Wednesday, February 10, 2021


  All the while we are being told being a nationalist is a terrible thing, a crime against humanity, our children are increasingly being raised by the state. The agenda of indoctrination has crept in slowly, almost without notice. But I've been paying attention, I'm not fooled that easily. I'm thinking it began about 1980, when then President Carter established the department of education. Interesting to note is that the earliest version of this was created by Andrew Johnson, in 1867. That was the same administration that denied the right to vote to freed black men. In that legislation the goal was to collect information about the schools in America. The concern being the "wrong" students receiving an education, have to be careful about that. In 1980 the largest union in the United States was? The surprising answer is the National Education Association. Carter wanted the full support of this union and the Department of Education was created to ensure their support. That's the short answer to why we even have a Department of Education, it was a political favor. 
 The reason given to the public for this was the government bureaucracy in place wasn't helping the local educational systems. Bureaucracy was clogging up the system! The solution to that would be, more bureaucracy. Yes, that's was the proposal and that is what came to pass. The Democrats began assuming control of the educational system. Interesting to note that in 2018 Representative Massie, (R-KY) introduced HR899 which would have eliminated the Department of Education altogether. Obviously that didn't happen. The Union once again being the driving force for its' retention. The Department of Education is now almost in full control of the educational system. Witness what is happening at this very moment if you have doubts about that. And what voice is screaming the loudest? The teachers union! 
 Common core. We have all heard about this common core, especially in the math departments. But common core is attacking every facet of our children's education. The rewriting of history and the teaching of histories lessons has moved to the forefront lately. Common core is government regulated education! Many educators that approved of this common core were unaware that basically they turned over the system to a bunch of bureaucrats! The proof became evident with the appointment of Betsy DeVoss. What was the big complaint? She isn't a teacher! She doesn't belong to the teachers union! Yeah well, she's a bureaucrat that's why. You don't need a teacher to run a bureaucracy! Her goal was to streamline the entire process, to make this white elephant known as the Department of Education, efficient and hopefully beneficial. But that was sure met with resistance from those that didn't want to lose control. 
 Yes it is the state that is raising our children in the public education system. The children are fed breakfast, lunch and in some cases dinner. They are being taught what the state wishes them to learn. It's not an education, it's an indoctrination into the way of the state. And what's worse it is an increasingly socialist agenda. Equality? Is it equality when everyone receives the same? Excellence is not rewarded, indeed not recognized, only compliance. Those that follow the program will advance regardless. You must repeat the answer exactly as taught, no deviation from that common core allowed. Adherence to the program is of utmost importance. You will repeat the lessons, exactly! Voicing any opposition will be met with aggression. You will be blocked, deleted, ostracized, and ridiculed. If the state says there are three genders you will agree, indeed you will support that wholeheartedly. In fact, whatever the government says is truth is to be be believed unquestioningly. Even when that "truth" is nothing more than an opinion. Yes, that is what was said or written, but that isn't what it means. How many times do we hear that explanation today? Is that why the reading comprehension skills being taught in the common core curriculum focuses on technical writing? Yes, the classics in literature are being eliminated from the system. The focus is now on reading technical publications and understanding the instructions given, by the government. No thought required, just compliance with the instructions. 
 You know a parallel could be established between the teachers union and the national socialist German workers party. The objective is the same, control of the people. We ask how did the Nazi's manage to gain such control? They did so through fear, intimidation and control of information. Yes, that is what happened. In the United States, in 1980, a vast majority of our political figures were educators. In an attempt to gain their support, their votes, Carter established the Department of Education. The beginning of the control of information had begun. Common core! And today the struggle continues with the distribution of information on the internet. Facebook, twitter and others are now "filtering" that information. It's not censorship, no, the name has been changed. Fact checkers presenting their opinions as facts! What it is, is control of information. 
 Now I'm not saying our school teachers are Nazi's. I am saying the control of information is the common objective. In the beginning the teachers taught as they wished. Yes the three r's were stressed and justly so. Those three skills are the basis for education, the rest of it is written down, all one has to do is read it. But then the government decided to get involved. Why? It had to do with money, as always. The government started adding money to the pot, they now have a skin in the game. The government began measuring success. In order to do that they needed a standard. The government will now tell you the answers! You will repeat those answers exactly, without deviation, and without question. That is success. The control of information is the most important thing in any government. When you have a population that responds to the governments' every demand, you have control. That's how it happened in Germany and that's how it can happen right here. In Germany the government convinced children to "turn in" their own parents! Why did they do that? Compliance that's why. The children were convinced that was the right thing to do based on government indoctrination to the program. 
 Consider this. The German people were told what a raw deal they had gotten following WW1. Their land had been taken away from them, their ancestral lands! The Jewish people were to blame for the economy. Things were bad but Hitler came along and captured the attention of the people. Even among all his evil he was a great orator. The people just loved his promises, he was saying all the right things. Then when he was behind a few "rallies" involving violence and indeed what has become the night of the long knives, it was dismissed by the people. The blame was shifted to those that Hitler had already convinced the population were the evil ones! And who would that be in America today? Mostly white people, the wealthy, and the religious. All the other groups have been treated unfairly and are justified in their responses. That's why they can loot, riot, and cause mayhem without consequence! In Germany, that was the reasoning behind the German people being able to discriminate against all others. By the time the general population figured it out, it was too late. Fear and intimidation had replaced all reason, the government was in firm control. The "enemy" within the country had to be destroyed! Who is the enemy in America today? Just something to consider before you go, all in. Is America the enemy? That's what is being promoted right now. America has to go. America should be replaced with what? If you remove the Constitution and the Bill of Rights from government you no longer have America! Is that what you really want for your children? If we continue to allow the state to raise our children that is exactly what you will get. I can proudly say, my father fought in WW2, for America. I certainly don't want to be the generation that allowed America to be destroyed! Yeah, I probably won't be here when it happens, and maybe even my children will not be witness to that, but when history is read I don't want those children to ask, how did they allow that? Why? And they will have that same consternation as we do today when trying to understand Nazi Germany. Bottom line is, it's what they were taught. The department of education? No, it's the control of information. 

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