convince anyone loyal to Trump that that alone will end their political careers. Make no mistake about that, that is the real purpose of this trial. They are all too familiar with all of that. A hundred years ago many of those Democrats were card carrying members of the KKK. Yes, they were and made no bones about that. It's not an opinion, it's a verifiable fact. The official congressional voting record is that proof. Today however that same party disavows all of that, they claim the parties switched! Yes, it's a good story, I'd try to do the same if I had that history, but fact is fact. Along with any mention of Trump today, being a member of the NRA is a political hot potato. And being pro-life is just as bad. Why those two beliefs alone prove you are a racist! 
 Iran is enriching uranium and China is flexing its' muscle. The rest of the world is excited, this is another opportunity for them. Trump wasn't playing nice and going along with the agenda. Why he had obtained energy independence for America! Now, that isn't a good thing for all those nations relying on America to buy their oil. A bargaining chip removed from play! Not only that, American money wasn't financing NATO anymore. What's up with that? Other nations expected to pay their fair share? And not only that, America was calling their soldiers home, no longer would America pay to protect your border, maintain peace with your neighbor. All of that was bad enough but a new policy was being implemented, one that would surely ruin all their plans. America first! Why that is just outrageous and nationalistic! Enforcing immigration policies and requiring the proper procedures be followed? That's just wrong. Just where are all the people that central American countries don't want supposed to go? They are starting to make demands on their governments! That's an issue because you really can't just kill them all, the rest of the world gets upset by that, but they can drive them out of the country. If the United States quits taking them in that could be a real problem! Well the Americans are just a bunch of goody two shoes and will take them in, especially old Joe. 
 But the Democrats have a problem right now. The trial will be over soon and the people no longer distracted by that. What if these people start taking a good hard look at what is really happening? That is going to be a big problem, real soon, politically speaking. Mid term elections. When the gas prices are up around four dollars a gallon, their taxes are up another 15 to 20%, and they are not getting all the free stuff they expect, it's going to be a problem. The government isn't going to give money away every six months! When the "stimulus" no longer stimulates voters that is going to be an issue. Do the Democrats have anyone new to offer? A new savior? Judging by their choice of sleepy Joe and Kamala I'd say, no. Of course, by then Kamala will be President, old Joe put to pasture in the hopes of a sympathetic  nation. Poor Joe, he struggled mightily but the strain was too much, boo, hoo. The narrative will be, vote to support Kamala, the first female president, and one of color too! That is going to have to be the center of focus. That will have to be the distraction. Until then keep discovering new, more virulent strains of coronavirus, double up the masks, restrict travel and drive the fear factor up. But most of all keep instilling a hatred for Trump. Make it so anyone that even mentions Trumps name will be ostracized and attacked by the media, by his neighbors, by everyone! 
 But the real problem for these Democrats is staring them right in the face and they don't even see it. They are making Trump into a martyr! Yes, they are. Doesn't matter to some, and I'd suggest it is a big some, what Trump did or didn't do. It appears that he is being treated unfairly. Yes, yes you can say no he isn't all day long, doesn't matter. There are those that believe, and all the Democrats are doing is reinforcing that belief. The Democrats are scared that Trump could run again for one reason only, he could win! They didn't believe it the first time. Impossible to defeat Hillary, couldn't happen. No way was that possible. But it did! So for four years they denied the election, it was the Russians, it was this or that but what it wasn't was a win for Trump, not my president was the mantra, except he was. The thing is they know he won't run again, why would he? He has proven his point, satisfied his ego. He has changed American politics forever. Yes and that is what scares those Democrats the most. No more business as usual. 
 Here's the real fear. What to tell the people when the whole scheme collapses. And the Dems know it will. It can't be any other way. There is only one way to finance the pipe dreams the Democrats propose. They need other peoples' money. That's the socialist way, spend others peoples' money until it runs out. The American people have been financing the world for a long time but are growling weary of that. Trump started to cut that funding, concentrating instead in spending on Americans! The best economy in a generation, the lowest unemployment rate, genuine equal rights and opportunity were being realized. If he were to keep that up Americans might start taking pride in being American! What if the people were to start to understand that putting America, your country and your family first is actually a good thing? That well, charity begins at home. Well, then they would most likely not support the socialist agenda that is the Democratic party. The problem for the Democrats right now? What are they going to say when they can no longer distract the people? They have shown their videos', told their harrowing tales of near death. But what's next? What is the next distraction? With the Democrats in power a war is the likely answer. But it won't be anything too serious, just enough to distract. Iran or China?  

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